Quantum Copy Cafe

13: Creative Ways to Market your Brand over the Festive Season (without feeling Salesy)

December 12, 2023 Lira Shavira Jade Season 1 Episode 11

Drop us a message & let us know what's unfolding within your business

With Black Friday having just zhooshed by faster than the marketing hype for the Barbie movie, you can bet your left sock that the last thing you want to be doing right now is actively trying to sell your services or products.

People are winding down, they are tired of being sold to, and they just want to put their feet up and have the eggnog simmering on low while they dream about Christmas Eve with loved ones.

So, what do you do when you need to keep building your credibility, connecting with your community, and showcasing your expertise? I got you. Here are 5 creative ways to market your business online, infuse your copywriting with interactive fun, and bring some soul into your social media posts, blogs, or email newsletters. Number 2 is my favourite – which is yours?


Quantum Copy Cafe with Lira Shavira Jade

As a conversion copywriter and launch strategist with a background in energetics, I have found a way to provide you with a soulful messaging and marketing experience that Chat GPT will never be able to replace. I focus on weaving energetics into my strategic approach to help you increase your sales, improve your ability to connect, build your confidence and release the overwhelm that comes with wearing all the hats as a small business owner.

Links: Instagram @merakimessaging | Facebook @merakimessaging | Website: www.merakimessaging.com

Ways in which I can support you ~ 

  • SEO-rich, soulful conversion copy for websites, sales funnels, and email marketing. 
  • Copywriting and energetic coaching for holistic business owners and creatives. 
  • Business energetic blueprints to help you create an aligned growth path. 
  • Messaging strategies and brand voice development. 
  • Cleanses and retreats. 

If you are a visionary who is ready to bring her wildest dreams to life, then you are home. This is where you belong.


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Thanks for watching! So black Friday is out of the way. I'm hoping that everyone was successful and that they met their goals, that they had for what is probably one of the biggest sales of the year, but we are now moving into the festive season. Right? So I often have people asking, how do I market my business in some really fun, interactive ways while building trust, building my community, but not sounding too salesy and. You're spot on. The last thing you want to be doing is trying to push people to buy your products or your service. When we've just moved out of black Friday, people are fatigued. They've spent so much. The last thing they want to do is be bombarded with more salesy messages. So. Today, we're going to be talking about a couple of really fun ways that you can still market your business authentically on social media, on all your platforms without feeling like you are trying to get a sale. So we're going to go through five different ways that I have seen to be really, really successful. And just really fun. I mean, it's the festive season. People are winding down, hopefully by now, getting ready to just put their feet up, have a little bit of a break. And even if, you know, you're not closing your doors and you're still having to continue over the Christmas season, there's a different energy, you know, everyone is a little bit more laid back. I think nervous systems are starting to settle it a little bit. People are relaxing in somewhere or another and the, I guess the general energy and the general vibe is just going to be a little bit more low, slow go. So, with that being said, the first way that I have seen working is obviously with the introduction of Taylor Swift's new song. There is a social media trend going around called 2023 wrapped, and you'll see this on my social profile, but it is a great way to reflect back on the year that has just passed to build your community to help your community to get behind the scenes and to see, you know, what you've been seeing for the whole year when it comes to your stats. And it comes to, you know, your conversions, who you served, what was going on in the back end of your, of your website and of your business. So things to include in a wrap post could be, for instance, your best selling products and why this was a best selling product. You can go into any new products that you launched, um, you know, how it was greeted by your community. If it was successful, how it was successful and what difference it made in the industry. You could look at some of your most viewed reels and your most viewed posts and why you thought that this was, you know, trendy or why it's, um, you know, got the response that it did. You can share how many clients you served and from where in the world they were based. Um, that also helps to build your credibility and to really show the kind of year that you had. You could showcase your favorite testimonial from the year before. Which can really dive into, you know, the transformation that came about from working with you, you could look at three big things you accomplished. That's a really big one and a really exciting one. So whether you hit any milestones, if you had any really successful launches, you know, anything that you feel was a stand out win for the year that has just passed. And then three goals that you didn't get to this year that you are then Like passing over to the year ahead. So what are these goals? You know, why didn't you get to them? What are you looking at refining the year like that lies ahead? Really get specific with this and kind of Maybe do like a little teaser trailer. You know, people love a bit of mystery and then just to get a little bit of insights of what lies ahead. All right. Then the second thing that you can focus on with regards to your marketing is trends and insights for 2024. And this is a fantastic way for you to show your expertise and your industry knowledge. So take a look at. Where the industry currently is, take a look at the year before a certain things that happened, certain things that didn't happen, where you think things are strategically aligning and then show your expertise and your perspective on it. It's really great in this way for you to be authentic and for you to come from a space of your own authority. So don't share something that has, you know, come from another industry leader, show that you are a leader and that you are thinking outside of the box. So, for instance, with my copywriting agency, Meraki messaging, some of our top trends and insights for the new year are that we really, really feel there is going to be a massive, massive shift towards authenticity. Towards energetics, even more so than ever before, we have seen an increasing, increasing rise in the influence of ai. Um, a lot of people are using ai but not necessarily strategically, not necessarily understanding the full capability of this technology. And because of this, we're getting a lot of, for instance, quick. Inputs where you just kind of say, can you write me a post on this or a newsletter on this and then that content has been taken directly off AI and copy and pasted into the digital space. So we are swimming in content. We are drowning in it and a lot of it is becoming very wishy washy, very watered down. So I have a feeling people are going to become even wiser than they already are. And obviously with the industry booming, there's so many small businesses that are starting up, there is going to be a very big move towards authentic messaging and authentic marketing. The whole sleazy buyer manipulation, messaging, and marketing that we have seen all over the digital stage for the longest time, and I think I'm actually going to dive into that next week. That is going to fall away. Buyers and clients are becoming a lot more wise as to where they spend their hard earned money. And it is going to take being raw, being like authentic, being really unembellished just showing up and being vulnerable. That is what is going to be. The main driving factor of what helps you create those genuine heartfelt connections. So that's the biggest thing SEO is going to skyrocket. I, like I said, it's becoming noisy, noisy, noisy out there. So I'm making sure that your brand is able to. Well, that people can actually find you is going to become a lot more precedent. We have already seen this in instagram where they are making seo a lot more important than for instance hashtags or locations or anything like that, so Get your seo right put it into your captions on social media put it into your blogs on your newsletter Make sure your website is SEO optimized, right? And if you don't know how to do this, there are so many companies, there are so many teams that are able to provide the support. Okay. Then the next thing that you could do to market your business over the festive season is to support local and. Showcase a little bit more about your personality. So what type of gifts do you like buying? Um, you know, are you more of a conscious consumer? Do you love handmade products? Do you love, you know, fun goodies and artsy things like tell people what you are going to be. Spending your money on this Christmas season. If you are doing so tell them if you're not going to be spending your money this Christmas season and your reasons why. So really showcase your value, showcase the things that you like, allow them a bit of an insight into your internal world, because this will really help to build those relationships for the new year. Right. And relationships are what drive a business. In the first place, if you can create some really great content and allow your community to share their favorite local brands, this is also a great, great, great way to support local businesses. And, you know, just to support other Phillip business owners who are doing it for themselves, doing it for their families, doing it for their kids. Is such a massive move in, you know, conscious evolution and bringing in the new era and the new golden age to stand by small businesses and really move away from those big corporations. So that is a really fun way to kind of share who you are and your values without directly marketing your own products. All right, then the next thing would be to create an interactive advent calendar. You can do this maybe on your website, on your social media, and then each day or each week, maybe reveal a special offer or a discount or an exclusive content piece that they can download, you know, anything that is just going to get them excited to show that you may be giving away free gifts, being that little digital social center. And. It like it helps to build anticipation. It keeps the audience engaged, especially throughout the holiday season. You know, everyone's tuning off of social media. Everyone is just wanting to be with their family and friends. So if you're wanting to keep that engagement up, just make sure that your content is fun, it's educational, it's relevant, and that you are having a great time with it. All right, then the next thing, and the last thing is to use polls and surveys on social media to engage with your audience. So. Ask questions related to the holiday season. You know, what are they doing? What are their traditions? What are their favorite festive products? You know, really use this as an opportunity to get to know your audience as people, not from a buying perspective, but from a, who are they? Behind the scenes when they're not shopping, you know, it'll really help you to get in touch with the beating heart behind the name or the person that's just in your community and really help you to connect with them in a way that is just so genuine and so real and so authentic, and at the end of the day, you know, we all have a different perspective when it comes to Christmas. Some people love it. Some people don't. Some people find it the most magical time of year. Some people are just grateful for a holiday, you know, really get in touch with who they are and what their perspective is, because this will help you to really tailor your marketing and your messaging in the new year. To them and their personal preferences and what they like and where their values and morals lie. So this is just a basic, basic way in which you can tailor your marketing to the festive season. There are so many other ways. Um, but to wrap it up for you, we've got 2023 wraps, right? So your way of looking over the year that's just passed your top achievements, and everything that's happened in the back end of your business. Then we've got trends and insights for 2024, something to really show your expertise and where you think the market in the industry is going. Then we've got support for local businesses and gift ideas. So really sharing small businesses within your community and helping. Your community to learn the value of buying from locals. Then we've got an interactive advent calendar. So really making it fun and exciting and just, you know, finding innovative ways to offer discounts, specials, exclusive content, thing that. Things that are only available over the festive season. And then lastly, we've got holiday themed polls and surveys. So to really get in touch with them, find out, you know, what your community loves about Christmas, what they don't love about Christmas and what they value, what they don't value and really get some strategic insights for the year. I hope that you have some fantastic plans lined up for the next month, and I'm looking forward to hanging with you next week, we are going to be diving into authentic messaging and how manipulation and messaging is often unconscious. And there is a big reason why I want to address this topic. Next year, there is going to be a massive move towards authenticity, and I want to make sure that you are geared up, you are bringing the unconscious to the conscious, and you know how to market your brand with confidence, with power, and really being mindful of the person on the other side. Whispers in my head What you gonna do?