Quantum Copy Cafe

14: 9 ways to Propel your Messaging from Sleazy to Magnetic ~

December 19, 2023 Lira Shavira Jade Season 1 Episode 13

Drop us a message & let us know what's unfolding within your business

With 2024 around the corner and the industry shifting towards authentic, energetically aligned brand messaging, it is going to take a deeper sense of awareness when it comes to messaging if you want to build trust and make sales.

Energetics and soul in business is now more important than ever before when it comes to digital marketing, copywriting, branding, and messaging. And, although manipulation in messaging feels ick, it often springs from an unconscious awareness.

In this episode I decode 9 of the top manipulative messaging strategies, why they are sleazy, the unconscious space that they arise from, and how to correct it and deliver the same message from a space of alignment and embodiment. 

Quantum Copy Cafe with Lira Shavira Jade

Hello and welcome to Quantum Copy Cafe. As a conversion copywriter and launch strategist with a background in energetics, I have found a way to provide you with a soulful messaging and marketing experience that Chat GPT will never be able to replace. I focus on weaving energetics into my strategic approach to help you increase your sales, improve ability to connect, build your confidence and release the overwhelm that comes with wearing all the hats as a small business owner. 

I am here to passionately support you in manifesting your vision, embracing your dreams, and quitting the cubicle to step into a life of freedom, creation, and radiance. 

Ways in which I can support you ~ 

  • SEO-rich, soulful conversion copy for websites, sales funnels, and email marketing. 
  • Copywriting and energetic coaching for holistic business owners and creatives. 
  • Business energetic blueprints to help you create an aligned growth path. 
  • Messaging strategies and brand voice development. 
  • Cleanses and retreats. 

If you are a visionary who is ready to bring her wildest dreams to life, then you are home. This is where you belong.

Links: Instagram @merakimessaging | Facebook @merakimessaging | Website: www.merakimessagin.com

Authentically Yours,
Lira xo


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Mhm. Hi, welcome back to quantum copy cafe. And in this episode, I want to really dive into a topic that is going to help you with your messaging and your marketing for 2024, like I mentioned in last week's episode, there is going to be a massive, massive, massive leap towards authentic messaging. We have seen it this year, it's unfolding everywhere, and it's just going to gain momentum. And I really want to make sure that you are geared up for it. You know how to speak about your product from a way. You know how to speak about your product from a space of alignment and embodiment, and it's not coming out of lack. It's not coming out of nervous system activation. It's really coming from a space of peace. Today we are going to be diving into some of the biggest ways that you will lose trust and you will lose credibility when you're marketing your offer. Right. And I don't like to speak about ideas from the negative space, but I feel. In my heart that today, it's just, it's going to be taught in such a potent way when I can share it with examples. So at the end of the day, this is every business owner's biggest nightmare. Like no one wants to lose clients. No one wants to repel community. No one wants to lose credibility, but. This simple mindset shift can really make or break your business, right? And that's what I want to go into today. I want to go into examples, practical examples of how this shows up in your messaging, why certain messages are unconscious, why there are sleazy and then what to do about them. All right. And please note that I don't believe that you need to hire a copywriter for. Every little thing. For websites, for sales funnels, yes, of course, but for your own marketing and for your own messaging, I really want to empower you with the tools that you need to create those everyday marketing pieces that are going to convert and are going to speak to your clients from a place of authenticity. All right. So rule of thumb, obviously we all know those customers are gold, be authentic and be real with them. Sometimes we have this idea that we need to have this mask or this facade, or just the show in order for people to love us, for people to trust us, for people to feel like they belong with us. And this is so, so, so far from the truth I have found. And I mean, obviously it's come. It comes with its own territory, but being vulnerable in your messaging and in your marketing and in your story is so liberating. It allows your clients and your customers to trust you like never before. And it really opens a space for them to. Embody their own truth and their own story. And yes, of course it is scary. You are probably going to get a little bit of backlash. People are going to get triggered. People are going to troll your accounts. You are going to get people saying things about you. Maybe, I don't know, it's happened to me. And what I can say is it's fine. Let them go, let them do them. At the end of the day, one of our. Biggest deepest truest human desires is to be seen to be vulnerable and to feel safe to just share our story from a place of authenticity And if you can do that, you know, it might trigger people that want to do the same that are not able to Let their stories be theirs and trust yourself enough to be seen. Okay, so I want to start with that the next I want to really dive into examples of how manipulative messaging Shows up On social media in email newsletters on blog posts, what it is, how to identify it and how to change it. Right. So the first piece of a manipulative messaging that I sometimes see is the idea of creating a false sense of scarcity, right? So you might say something like, Oh, stock is flying off the shelf and we don't want you to miss out. Or, Oh, we've only got two seats left in this program. You know, is one of them yours? Do you even want to, you know, Um, it's really driving that sense of there are only so many. And if you don't get one, you know, your life's going to pull, pull apart it. We all know this one. We've all come into contact with it. I'm almost certain at some stage of our buying journey, why it's sleazy is that oftentimes in the back end of the business, you may find that this brand hasn't sold a single item, the stocks are so full, the shelves are overflowing, but they are trying to use scarcity to increase conversions. The same with courses with group programs, whatever the case is. It's just, it's gross. It's sleazy. It just doesn't feel right. But at the same time, we can understand where it comes from, right? There is a sense of urgency running through your nervous system and it often feels safer to look popular than to be authentic. So the solution to this is to be real, to be truthful, and to really allow your deep, deep why to be seen. And an example of this might be to say, as a small business owner, we appreciate your support to you. It's 20, but to us, it's a pair of ballet shoes on a little girl's feet, like the summer sale matters to us. And we are so grateful for you. It can be something as potent, as simple as that, but it allows people to see what your why is. And to see that, okay, wait. Maybe I don't know how well the sale is doing, but in supporting the sale, this is what I am buying into. Right. So it just allows people that points of connection that they are looking for. Another example is to use the fear based approach. So. It's, it's, it's obviously not like this, but it's, it's that basic message that says, if you don't buy this product, you'll basically regret it forever, or your business will fail or you will never be successful, right? It's not always that explicitly stated, but it's there. And this message, the reason why it's sleazy is that it's certainly conditions you to believe that if you don't buy this product or service, then you'll never succeed. And you are a failure, right? Obviously, this comes once again from a space of unconsciousness. Sometimes we may question the true value of our offer. I mean, we've all experienced imposter syndrome at one stage or another, but instead of laying down the tangible benefits and the transformation that it provides, we find it easier to play all FOMO and emotions, right? So it's kind of like a low blow and. The biggest solution that I have for this is to just lose the fluff, you know, stop putting it out there. Like it's the best thing that's, you know, since sliced bread, map out the actual value of the offer, show previous results that it has given, what transformation has it given to your previous clients, and then invite new clients to try it for themselves. So. An example of an authentic message from this perspective would be for instance, like, um, this product has already supported 65 yoga practitioners in moving their physical practice online. Uh, we value your desire for freedom and exploration. Um, will you be next? So it's an invitation, right? It's a calling. It's saying, this is what it's done for these people already. Is this something that aligns with you? Does it resonate with you? Cool. Do you want to try it? It's an invitation. Rather than that fear. Okay. A third example of this would be the we all know this one again, the peer pressure post. So that is the join this trend, be a part of the cool crowd. You know, don't you want to be included? Why it's sleazy? Is it because it creates a desire for social acceptance and inclusivity, and it encourages individuals to conform to perceive standard of popularity. So It basically plays on basic human rights and basic needs for acceptance and belonging. Okay. So why is it unconscious? So this messaging often comes about when we don't know how to authentically create a community naturally, you know, we don't know how to make people seem or feel like they belong with us and we don't know how to communicate to our audience that they feel seen, held and safe, right? So it's easier to just say, well, everyone else is doing it. Don't you want to do it too? So once again, the solution is say who it's for and who it has helped in the past and really be real about it. Invite new clients in and invite them to explore, right? And authentic messaging of this nature might look like our anti aging gel has already helped 150 women reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Um, We are so proud of these success stories that we have placed them all over our website, right? To show credibility. If you'd like to try it for yourself and see if it works for you, leave a heart in the comments to receive a link to our free skin analysis quiz. Right. So you're showing what it has done in the past. You have stated that this is real justified information. They can hop onto your website, they can find it, you know, just making like whatever claims and you're inviting them to try it for themselves and to see whether or not they are one of those women and whether it aligns with them, right. It's coming from a space of wanting to find out and saying, you know, we have something that we feel could really help you. Are you interested rather than like, you know what, everyone's doing it. Just get in here while she missing out. Okay. The last one we're going to look at before we dive into a couple of broad ones is manipulative flattery. So this is the message of, Oh my gosh, you're so smart. You're the only one who can understand the value of this or, Oh, I've never met someone as influential as you. Right. It just feels gross. You can feel that someone is just trying to butter you up. So why it's sleazy is that. This message creates a fake and very insincere sense of importance, and oftentimes the goal is to psychologically trick the mind to want to uphold the status by buying into the product or the service, right? It just, it just feels like so. Why it's unconscious is when we don't know how to develop a sense of belonging or safety for our community, which always comes from an aligned space, we try to force it right? So we try to almost position it as like, you know, at your special. I know you're special, you know, you're special come let's, let's do this thing. It just, yeah, it just feels completely out of alignment. The solution to this is to be sincere. Your ideal audience will be magnetized to you just by your being, you know, understand that everyone is unique. They're special and everyone is at different stages of their journey. So speak to the human. Behind the beating heart, right? So an authentic messaging may look like, I feel like we're aligned to work together and that this offer could really meet you where you are in your journey, feel into it and let me know if it excites you, right? It's coming from a space of just wanting to find out. You know, whether this offer is aligned with the person and giving them the opportunity to respond. All right. So just a couple other ways in which manipulative or sleazy, um, marketing messaging comes about is the bait and switch. So that is when you advertise a product or a service at a low price, and then you reveal hidden costs at a later stage. We all know how frustrating that could be. You could also promise one thing and then deliver something entirely different, which is a very, very quick way to lose credibility with your audience. The another one to look at is emotional manipulation. So that is, for instance, exploiting personal tragedies or sensitive issues to sell a product or creating a false sense of urgency through emotional appeals. And I want to be very clear there is a. Big difference between sharing your story as a source of empowerment versus sharing the stories of others and using that as a source of emotional manipulation. Right. It's very different. Then another thing is oftentimes, Businesses will use complex jargon in order to confuse. So they'll use a lot of technical language. It's complex terms. It makes a product or a service seem more advanced than it is. Sometimes the messaging is even difficult to understand. And because of that, this discourages questions. So people think, Oh, I don't even understand. Let me just buy it. Right. It sounds fancy. It sounds like it's going to do all the things, and I don't even know what questions to ask. Right. Another way that this comes about is to make scientific claims. So you. For instance, make unsupported claims that a product has scientific backing, and you don't actually provide the credible evidence for this. Um, you could also make it sound really like fancy or scientific and this, you know, just to try and develop this air of legitimacy, right? But there's no actual backing to the product. And the last one, which is one that I. Personally, I think it's one of my worst is bashing and lifting. So that is to bash a competitor's approach, their strategy, their quality, their pricing, anything, anything about another human being. And then to follow that conversation with why yours is better, cheaper, more advanced. All of the things like it just feels so gross. Like at the end of the day, every business has a person behind it and everyone is just doing their best and trying to make their living. So please, we don't ever bash anyone. So next steps, the first thing I want you to do is if you have ever succumbed to any of these messaging strategies to take a deep breath, we have all probably done it at some stage of our journey. That's why it is unconscious. So know that it's okay, but moving on, we are going to change things, right? Because industry is changing. People are getting clever. We really want to be raw and real with everything. So the most important thing you can do for your business next year is to remain aware. And I've got five questions that you can ask yourself whenever you are creating a piece of marketing content. The first one is what is the purpose of this content? Then how do I want the reader to feel? And then is everything true? Number four, does it feel aligned with my personal values? And number five, if the backend of my business was visible to my community, along with this message, how would it make me feel? All right. So we really, really getting clear with the quality of the message we are putting out there, how it is going to be received and how we would feel if everyone knew. Everything that was going on in our business, right? And that is the quickest way that you can create authentic messaging for your brand. I hope this was helpful. If you have any, any, any questions about this, please send me an email. Drop me a message on Instagram. I'm here to have open conversations about this. I really want you to succeed in your business next year and make it a year of your greatest success. There is so much prosperity on the horizon for you. I can feel it. Just, I'm not one for setting the new year's resolutions and like, you know, new year, new me, but for some reason, energetically next year just feels very, very different and I'm very excited to see what happens and I'm very excited to walk this journey with you. So until next week, have fun with your messaging and yeah, come Instagram. Whispers in my head What you gonna do?