Quantum Copy Cafe

Your Cycle as the Ultimate Tool for Feminine Embodiment with Dr Liza Klassen

November 21, 2023 Lira Shavira Jade Season 1 Episode 10

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In this intimate conversation Liza and Lira dive into the sacred topic of the feminine cycle + ways in which women can track their cycle to optimize their energy throughout the month. During this episode we also look at the best times in your cycle to plan your launches and marketing campaigns, and why balancing your hormones is an important step when it comes to activating your expression and voice.

Liza is a fertility-focused naturopathic doctor in Vancouver BC and founder of Cycle with your Cycle - a 4-week transformational journey for your reproductive health.

It is her mission to help women reconnect with their bodies, their inner knowing and their cycles. She believes that when women deeply know and trust themselves, they make empowered decisions. And when these women become mothers, they change the health of generations to come.

Whether you desire conception now, soon or someday - she is committed to helping you achieve the fertility and hormonal health that you desire. 

Connect with her:
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dr.lizaklassen/
Work Like a Women (Free Guide: Syncing your Business with your Cycle) - https://lizaklassen.ck.page/c94e318660
Cycle with your Cycle - http://cwyc.lizaklassen.com

Quantum Copy Cafe

Hello and welcome to Quantum Copy Cafe with Lira Shavira Jade. I am a conversion copywriter and messaging strategist for holistic entrepreneurs and my signature framework focuses on merging soul, service, stories and strategy to help your brand unveil its authentic story and step into its highest potential.

I believe that business is a vessel through which we explore, play, create, heal and add our unique spark of magic to the world. Specialising in website copy, launch funnels and brand strategy, I have helped over 152 clients from around the world manifest their dreams and build a business that is in alignment with their unique energetic signature and flow.

You are invited to join me for soulful, practical and in-depth conversations where we dive into the quantum world of business growth, brand strategy, aligned messaging, and embodied feminine leadership. If you are a visionary who is ready to bring her wildest dreams to life, then you are home. This is where you belong.

Links: Instagram @merakimessaging | Facebook @merakimessaging | Website: www.merakimessagin.com 

Authentically Yours,
Lira xo 


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Welcome to Quantum Copy Cafe. I'm Lara, your storyteller and guide. I'm here to give you the practical marketing and copyrighting tools you need to build a radiant business that serves the world with grace and love. It's time to unveil the organic opulence that lies at the heart of your authentic story. This is a space of transformation and iridescence, where you are called to remember your true self, true worth, and true possibilities. This is it a business podcast with the endless stick on. You can't Okay. So today on the podcast, I have someone who I am absolutely obsessed with. Her name is Liza. She is a naturopathic doctor and is an absolute expert when it comes to the feminine wisdom of the body. And that includes the cycles, getting in tune with your cycle and really using your body as your anchor points and your stepping stone to really. Into the wisdom that lies inside of you. So welcome, Liza. It's so good to have you here. Uh, thank you, Carrie. That was a beautiful introduction too. I am so, so thankful to be here having this conversation with you. Well, tell us a little bit more about yourself and what you do and what you specialize in. Yeah, so like you said, I am a naturopathic doctor. I am in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and I work one-on-one with patients predominantly in fertility. I work in the reproductive health space one-on-one with my patients, and I also have programs and ways to connect in communities where I reach people all over the world. That is really centered around that, getting in tune with your cycle, understanding deeply, understanding how it works, why you experience the things you do, and then giving you those tools and resources to really optimize and work with your body versus against it. Um, I have. Always loved hormones and endocrinology and always just been drawn to, um, the cyclical nature of, of women and our bodies and always had this curiosity to learn more. And so this has also been my personal journey. And I love walking with other women on, on their reproductive health journeys as well. Really beautiful, and I mean so many women that are, you know, struggling with infertility and with hormones that are all over the show, they are the ones that are wanting to get in touch with their cycle and really learn how to master that and to create balance in their lives. But there's so much more to stepping into and understanding your cycle like. Then that's right. So you spoke earlier about something that I'd love to talk about. And that is, you know, how your energy changes according to the different phases of the month. And also within a 24 hour period. You also touched on that. Would you dive into that a little bit more for us? Yeah. So this is something, this is a framework I love to set is I, our society, especially if we work in a corporate setting or have been brought up in some sort of, you know, rigid education system, everything is based around the 24 hour clock and the 24 hour day or the 24 hour clock is very tightly tied to the male hormone cycle or the male testosterone cycle, which peaks first thing in the morning, um, And then steadily decreases over the course of the day until we hit about 8 p. m. where it bottoms out. We go to sleep. We wake up, we repeat. And so if we think about the way that our kind of typical day is structured, right? You think about that, like, ideal morning routine. Everybody says. Wake up early, get a workout in, do all your hard tasks first, right? If you think about the corporate world, most of our meetings are first thing in the morning and then around lunchtime, things start to shift. Maybe things become a little bit more collaborative, right? We move into that kind of like happy hour, socialization, dinner time. We come home, we eat dinner, we watch TV, we chill, we go to sleep and we repeat. And we do that over and over and over again. And that is based on this 24 hour testosterone cycle. And while women have testosterone, we actually have large amounts of testosterone, it doesn't follow that 24 hour clock. It follows our 28 day cycle, along with our other reproductive hormones, which are estrogen and progesterone. And so the point of this is that us as cyclical beings over a 28 day ish cycle have minimized ourselves to try to fit and conform into this 24 hour a day. That was never designed for us. We aren't meant to wake up and repeat day after day after day. And so many of us do, even as entrepreneurs, even as people who built our own business, we continue to follow this 24 hour framework that really doesn't serve us or our hormonal health. So with that being said, like at what stage of the journey would you feel like you are most empowered and most energized to, to plan out the month? So say for instance, if you are planning a launch at what stage of the launch or of your cycle, would you be in full launch period versus, you know, the strategizing versus the planning versus the creating? Will you be able to take us through? That process as an example. Yeah, absolutely. So in contrast to that 24 hour day, right? We'll use kind of that 28 day, that 28 day journey. Um, and so that is that that's your cycle, right? So the total number of days between your, your 1st day of bleeding and the start of your next period. And on average, it's 28 days. If it's not, it can still be normal, right? We fluctuate from somewhere between. 25 to 35 days, anywhere in there, but I'll use 28 for simplicity and we have four phases during those 28 days, right? So we have our menstrual phase, which is our time of active bleeding. We have our follicular phase, which is our time between our menstrual period and ovulation. Then we have this small ovulatory window, which is one of the best parts of the cycle, and that's around that day of ovulation and a few days on either side. And then we have our luteal phase, which is between ovulation and the start of our next period. And so. Those four phases really dictates exactly what you were saying. So if we think about, say, like a project, right? And we think about the parts of a project, the, the dreaming, the ideation, the planning, the pitching, and then the doing that fits really nicely with those four phases. So when we think about our menstrual phase, this is our, this is our slow, reflective, intuitive phase. And this is the phase where really that Dreaming and that, yeah, that ideation, that kind of forward thinking really kind of comes into play. You're not doing anything in this phase, right? But you're taking the time to reflect and think and dream and set goals. And then we move into the follicular phase, and this is really the planning phase. So this is where we have lots of, our estrogen is really high, so we have kind of lots of that, um, There's lots of neural connections going on that makes us social and makes us kind of see connections between things. And this is really when we feel good, we have energy, and this is really kind of the planning phase. Planning out step by step what's going to go on how we're going to launch this project, but it's not the doing so this is the thing that we often get caught on during this part of our cycle where we move into too much action and we can burn out. So this is the planning, not the action. When we move into our ovulatory phase, this is this is usually the part of our cycle where women feel the most confident, beautiful, sexy, outgoing version of themself. And this is really the pitching phase. So this is where you take that idea, that dream, the plan that you have, and you put it out into the world. Maybe this is where you launch, um, a project or out into social media. It's where you use your voice. This is when we feel our most confident and authentic selves. So this is the best time to be doing things. Typically you find scary or uncomfortable, like launching, like pitching. This is when you step into that and you share. And then after ovulation and that luteal phase, this is our doing phase. So this is when we get down into that nitty gritty. It's where we do the behind the scenes work. We do the funnels, we do the finances, we do the, you know, all of that detail oriented stuff that needs to get done, um, that you weren't doing in the follicular phase, you save that for the luteal phase. And that's really the workhorse of the cycle. And then as we get to the end of that, right, we get close to menstruation again and get into that kind of pre menstrual period. We start to slow down and now we reenter that kind of slower, more reflective period again in preparation for the next cycle to come. Okay. Oh, beautiful. And what a way to plan out your launches and plan out your marketing and just have that beautiful sacred time for dreaming and creation. You know, so many times we, we feel scared to be in the winter phase, you know, and it's really about just accepting every single phase and tell me, I speak to a lot of women where they sometimes have their hormones kick out or their cycle is irregular. So it's really difficult to track these. You know, different stages of the month and to be able to plan way in advance, are there some commonalities that cause these things like the hormonal imbalances, or, you know, just cycle district dysfunction or anything that you're seeing within your space. Yeah, so one of the really big things, especially when it comes to ovulation and either not ovulating in a cycle or having really delayed ovulation in a cycle, and that's the most common reason for long or regular periods, um, is kind of a disruption in the ovulatory phase. And 1 of the most common things I see there is. stress impacting ovulation. So we know that cortisol actually directly inhibits some of the hormones that are secreted from the brain that communicate with the ovaries. And we see that impacting either ovulation at all or just pushing it out in the cycle, which would make our cycle longer in total. Um, if we don't ovulate at all, right, chances are at the cycle shortens. And so that's typically what we see with that kind of cyclical irregularity and And remember that stress isn't just mental, emotional, right? Stress is also physical. So that can be things like being ill can be things like traveling or moving time zones. Um, it can be things like over exercising or under fueling, right? And then on top of that, the mental, emotional stress and burden that we carry, I think, especially as women, if we're running a business and a partner and a mother and a. friend and, you know, we carry all these hats. And so, um, that is certainly something that I see over and over again, especially in our kind of type a really driven, uh, go getter women, which, you know, I, I can also resonate with. And so I think that's something we really commonly see in that, that stress management and that self care and that prioritizing. kind of that nervous system regulation, uh, is such an important part all cycle long. Um, but particularly like we were saying that winter phase, right? When you get into that menstrual part of your cycle or that late luteal phase where you feel symptomatic, right? Breast tenderness, fatigue, bloating, whatever you experience, honor those symptoms. Slow down. Your body is asking for you to rest, right? Instead of continuing to push. Push past those symptoms. And when we plan our month and our launch and our marketing in a way that allows for that rest proactively, right? We don't get to that part and feel like we have to keep going. Like, we have to keep pushing. We actually create that space where we can honour our body's need to rest. And I think that's a really important thing to to think about. Yeah, yeah. And tell me, how does the thyroid gland fits into all of this? Because, you know, with copywriting and marketing and holding space for business owners to really step into an authentic brand story and to express themselves at a deep consciousness level, I mean. It requires such a vulnerability and that confidence and personal power that allows you to speak your truth. But when your thyroid gland throws out, obviously, we know everything is holistic, it blocks up the throat chakra. So we're not able to actually express our truth, you know, and show up in business in the way that we feel called to. So. How does this link into the body and the menstrual cycle and the hormones and just, yeah, paint us this beautiful picture if you, if you can. Oh, interesting question. Yeah. So, um, the thyroid secretes a hormone called TSH and that's thyroid stimulating hormone. And that is, um, The most common kind of thyroid dysfunction we see is hypothyroidism or where the where the thyroid is under functioning and thyroid hormone is so important for things like metabolism, right? So that's it's really involved in, um, yeah, the metabolism of our body. So the way that we the way that we. It's the way that we utilize fuel, our weight maintenance, right? It's involved in cognitive function. So we see things like brain fog, forgetfulness, kind of that slowness to our mental functioning. We see a general heaviness in the body, slowing down of everything, constipation, right? It's just this general slowing when the thyroid is working really, really hard. Um, and that's, and that underactive thyroid. Um, also results in a slowing down of the cycle. So we see longer menstrual periods. Um, we see heavier menstrual bleeding. Uh, we see maybe again, that delayed ovulation or lack of ovulation. Um, and so it really is just this general, like, slowing. Down of the body. And like you said, um, that inability to kind of speak your truth. It's also kind of there's like this block, right? Um, and we kind of see that in manifested in other kind of physical symptoms, but it is, it's this kind of slowing heaviness kind of block and specifically for menstruation, right? We see that length and cycle. Less frequent ovulation. And when it comes to conception and fertility, we know that having that kind of underactive thyroid increases our risk of miscarriage as well. So it's, it's, it is very, um. Yeah, very integrated into our reproductive health. Um, is that something that you commonly see with the women you work with? Yeah, I've, I've heard. I'm just, you know, a lot of women have been sharing about thyroid issues, either it's under active or overactive and a lot of the time, you know. Doctors will pinpoint and say, Oh, no, you have this or you have that. So you have, you know, hair loss because your liver's toxic or you're losing your hair because you're stressed. Meanwhile, a lot of it can be linked to the thyroid and it's just such a beautiful part of the body and such a sacred space because you have this beautiful butterfly that sits at your collarbone that just unfolds and allows you the space to speak. But if it's blocked or irregular or out of balance, it's going to hinder that process. And Doing what I do with copywriting. It's just for me. It's such a sacred part of the process is to really empower people to speak their truth. You know, and to dive in and to allow that truth to rise and to be able to voice it, it's just, yeah, it's just such a beautiful and such an important part of the process because it really, it defines how you show up in business, you know, how you take up space, how you really, you stop looking at everyone as a competitor and really start standing in your own truth and shining your own light. Yeah. And I think in general, women, we have been taught to not to use our voice, right. And to not speak our truth. And I think there is this unlearning that we need to go through where we actually find what our true individual voice is, right. And then learn how to actually use it. Right. So I think that is, yeah, that's a really, I'm just kind of goosebumps right now. That's a really, yeah. beautiful interpretation of the throat and the thyroid. And, um, it's certainly is incredibly common when we see that kind of like overtly or even kind of like sub clinically, right. Where people come in with these symptoms, like you're saying, right. The hair loss, the cold hands and feet, the weight gain, the brain fog, right. So maybe their thyroid on blood work is actually still within normal range, but we are having the. Physical symptoms of a underactive thyroid. And at that point, I still certainly treat and and provide care because you're right. It is so, so important. And I love, I love that kind of energetic perspective on it as well. Well, I kind of feel at the space at the moment where women are feeling inspired and feeling called to really embody their feminine wisdom and to step into their divine feminine leadership. And, you know, it's one of those things that the light enters through the wound and you, we've seen so many thyroid issues come up on a daily basis. I mean, I know I also have experienced it, you know, in the past, and it's something that was a point of really me having to dive in and realize like, How am I not able to speak my truth? Like what is sitting there? What needs to be expressed? What is burning in my throats? And I think a lot of the time it's at deep in a calling, you know, we, it's almost like on a subconscious level, we are so ready to start speaking and to start showing who we really are and to start unveiling this beautiful magic that lies inside of us, and perhaps the thyroid is just that gentle calling out, you know, just getting our attention. Yeah, and I, I really believe that we all have these, these areas that, um, when we're unwell, or we move into a bit of a state of, um, yeah, just unbalance that, that that's the area. It's kind of like our Achilles heel. That's the area that, that shows symptoms, right? And so, yeah, like you're saying for many women, it's the thyroid, right? For other women, it's, It's, you know, it's, it's menstrual pain and cramping, right? For other women, it's headaches for other women, it's gut symptoms, right? We all have this area and, and, you know, I think you would say to like, those are also very related to chakras, right? Our pelvis, our chest, our head, right? And so, and I think, um, yeah, I, and then, so it's interesting because Routinely, right? When we move out of that state of homeostasis or balance, it's, it's often that symptom that pops up first and it's recurring, right? And so it's always like, okay, so what's underneath this, right? What's the thing below these symptoms that you're experiencing? Yeah, yeah. So with that being said, do you see commonalities of what actually lies beneath the symptoms? Is it like an emotional trigger? Is it a deep wound? Is it a trauma? Is there, is there something that you are seeing on a daily basis? Yeah, that's a, yeah, that's a great question. I think discounting the kind of energetic or mental emotional component of our physical symptoms is incredibly short sighted. And I think that's always a component of the physical experience. Um, I think I see that a lot, especially with kind of the infertility and menstrual symptoms, right? Where we hold a lot of trauma in our pelvis, um, and our reproductive organs, right? Um, I think there's a lot to be said about that and, and I do talk a lot about kind of like opening and releasing, like, through the pelvis and allowing there to be kind of that flow through that area. I do, um, quite a bit of acupuncture in my clinical practice and use some of those traditional Chinese medicine principles as well. And 1 of the big things from, for them, for physical and mental, emotional health is this free flow of energy through the body. And anytime there's something that's stuck or stagnant, like, that causes disease. Um, and so certainly, I think there is that component underlying a lot of it. Um, I also think a really big. A really common theme that underlies a lot of this is just kind of a deep distrust with our bodies. Um, I think as well, yeah, we've been taught to be quite disconnected from our bodies where we're kind of at them. We see that we see it as a problem. We see it as something to fix. And I think there isn't that, that sinking in to our bodies that we need right to, to really. To really get in tune, but to also heal those really deep things, right? You can't do that when you're not inside your body. Um, and so I, I see that so, so commonly. And, uh, I think that's part of the stepping into your embodied feminine and your divine feminine is how do you reconnect with. The vessel that you were given for this life, right? How do you sink into your physical expression of femininity? Right. And I think that's quite a journey for a lot of women. Well, I mean, if you think years and years ago, like the time of the period was, was sacred and it was celebrated and women would get together under the full moon and everything was in sync and they would dance and celebrate and give the blood back to the earth. And we have moved so far away from that now, where it's almost. Become a point of shame. And so I just find it so vital for women to step back into that wisdom that has encoded into us, because it's there for a reason, you know, we are just that ability to be able to open up a space to give life. You know, and it doesn't have to be physical life as in the child. It's, it's that power of creation. You know, whether we are creating art or music or, you know, a service or a product or however we choose to express and allow consciousness to flow through us, it is just such a powerful, a powerful gift that we've been given. Yeah, absolutely. And I think that I think that reframe, right, that seeing the menstrual time of the month as actually a really beautiful gift as an opportunity to rest and reflect, to surround yourself with things that give you energy, right? I think that's, that is a counter cultural reframe of what your period is, right? Yeah. And reclaiming I mean, that is incredibly powerful. Um, yeah, you're right. And that, and that rest, like we are, it's, it's seasons, right? These are seasons and just like winter comes before spring, we need the winter of our cycle, which is menstruation before we can move into that creation. And before we can move into that space where things are flowing out and through us, right. We need that time of hibernation where the energy comes back in, where we fuel ourselves. And. And I think so many women, I think people in general, but, but we give and give and give and give. Right. And, and that, that reclaim. Of energy and time and space for ourselves, um, is, is essential, right? If we're going to be as potent creators as we were designed to be, right? Whether that's human life or a product or a idea, right? But, but we desperately need that time of, yeah, of hibernation. And it's so important at the moment. I mean, within us and. Within our bodies and within our fields, we carry those codes to be able to feel into very deeply the pain and the shame that all the women before us have felt. You know, we carry all of that within us and we don't have to carry it any, you know, and by clearing all of that from our fields and from our space, we also pave the way forward for the women that are to come. You know, I think about how I'm going to be teaching menstruation to my daughter and how it's the time to be celebrates it and. Then you look back and you just hear stories of how, you know, women were brought into this and it was, it's almost like the mothers didn't know how to tell them. So it was just, you know, quick slapdash. This is what's happening. And little, like young girls who were stepping into their womanhood were feeling so alone. So it's really just healing all of that. All of that that has been all of that is that is coming and just bringing it all together now and saying, you know, now, no more. This is a sacred vessel that we have been gifted and to really just feel into all of that, you know, there's Buzzword that's floating around at the moment, which is embodiment. And it is such a sacred and beautiful word. And I feel like it's just being used without really understanding the true context out of it. And it's to embody everything, you know, even the things that feel uncomfortable, even the things that push our boundaries, even the things that make us feel this is not quite aligned and to really just allow space for everything to exist. So I love that you are doing this work and to be doing it with such conscious awareness. It's just so special. Thank you. I think, I think what you touched on with your daughter is exactly it, right? It's, can you imagine the peace and wisdom and power you would feel in your body if you knew from day one that you inherently had this cyclical wisdom, right? That these phases of your cycle are not wrong, that they are a natural part of the feminine experience. That the symptoms that you, your body is expressing our messages, right? That you are supposed to listen to versus suppress, right? Like, think about how differently you would walk through life if you just inherently knew that as truth and our opportunity to change that, right? To consciously make a decision that that is how we will raise our generations to come like. That is, yeah, that, that is true. That is true health and healing. Right. Um, so your daughter is infinitely blessed to be able to get that, to have that experience with you as her mother. Right. And I. I think that the work that we do to let go of that kind of generational trauma that we inherently carry with us, right? And to not pass that on to the next generation, right? That is, that is such important healing for, for, for womankind. Um, so that's, so that's amazing that you were also conscious of that. And, um. Yeah. Yeah. It's beautiful. This is, this is preventative health, right? Like when I talk about what I do as a naturopathic doctor, right? Like part of the reason I do this preconception care and this hormonal health is because when you change the health and the ecosystem of the mother, you change the health of every generation to come. Yes. Yes, exactly. Exactly. So with all of this being said, do you have any practical tools that women can use any techniques that they can lean on to get in touch with their feminine flow to really lean into the wisdom of the body and getting in flow with themselves and maybe even like feeling for women that are experiencing thyroid issues, anything that we can do to balance that, whether there's vocal exercises or breath work or anything that you would recommend. Yeah, so one of my favorite ways to help start to get in tune with where we are in our cycle and what's going on in life and what we're experiencing is just bringing awareness to it. So, if you're somebody who makes a to do list or journals, or has some way of keeping track of what's going on in your day, I encourage you to also put, like, the day of your cycle that you're on. As part of that daily to do list just to bring consciousness. Okay. Oh, I'm, I'm 3 days out from my period, right? No wonder everything felt harder today, right? No wonder. I felt like I had to close my computer at 4 PM instead of 7, right? So just adding that tracking. We, when we track our cycles, so many of us track when our period starts and when it ends and maybe when we're ovulating and like, that's that's it, right? But your cycle is the entire month. It's not just when you're actively bleeding. And so bringing consciousness to that on a daily basis and noticing the positive symptoms you experience, not just the negative ones, I think is a really beautiful way to start getting in tune with the power of our cycle on that daily basis. Um, and then when yeah, we're talking about some of that kind of symptomatic experience we have and the thyroid and we talked about stress and ovulation on a regular periods. I One of the most basic and I think powerful recommendations is is breathwork, right? Is getting deeply into the body feeling that. Yeah, innate rise and fall of your chest and your diaphragm and activating that parasympathetic nervous system, right? So many of us spend so much time in the sympathetic where we are on. We're constantly reacting to things where hype were in this like hyper vigilant state, right? And to be able to turn off and sink into our body. And if you do yoga, that feeling of being in Shavasana, like. Tapping into that sensation over and over and over again, every single day, not just once a week after your yoga class, right? That is one of the most important things we can do because we only heal when we are in the parasympathetic. And so if we're never accessing that part of our nervous system, we are actually never truly healing. And so that is foundational. And so I think that's the place I recommend people always start, whether that's just diaphragmatic breathing, a hand on your belly, a hand on your chest, feeling the rise and fall, whether that's something like box breathing, um, or other, you know, other kind of yoga breathing techniques, whatever works for you. Um, and the beautiful thing is you can access your breath anywhere. You can be in a meeting, you can be in the car, you can be trying to fall asleep at night, and you can use the same technique. So that is really a foundational place that I love people to start. Um, yeah, and then I, for women who are entrepreneurs or are paving their own way in. Their business and their life. I do have a free resource that breaks down the kind of four phases of the menstrual cycle and dives deeper into what we were chatting about earlier about how to best use each phase of the cycle, uh, to optimize your business and your hormonal health at the same time. Right? I think it's short sighted to say that just because we don't operate on that 24 hour clock, we can't be successful in the world we live in. I think we can actually be even more successful. Um, And you live that full, vibrant life that we desire when we start to use our, our cycle to our advantage. And so I have a really simple, um, free resource, um, that maybe we'll link below carrier you can find on my Instagram and, um, yeah, that, that is designed for the woman who is ready to, to use their cycle, um, versus. Feel like they're against it. Would you share a bit more about your course as well? I'm a big, big fan and yeah, cycle with your cycle. I think it's wisdom that every woman needs in her life. So if you'd share a bit more about that too. Sure. So Carrie helped me bring it to life with her beautiful words. So I'm very grateful for that. And cycle with your cycle really is my. Foundational program. It is the information. I believe every woman deserves to know and should know about her body. Um, it's a deep dive into what's going on with our hormones at each stage of our cycle. It's broken down into four parts that correspond with the four phases. Um, and I do a deep dive into physiologically what's going on. I think it's so important to have that education to understand why our body. It's operating the way it is. Um, and then I dive into some of that mental emotional stuff. What tasks are we more attuned to? How can we optimize certain parts of our cycle for socialization? And for, again, that kind of business, pitching, launching, I dive into the foods we should be eating to support that phase of our cycle. The movement that we should be doing to support that phase of the cycle. Um, And I also go into our, our main reproductive hormones, so that estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, thyroid, right? Everything that we've talked about. I really do a deep dive into each of those hormones too. And a big lens I like to bring to this is, these things were all designed. Our hormones are designed to help you, right? We're not against any of our hormones. We're not against any phase of our cycle. And so it's bringing this perspective of, of positivity and gratitude for our, for our menstrual cycle, for our reproductive hormones, and then understanding how we work with them to optimize them to reduce the symptoms we experience. Um, and ultimately, it. Optimize our reproductive potential, right? Um, and so it's, it is, it's, and it's evergreen, it's pre recorded. So you get to do it at your own pace. I recommend you do each module corresponding to the phase of the cycle you're in. Um, it's very action oriented. So again, it's how do we apply these things now to the phase of the cycle that we're currently in to optimize it before we move on to the next. Um, and it's amazing, right? Women who have had debilitating periods. Their whole lives are now, you know, taking one Advil over the course of their entire cycle. And I've had multiple people conceive and, you know, PMS and kind of that premenstrual dysphoric disorder, the really kind of significant mood symptoms just totally shift. And it's. It's just so beautiful to watch women really understand what's happening with their body and know that they have the tools to kind of deal with anything that comes up along the way. Um, it's, it's really, it's true empowerment. And I, uh, I wish that every woman everywhere in the world was given this level of education and support for their menstrual cycle. Yeah, yeah, 100%. It's just, it's so valuable at the moment. And I mean, it's just something that will really empower you and open up those doors for you to really unlock that wisdom that lies within. So, yes, I'm going to link it below in the show notes, and then I have one last question for you. I could talk to you for hours on end, but I know people are busy. So, let me go back, Tell me a little bit more if you are, if you have a deeper understanding of the wisdom of the body and how it links with the wisdom of nature, but specifically the moon cycles. So I've heard that when you are wanting to conceive your cycle aligns with the. Um, the full moon, right? So you'll have your period on the full moon and when you are wanting to, sorry, that's when you're not wanting to conceive when you're wanting to conceive, then it will align on the new moon. And I actually experienced this within my own body, right? I always like true, like the full moon would come and I'd have my period. Suddenly we said that we were ready to conceive and we were ready to call in a family and within three months, it moved over. To the new moon. So is this something that you see a lot? I mean, you're, you're, you're a doctor. So yeah, let me know your thoughts on this. And for women that are just wanting to get into deeper communion with nature and with the moon cycles, how would you recommend they just bring really conscious awareness to this practice? Yeah. Yeah. It's beautiful. So most women, so I think it's around somewhere like 60 percent of women will have their bleed. With a new moon and ovulation with a full moon. Okay. And the moon cycle is like 27 and a half days or something. That's the total moon cycle. Right? And we said that the average menstrual cycle is about 28 days. Right? So there is that kind of like, inherent overlap between the moon cycle and the menstrual cycle. Um, I think traditionally too, with the, with bleeding on. Um, the full moon that was, that was also traditionally thought like that was like healers, midwives, healers, they, they bled on full moons because then they cared for women when they were bleeding on new moons, which is a really interesting piece too. So, I do often see that and I personally, I bleed on a new on a full moon versus on and so that's a really interesting. That's a really interesting dynamic as well. Right? Um. And so I think there is, and I think especially as if we're somebody who does spend lots of time in nature, who does commune with, with, yeah, the natural environment around us, I certainly see it more in women who are in touch with the environment than, than those who, who are quite disconnected from it. Um, and, but if you are somebody who has a regular cycles or. Doesn't have a cycle when we talk about we can use this kind of cyclical, um, pattern, like that we've been talking about this whole time, even if you have a regular cycle, or you don't have a cycle at all, you still have that kind of like inherent cyclical nature. And then we, we align you with the moon cycle. So if you don't know where you're at, this is what we do. So your. You're at the new moon. You count that as your cycle day one and at the full moon, you count that as your cycle day 14 and you repeat. And so we use tools, things like seed cycling, things like the, the cyclical eating and movement and stress management, like we talked about now, you can still use that. And you just align yourself with the new moon. And there's actually been some really interesting research. With seed cycling, as well as using like nightlights in the room to represent kind of the light of the full moon and people having restored ovulatory cycles after four or five months, um, which is really, really interesting. Um, right. So, so there is, I think, you know, traditionally, like, of course, there is a, of course, there is a connection with. With the moon cycle, right? I think the more kind of industrialized and removed we get from nature and the natural rhythms of it. I think the further and further we get away from it. Um, but there are ways to tap back into it and and getting in tune with that kind of cyclical nature is is 1 way. So be be aware. Right? I think for people listening, right? Like, see, get curious, right? Are you somebody who ovulates right around the new moon? Right? Are you somebody who bleeds close to the new moon? Just, just get curious about it. I think it's a really interesting connection to make, and I, there's certainly some merit behind it. Oh, very much so. Oh, there's just, there's so much that comes from just tapping into your body and understanding where it sits and how it links in with the world and how it relates to everything around it. So thank you so much. Like I said, I could talk about this for hours. I mean, you mentioned cyclical eating. I think we're going to have to do another episode because there's so much you could dive into and I love this conversation. So thank you so much for being here and for sharing your wisdom and Yeah, it's just such a gift, such a gift to women everywhere. And it's time to reclaim it and time to really step into our feminine power and really just soften into the wisdom of the body. So thank you for sharing. Oh, you're welcome. Thank you for creating the space for this conversation. And I love that you just use the word softening. That's been my word lately. And I think that is just it. It is the softening. Ourselves into our bodies, into our space. And, uh, yeah, if there's one thing to take, I think maybe it's that. So thank you for this conversation. I would love to come back and chat more. And, um, I hope, I hope that everyone listening at least got one thing that resonated with them and one thing that they can take on and start to implement into the cyclical nature of their lives. Thank you. Thank you, Liza.,