Quantum Copy Cafe

12: Marketing Trends to take note of for 2024 ~ with Robyn Gooding

December 04, 2023 Lira Shavira Jade Season 1 Episode 12

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What does 2024 have in store when it comes to marketing and innovative ways to sell your offers online?

Good question. I have been pondering this too, and you probably already suspect my answers ~ energetics, authentic connection, aligned storytelling, and treating your clients like people with beating hearts rather than sales metrics. We have seen this a'coming for a while...

However, I know we all want to dive in even deeper, which is why I decided to bring in business coach, Robyn Gooding (who is currently nominated for 'Business Coach of the Decade' btw). I don't want to give this conversation away (it's a goodie), so why not take a listen to hear her thoughts and insights into how the industry for holistic entrepreneurs is shifting and changing.

About Robyn

Robyn is a certified business and life coach, host of worldwide retreats, proud mama to a daughter, human empowerment super fan and sunshine chaser. She thrives in building up humans, businesses and communities. With almost a decade of experience in global business consulting for companies at various stages of growth, from startups to seven figures and beyond, Robyn decided to build a business with women at the core.  She integrates business strategy, systems and soul to support women in building a profitable business while creating their version of a rich life.

If you would like to work with Robyn you can connect with her in the following spaces:

Website: https://robyngooding.com
Instagram: @robyn.gooding

Quantum Copy Cafe with Lira Shavira Jade

Hello and welcome to Quantum Copy Cafe. As a conversion copywriter and launch strategist with a background in energetics, I have found a way to provide you with a soulful messaging and marketing experience that Chat GPT will never be able to replace. I focus on weaving energetics into my strategic approach to help you increase your sales, improve ability to connect, build your confidence and release the overwhelm that comes with wearing all the hats as a small business owner. 

I am here to passionately support you in manifesting your vision, embracing your dreams, and quitting the cubicle to step into a life of freedom, creation, and radiance. 

Ways in which I can support you ~ 

  • SEO-rich, soulful conversion copy for websites, sales funnels, and email marketing. 
  • Copywriting and energetic coaching for holistic business owners and creatives. 
  • Business energetic blueprints to help you create an aligned growth path. 
  • Messaging strategies and brand voice development. 
  • Cleanses and retreats. 
If you are a visionary who is ready to bring her wildest dreams to life, then you are home. This is where you belong.

Links: Instagram @merakimessaging | Facebook @merakimessaging | Website: www.merakimessagin.com

Authentically Yours,
Lira xo


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mhm./Welcome back to Quantum Copy Cafe. And in this episode, we have someone in the studio that I'm so excited to chat to. Once again, she is one of the best business coaches that I know personally and has been nominated for best business coach is of the decade in Canada. Um, yeah, the decade and a second award for a business coach of North America. So the decade is international. And then the second category is also North America. Well, there we go. The awards speak for themselves and having worked with her for the longest time, she is the best person to talk to about this topic. I really want to dive into marketing trends for 2024. Where are we going? What the industry is looking at what's working, what's not working. Obviously things have changed a lot over the global landscape with the introduction of AI. And ultimately we're all just looking for ways to market our business that gets the actual results that we're looking for. So welcome Robin. Thanks again for joining us in the cafe. Thanks for having me. I'm so glad to be here. Oh, it's so good to have you and to have you sharing your expertise with us. And yeah, tell me, you've been chatting a lot about, there are so many changes happening in the industry at the moment. What are you noticing? Yeah. Where are things going? What's working, what's not working? Where are we at the moment? Yeah. Um, it's a very nuanced. Answer that I can probably not fully honor here because it does depend a little bit on your niche. What kind of product like, are you a service digital product course membership, like, depending on all those things and then where your marketing also affects my answer. But in general, some of the big, big shifts we're seeing is a lot of people like really. People who built really successful businesses, but like not obviously like long term sustainable ones, a lot of them have left the industry. So they had really amazing results, uh, during the boom and now they're bust. And so they've fallen away and it feels like almost every. Every week, I'm seeing people literally just like close their doors, walk away, uh, just fully change everything and that's one piece and that's really just to speak to the fact that people built. A business on a really wobbly foundation at a time when it was really easy to build a business online. And so they were able to have success, but they can't recreate that success. Right? And so they just don't have the foundational support and they wobbled and a lot of them quit. So that's kind of part of the next shift, which is that. It's not as easy to earn the trust of consumers because our communities are very wise. Unfortunately, too, many of them have been burned because we know that so many people are brilliant at marketing and then Not as brilliant behind the scenes, right? And so there's a difference between being a brilliant marketer and being a brilliant coach, for example, or being a brilliant strategist or a copywriter or having brilliant marketing for a course, but then not delivering on a brilliant experience. Those are very different skills and different parts of a business. And so when we see people. Have amazing marketing and we're so bought into their message and we're so bought into their brand, but then we work with them or we see behind the scenes and we realize they're not in their integrity and the quality of care is not there and. The quality of advice and wisdom and expertise is also not there. It makes us really cautious about how we work people and where we go next. And so we have had, you know, especially in the coaching industry, I would say that there's been a lot of it's not a regulated industry, right? And so we've had a lot of people kind of call themselves coaches or build coaching businesses that are not in their integrity and have Tainted the reputation of those of us who. Are deeply committed to this work. I have multiple certifications. I have gone through different processes and I'm a perpetual student and wholeheartedly committed to the work of coaching and the mastery of coaching. And so it's frustrating for those of us who are as committed there. See people who are not as committed, giving a bad reputation. But now we're just seeing those kinds of people fall away because they can't cut it. Right. And so to succeed in 2024, you're going to have to be really good at what you do. You're going to have to be really good at marketing what you do. You're going to have to pick platforms that make sense for where you're going. You're going to have to have short term vision, but a long term strategy and a long term vision with a short term strategy. Sometimes those things are quite radically different. So those are some of the things I'm seeing. I'm also seeing the real need for. Intimacy again for the humanity to come back to the work again for more vulnerability or more authenticity. I think, uh, Webster's or one of them said the word for 2023 was authentic. And that's just absolutely something we're seeing reflected in the online landscape for business as well. Like just really coming back to the heart and the soul and the human of marketing and not just front of house marketing, but. Behind the scenes, bringing that humanity, bringing that genuine connection is just so, so, so desired right now across the board in a lot of different niches. Uh, I also think it's going to be another year where like the little guy gets to one, you know, in 2020. And even prior to that, it was really, the online landscape was quite monopolized by some of the really big players who just had really big ad budgets and. We're seeing this year. We've seen a lot of smaller businesses who don't have to compete with those ad budgets have phenomenal results when they are masters at what they do when they're marketing in an appropriate way when they're getting their clients amazing results, and that's just going to continue next year, too. So in. All I would say the changes are actually really awesome for people who are really dedicated to giving their clients and their customers amazing experiences who are genuinely good at what they do, who are very generous in the service they provide and who know how to say a story and share a story from a place that's really authentic. And unfortunately, if you Are not in that place. It's very easy to not succeed right now, too. Yeah. Yeah. And like authenticity is something that I've really dived into this year. And that's why I introduced the energetics part of things, because it's really. I find so insightful to have a look at the natal charts, the human design, the gene keys, all of these different parts that make up who you are. And to look at it in all these different ways before you take the next step, but authenticity can come back through in various ways. So what, what ways are you seeing as a coach that would. Present a brand as authentic, you know, how would they use, for instance, like storytelling and like natural forms of writing or copy, or how would they present their brand visually? How would you deliver authenticity when it comes to all these like various, venues, like with your launches, with your website, with your marketing sales, all of these things, is there like an overview or something that you can speak to generally? There's a few different things I would say here. This is a really good question, and to me, authenticity is a frequency, like it's an embodiment, and When we're in that frequency, when we're in the truth of our essence and we're unapologetically who we are in the world, it's inevitable that that's going to seep into all the practical parts of the question you've asked. Right? So how you're showing up, your marketing, how you're messaging things. Uh, how you're having conversations with people, all of those things are just naturally going to blossom when the embodiment and the frequency of authenticity is there. So just like you, I also heavily prioritize energetics, the embodiment piece. I really want my clients to do the deep somatic work to really connect with who they are outside of the noise. Practically speaking, I think drowning out the noise is always going to be helpful and. In terms of, like, practically how you deliver your marketing, I think that we're in a season where it's really, really more important than ever to wholeheartedly own who you are and to be fearless and repelling the people who are not for you. And saying that and actually executing on that are very different things. Hearing that and then actually doing the thing is a very different experience. It can be easy to be like, yeah, I can attract and repel in my marketing. And then when you actually go to do it and you're so clear about who you're not serving, it can be very scary because your nervous system can be like, Whoa, hold up. Are we going to be this honest about ourselves? Are we going to really not wear this mask that makes us palatable for people? Are we really going to address the good girl conditioning that tells us to play small and to be polite and to be, uh, all these things that just Especially as women can feel very, um, scary to step outside of, and are we willing to lose people? Are we willing to lose community? Are we willing to lose followers? Are we willing to lose sales and clients in order to step into who we really are here to work with and who we really are here to serve? And that really requires that we are very, very. Very clear on not only who we're here for, but who we're not here for. And to really lean into that in the marketing to really say to people, you know what? You're not my client. I don't want to sell this to you. I don't think that we're a match to work together. I don't want to take on this project. Like to have a very clear, no, I think is more important for people than actually anything else. Yes. Yes. And it's, I mean, once you've got that authenticity and you really are feeling like you are embodying this, your story, because obviously it's one way to start that journey of embodiment, but like we were speaking about earlier, the minute you start really. Walking authentically and telling an authentic story. It's going to trigger people, right. And it's to walk through those triggers, to walk through that fire, to know that you're not going to be for everyone and just really feel into who you are at a soul level and how you like meant to show up in the world. But once you've done that, and I know I've got quite a few, um. Clients and brands that are in my orbit that I know are authentic. I know they are being so true to themselves, but are yet still not managing to book clients. And I think that is where that visibility piece comes in. So how is the landscape changing visibility wise? Because it's, it's, it's so noisy out there at the moment. I mean, we all know how quick and easy it is to just generate mass. Bunches of content, you know, some of it is just so, um, fluffy to put it politely and, you know, not very valuable. And I was reading something earlier today that said next year is going to be a big thing for where people are just feeling so content fatigue. There's stuff everywhere, you know, it's, It's just shifting through what's actually valuable was not valuable. So what, what would make a really solid marketing strategy for 2024 when it comes to like visibility and delivering high quality content that people can actually use to make a difference with whatever like pain point or desire you are speaking to. Yeah, one of the one of the most. Oh, I'm hearing an echo. Um, one of the most important things is to bring your thought leadership to the front and center of your brand and to allow that to kind of lead for you because you're right. There's so much fluff. There's so much of the same people saying the same thing. And in a sea of sameness, the only way to stand out is to bring something that's deeper than that. And the only way we can do that is when we speak from our embodied wisdom, like what are your lived experiences? What is your perspective on this? How can you make a very clear stand for a thought leadership piece that's different to what everyone's seeing out there? Because you're not doing it just to make a sale. You're doing it to change the way that people are seeing something. You know, when we're shifting people's perspectives, that's when they have that aha moment. So I do think that people who are going to win will lead with thought leadership in a different kind of way. It's not just about the tips and the tricks and the adding value anymore, because there's so much of that. And especially with AI. That stuff's really easy to create. What's not as easy to create is the stuff that comes from your heart and your mind and your lived experiences that are very unique to you. And when you lead with thought leadership, people see you as a destination. And so you don't have to fight the algorithm. You don't have to like navigate all of that mess because at the end of the day, people are coming to you for you. Right. And then the branding part of that is you have to have distinct branding. Like you have to have visuals and a tone of voice and all of these things that are just so you, that you're memorable and that you stand out, you stop the scroll and. Then in terms of platforms, I think a lot of people are on the wrong platforms. They just kind of assume that, you know, everyone's on Instagram. Instagram kind of thing, but you got to really be selective about the platforms that you're investing in and why you're investing in them because they all have different cultures and they all. Support a business in a different kind of way. And so we have to really identify what your problem is in your business. Is that a visibility problem? Like, do you not have enough eyeballs on your stuff? Is that a trust problem that people aren't seeing you as a leader in the space? Is it a messaging problem that people aren't quite understanding what you're offering and what you're selling? Is that a pricing problem? It's like, what is the problem? And then once you've identified what the problem is for you, not getting the traction you want, then we can look at ways to solve that. But it's really not a one size fits all because it really depends on your problem, your goals, your goals. And I think that's one of the other challenges of this year and next year is that you got so many options that deciding what you do is really, really important. And this is why working with experts, like a business coach or somebody who sees a lot of businesses, a lot of clients, a lot of situations. Can be really helpful because you don't have to do the trial and error yourself as much when they see the pattern, right? Like, when I see behind literally hundreds of businesses every week, I can give feedback and perspective on what's working and what's not working. In a different way to someone who's like seeing just their business or maybe hearing about their friend's business because you don't know the pattern as much when you just have one or two case studies. So having the right people to help you is also really important. Yeah, yeah, I mean, I've had this question quite a few times actually over the last month and that's why I would love to just dive into a little bit is so many people say that they want help with, um, social media marketing in general, right? So it's almost like we're in this culture where we think that you need to be marketing on Instagram and Facebook. And that is how you market. You have your content pillars. You speak to that. You need to show up three times a week or five times a week. So we're just creating content for the sake of showing up. And there's no end vision in mind of, you know, say for instance, you're looking at the area you're ahead, you're planning out your launches, you seeing where your targets are, what you want to hit financially, breaking it up into your quarters and then building your content out like that. So you have like your hero pieces and then that gets broken up to the, you know, various social media platforms is obviously Pinterest for searchability. So. Working from the end in mind backwards is, you know, kind of hard to build a holistic marketing, marketing strategy. But with that being said, like, what advice would you give to someone that's asking that? Like, how do I market on Instagram? Because it just seems like it's such a small. Part of an overall strategy. What other options are there for marketing platforms? Which ones are you seeing that are really successful? Which ones are, you know, tailored for instance, to the wellness industry or coaches or designers, which ones are more specific for. Obviously TikToks, uh, for a bit of a younger crowd, but lately I'm seeing a lot of really established businesses moving onto TikTok. So I think the trajectory is changing quite a bit. And I'm just wondering what you are seeing and observing. Yes, um, okay. So, firstly, the 1st part of that would be. The platforms that win are when the creators enjoy creating that kind of content. So I, for example, I had a client, she really struggled on Instagram. I got her on tech talk. She has thousands and thousands and thousands of, uh. Followers there. Now it happened quite quickly for her. I think she's all like over millions of views now on her videos. Like she's really killed it. And the thing is that she's in an age group that you wouldn't expect that she's on her twenties. She's in her mid forties. So. When we think about the culture of tech talk, a lot of us will go, well, it's a younger crowd or, and that's because that's the origin story, but we will disqualify ourselves if we don't identify as being young anymore and not like, obviously we're all relatively young, but in terms of like being that generation and in terms of winning that client. Is absolutely destroying it, killing it, amazing at TikTok and really struggles with Instagram, even though someone would argue that they're relatively similar kinds of content to create. So what's the difference there? Well, the difference is she's not a curated creator. She's not someone who. Wants to sit and batch all their content and have a perfectly defined reels and all of that. She's someone that wants to just talk, has brain dumps, and she just talks them and people on Tik Tok love that it's less curated. And so she's really done amazing there. Uh, other creators are really into long form, and so they're great at YouTube because. There's something really magical about a YouTube strategy that when you invest in it can really, really, really pay off. And there's people who are creating on YouTube and they're not getting an ROI because they don't enjoy it and they're not consistent with it. And we know that relationships are essential to business. And essential to relationships is trust. And we build trust by consistency over time. So when you pick a platform that you really love, that you're able to create content on consistently, that you enjoy, that you bring your essence to, you're creating trust, that's going to create relationships and relationships are going to create your business success. Other parts of this that are important to note is again, it comes back to that. What's my short term vision and what's my long term vision? Because different apps we cross pollinate. I shouldn't say apps platforms. We can use different platforms to cross pollinate content so that you're meeting people at different points of their journey and in different ways. So you might, for example, have a Pinterest strategy combined with a Tiktok strategy combined with an Instagram strategy. And Pinterest is kind of your like evergreen strategy is your SEO. Tiktok might be your visibility strategy, and then Instagram is your community building strategy. And so you're funneling people Into these different parts of your marketing system and you're meeting them in different ways and Instagram. You're meeting them as a relational, uh, community building platform strategy. Tick tock is like the, Hey, I exist. This is who I am. I'm here. Visibility. And then Pinterest is for people who are not necessarily on social media. We also know that there's different buyer behavior and there's different consumer behavior. So again, there's nuance here because depending on what your goals are and depending on where you're finding problems in your business, that's going to dictate where you should hang out and, and invest in your marketing. We know, you know that people go to interest to buy, for example, and so typically, if people are finding you there, then they're going to be more likely to convert to a sale. In terms of like, um, buyer cycle time, it's going to be a shorter cycle time than say on Instagram, where people really want to follow you for a while. They want to feel like they know you. They want to have a relationship with you. That's a bit of a longer buyer cycle. Typically. And again, this is obviously, um. Dependent on your niche and your price point and all those things. I saw a real this week. It was so funny. My client sent it to me and she was like, stay close to the coach who says maybe it depends. Also, this could be true. That could work because we can't have a one size fits all. There's so many ways to build a successful business. There's so many ways to have effective marketing and. Really when you center yourself in that, that's when we get the best success. And it's very hard to see our own blind spots, which is why, again, having a coach, having Having a coach system is so helpful. Like even for myself, I know all these things. I know the strategies. Like I'm black and blue and yet I have a coach, I have a mentor who will reflect things back to me and I'll be like, Oh my God. Yeah, that was my own blind spot. Right? And so probably the very best thing that you can do for 2024 is invest in support to be totally honest and to invest in the right type of support. Yeah, yeah, did I answer that? I feel like I can go on forever on that topic. I feel like you have, and it actually, it brought up another question because I know that you are a certified embodiment coach as well. So, sometimes when you are planning out your marketing content and, you know, thinking of. All these different platforms, what you want to speak to, how you want to present yourself. It can feel overwhelming. Kind of like that throwing spaghetti at the wall situation where you feel like you need to be on every platform, doing all the things like, you know, spending two days a week creating content. Like how would, how would you deal with that? I'm going to, I'm going to call it a situation or that feeling or that, you know, that, that's just that feeling that comes over the body of like, am I doing enough? Yeah. Yes. Oh, just like you saying that. I'm like, Oh, I get this question every week for my clients. Pretty much. Um, yeah, common. I don't know. Many business owners that haven't had this question. Yeah, exactly. You know, I think that there's 2 answers here. The 1st is that am I doing enough? Well, we have to look at the data. We have to look at your. Your funnel and your stats and we have to see what's working there. And then part of the data is that 90 days to see results from something. So typically when you start a strategy, you're not going to see the full ROI, the full return on investment on that for 90 days. So we want to have at least a 90 day period of time where we have feedback and data to make the right decision for what's working and what's not working. And. The 2nd, part of that is the overwhelm and the, and the both the strategy and the system piece there, but also the, the human response from a strategy perspective, you know, it's really about wall. Like, what do you want? Where are we going? And is this. Is the strategy in place with a really, like a rock solid plan for taking you from zero to hero, like, do we actually have a plan if we have a plan? Do we have the systems to help you bring that to life? Are we delegating? Are we automating? Are we hiring? Like, what are we doing to really allow you to thrive in that strategy without so much overwhelm? And then the human experience is, Are you actually overwhelmed? Like, is this a capacity or a scheduling a time crunch issue? Or is this a stretch? Like, is your nervous system having to stretch into something to holding more than it has in the past? Are you meeting a personal edge? Is there a mental discomfort here? Is there a mindset piece? What embodiment, what energy, what frequency are you holding in the body in relation to the strategy? We really want to have a multi layered approach because sometimes we can just be like, Oh my God, I'm overwhelmed. I'm doing all the things, but it's not that you're doing all the things that's overwhelming. It's the fact that you feel really vulnerable because you're sharing a story that feels like vulnerable. Right. And so it's less about the fact that you're doing all the things and it's more about what you're saying. That feels like a lot. Other people are literally like, I don't have enough time in the day to create TikTok videos, Instagram videos and blog and all the things. I've got a young child. Whatever it is, then it's like a systems issue or a strategy issue, because then it might be, well, maybe we're trying to literally do too much. So I always like to say in terms of like strategy, pick 1 person, pick 1 problem, pick 1 product. Pick one funnel at first, refine it over and over and over. And when it's a smooth operating machine, then we add more. And it's a lot easier to really have a well oiled machine when you aren't spreading yourself so thin. Especially if you don't have the budget for a big team or a big ad budget or anything like that. Just pick one thing. My last question for you, because I feel like I could keep you here all evening. Um, how, I would love to hear your personal thoughts on AI, on ChachiDP, on BART. I think being a copywriter and seeing the quality of the writing that's coming out, and I don't know if it's because I'm just a little bit more pedantic, but I mean, it doesn't matter how, like, how much I prompted that thing. It's, it's, it's not human, obviously. Right. And there's something in me that obviously bringing the energetics into my work now, it doesn't quite feel right about putting work out there that is not from human consciousness. Um, and contributing to that noise that's happening out there. But I know that when it comes for instance, to strategy or brainstorming, um, it could be really great to have something to bounce ideas off of. So I guess my, my question is, what are your thoughts on it? Do you use it? Would you recommend it to clients and in which ways would you recommend it? Yeah, and you are so good at asking big questions. I feel like each of these questions could be their own episode, really, because I could go so deep. It's all of them, but AI is here to stay, and I think it's beneficial for any entrepreneur to embrace it and to have a healthy relationship to it, where there's, it's a tool. And how you use the tool is going to dictate whether it's good or bad for you and your business. And, you know, like you think about a knife, a knife can chop up food so that you can eat and nourish your body and a knife can kill. So, I think that AI is the same. It can nourish your business and it can kill connection, the energetics, the human part of like, The thing, the essence of your brand, your business and what is not replicatable by an artificial intelligence, at least in the tools and the capacity we have right now. So I encourage my clients to embrace technology always and to look at ways that it can be helpful and ways that they personally can leverage it. And. A lot of my clients find that it's so helpful in terms of coming up with content prompts or in terms of, um, coming up with some outlines of things. I mean, there's literally hundreds of ways that you could use chat GPT alone in a business and I can't go into all like literally will be here for an hour. Happy to do another episode on chat GPT and AI if you want. But there's hundreds of ways to use it, and where I think people get it wrong is kind of like what you've spoken to here with the copywriting. Is where they're expecting chat GPT specifically to just like write their website copy or write a sales page or write their Instagram captions. And they're not auditing that they're not actually connecting that with the energetics and the embodiment and the human voice. There's just something intangible there that really does get lost. So. If that's what they're doing, they're basically being a lazy marketer, and they're, they're basically just like handing over their brain to AI and handing over their, their brand voice and the essence of their stuff to AI, that is not helpful because yes, AI can learn our tonal voice. Yes, AI can learn how we speak and can in some ways replicate that, but there's just something energetically that's going to feel disconnected. If you're not birthing work, if you're not birthing art, if you're not birthing words and you're not intentional with injecting your own essence into that. It's kind of full flight, especially on people who have a trained eye or a trained heart to feel what's being said, not just like to read structurally what's there. There's a, there's a magnetism, an energetic magnetism that we have to embed in our marketing. And that is. So essential and you know, when someone has shared from their heart and when, you know, when someone has put a prompt into chat GPT and replicated it and answer that, like, you just know it. You feel it. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, you can definitely tell the difference. Yeah. You want to have the tools. You want to leverage the tools. You want to. Uh, definitely integrate it in your business because it can save you so much time and again, like, I think chat at least in some of our niches became famous because they were like, Oh, my God, it's content support or it's website supporter. It's sales page support, but like, actually, there's hundreds of other ways that you can use it in your business that would be more beneficial for you. That would free up your time so that you can actually then invest in the things that really do matter in your business. For me, that would be freeing up space for authentic, genuine thought leadership content that has substance and meaning and purpose. Essence and lived experience behind it, client care, relationship building, all of these like creativity things and human things that. We want to be directly involved in as entrepreneurs to get the results we want. That's where you can hang out more great AI and other systems to support you and having more time for that. Yes. Yes. Well, like you said, this is probably going to be another whole episode because it's so broad and I. I just, it's such a nuanced topic, you know, I've got people on one side that are absolutely loving it, and it's just, it's so helpful, especially when it comes to integration and automation and you know, like even just like have coming up with strategies or ideas, even when you're feeling uncreative or uninspired. And then there's other people that are just using it for absolutely everything. And I mean, when I see, when I see chat, GDP trying to write an email, it's just side. Yeah, I get what you're saying. Yeah, it's a big topic and there's also a difference between like input and output. Like I think when you really understand how to use chat, like if we're speaking specific to chat GPT, if you have the right prompts that are very intentional as an input, you're going to get better output too. So I, you know, like you can definitely see when people are using an output from chat GPT where the input was not strong. Yeah, yeah, definitely. Yeah, Rob, thank you so much for sharing this space today and for sharing your wisdom and your experience and your knowledge always so graciously. And yeah, just with such an open heart. It's always so good to have you here. Thank you so much for having me and just cheering for you and everyone listening to have an amazing 2024 in their business, you know, as we head into this new year and, you know, if you're going to do anything, get support and also trust yourself because the essence, the energetics, the embodiment of the wisdom within you is you. Really the best compass for how to win next year. Yes. Yes. Couldn't have said it more perfectly. Cool. Thank you. Thanks again. Whispers in my head What you gonna do?