Quantum Copy Cafe

15: The AI split in conscious alignment & its effects on marketing

January 09, 2024 Lira Shavira Jade Season 1 Episode 15

Drop us a message & let us know what's unfolding within your business

I never thought I would ever say that AI would lead to a divide in conscious alignment, but hey - it's 2024 and here we are.

The great news is that this shift is exciting for everyone, and with greater understanding of what it is and how it is unfolding, you can ensure that your business rides the wave smoothly and with elegance.

In this episode we dive into what this split looks like, the effects it will have on the service industry (especially for wellness brands and holistic entrepreneurs), and how to adjust your marketing strategy to ensure that you stay visible and ensure that you are seen as trustworthy and credible in an ever-shifting landscape.

Quantum Copy Cafe with Lira Shavira Jade

As a conversion copywriter and launch strategist who specializes in energetics, I have found a way tangible way to infuse your brand message, website copy, and Marekting material with your unique purpose and soul. I am here to help you get visible, connect with your people, and sell your creation, but in a way that feels aligned with your natural flow.

Links: Instagram @merakimessaging | Facebook @merakimessaging | Website: www.merakimessaging.com

Ways in which I can support you ~ 

  • SEO-rich, soulful conversion copy for websites, sales funnels, and email marketing. 
  • Copywriting and energetic coaching for holistic business owners and creatives. 
  • Business energetic blueprints to help you create an aligned growth path. 
  • Messaging strategies and brand voice development. 
  • Cleanses and retreats. 
If you are a visionary who is ready to bring her wildest dreams to life, then you are home. This is where you belong.


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Whispers in my head What you gonna do? Hello and welcome back to Quantum Copy Cafe. This is the very first episode for 2024 and I am so excited for this year. Energetically, things have shifted. They are continuously shifting, but for some reason this year just feels. Very, very different. And I'm very excited in this podcast to take things even deeper than ever before. And we are diving into a whole new level because the industry has shifted. It is continuing to shift. I'm sure if you've seen all of the prediction, whether you've seen prediction posts on social media or on podcasts or on YouTubes. There is a similar theme that is running through all of them. And we are going to be diving into a little bit of that, um, today, today, we're going to be focusing on a big one, which I have been seeing coming for a very long time, and that is a split in consciousness as a result of AI. We're going to be diving into that a little bit more. We're going to be diving into the industry changes and what the splits in consciousness is going to be resulting in. And then really looking at how you can sell your products and your services this year and how to authentically market yourself and your business without getting lost in the crowd, because it is getting even more noisy than ever before. But at the same time, it's also getting quieter because some big players are leaving the industry. So to get started, I hope that you had a really great festive season and that you were able just to replenish yourself and nourish yourself a little bit. I know that the festive season can be really exciting for some and also really heartbreaking for others. So wherever you are in your journey, Just know that you have support around you wherever you are and we are all in this together as we move into 2024 over the horizon. I'm not really a new year new me kind of person And this year Yeah, my, my whole idea of New Year's has shifted, you know, before I always used to have a word for the year and I think around November last year I was already chatting to my clients and to my mentor and to friends and family about my word for the year and I really thought my, my word would be resilience and authenticity, you know, just building up resilience, building up an authentic brand, really showing ourselves being vulnerable. But after sitting in some white space over the festive season, I realized that I. I mean, we all know words carry vibrations, right? And they carry an energy. And I don't understand how I could ever try to encapsulate the entire energy of a entire year into one word. It just seems really, really impossible. And also then it seems like it's setting something. Up to be met if that, if that makes sense. So this year, what I've decided as a theme for myself and for my business is to really just slow down, pause, and just allow, right, to allow everything to happen naturally for allow things to happen organically and to flow as they are intended, because there is this hustle culture out there where we do feel a lot of. pressure. I know I felt it in my own business. I know my clients have felt it where we always feel like we need to be on. Like we need to be launching, like we need to be planning the next big thing. And at the end of the year, I mean, I know so many entrepreneurs that at the end of 2023, they were burnt out. They were exhausted. They were tired of hustling and they just, you know, fell flat. And I, myself was one included. I took a break off social media completely just to detox. You know, technology from my system to really just be in nature, barefoot in the forest by the river with my daughter and my husband, and it was the best thing for my soul, I honestly feel like some of my best and most creative business ideas come from this white space. So if anything, this year, if you're feeling a little bit stuck, if you're feeling a little bit overwhelmed. The best advice is just to take a deep breath, go outside, take five minutes just to be in nature and just allow your intuition to speak to you this year. I feel like leaning on intuitive marketing is going to be a huge one. And I'm really deepening my offerings and my services to be able to equip you with the tools that you need to do this. Right. But to get started with today's episode, I want to chat about the split in consciousness that I am seeing. So we have known about this great divide that is going to be coming for a very long time. It has been prophesied for a while. I'm sure you have seen it popping up in different stories all over the show. Um, in the Bible, it even speaks about it symbolically as the rapture, but I obviously, I don't want to get into. Those sorts of imagery. Yeah, but there is a split coming and I see many splits, right? There's those that are really adopting this new technological age that we are stepping into. And then there are those that are returning to nature and to organics. Right. And both are, I want to emphasize this. Neither is wrong. Both are correct and both will find their place in the world. And it's just about now finding where you belong in the world and what communities you are now going to be starting to call family and settling into that. So how I see AI contributing to this big split is. There are three types of people who are working with AI at the moment, and I'm going to lay out each of them. And then we're going to talk about the effect that this is having in the industry in the future. So the first is you are going to see a lot of entrepreneurs and a lot of businesses that are leaning into AI and adopting it fully. And I mean, fully for everything from video creation. To imagery creation, to replying to messages, to working on blog posts, captions, all writing will be done by AI. Everything will be streamed by AI. And these businesses will really be successful at first. I foresee they will be seen as pioneers, as innovators. Things will be really, really streamlined, really efficient. Um, kind of polished is the word that keeps popping up and they will appeal to a select target. Market, right? The market that values those things and that is interested in the technological age to others who value more of a natural organic approach. These businesses will very quickly lose trust and lose credibility. Right. Because the human element will be missing and buyers will become really, really wise to that. They will know when they are talking to a robot and when they are talking to a human, and if you've ever been called by, well, if you're ever on a phone, so of course, and you know, having to talk to a robot, we know that at the end of the day, you just want a beating heart, right? You want to speak to a human, you re we relate to humans. We relate to human stories. It becomes something that we. Yeah, we can relate to, we can associate with, we cannot really associate with AI because we are not AI, right? So that is going to be the first type, then there are going to be. Well, there is going to be the second type and that is those who value energetics, you know, embodiment of their values, the soul and the human elements, they, um, try and stay away from AI as much as possible as this goes against what they stand for and stand, you know, what they are embodying. And I see this a lot in businesses that specialize, for instance, in wellness and in holistic well being. So those that focus on energetics on maybe human design, reiki, energy healing, those that really work with nature as they what they value, what they are working with rather than against, I foresee them not integrating AI As far as other businesses, simply because it just doesn't feel right, right? It doesn't have that organic kind of feel to it that they are standing for and I'm working towards. So that's the second type. And then you're going to find you have the third type, which is a lot more balanced. And that is those who use AI for streamlining. And for efficiency within the business. And the goal of this would be to save time, um, to create more freedom for themselves so that they can not be having to do the mundane tasks that, you know, take them forever. Right. So that'll be a lot more scheduling, but at the end of the day, you will know that you are always speaking to a human. There is always a human creating the content that you are seeing coming up with original thought. It's creative. It is, you know, blog posts that are coming from the soul. There is an. tension there, there is an energy behind it, but at the same time, there is some sort of elements of AI, but as an end user or as a client or a customer, you won't really be faced with that or be interacting with that on a daily basis. All right. So right now we, the first thing is we have these different splits. Um, in the way people are perceiving AI, the way people are reacting to it and the way people are using it long term effects of this and how it is going to play out is there is going to be a decline in the amount of short form courses that are bought and consumed, right? And the reason for this is so many people can. Jump onto ChatsGPT and jump onto BART and say, can you create me a course on how to, I don't know, make six figures overnight, right? That's another thing that I think is going to fly out the window is that six figure, seven figure narrative, but everyone is, you know, talking about it and you can quickly type that into ChatsGPT, get it to outline a course, ask it to go deeper, give you the modules, give you, anyone can create a course and buyers and consumers are going to be coming really, really wise to that. And to know that they don't have to spend money on a short form course, they can just create it themselves or just Google a video or do something like that, figure it out and find the research. What this will allow space for is more one on one customized work, right, where you are going to be able to have the space to guide people in that one on one setting. So that means that people are going to be coming. A lot more open to investing in high ticket items, right? So if that's one on one services, whether it's a retreat, whether it's a mastermind, whether it's a high touch group container or a group cocoon that like occurs over two, three month period, whatever the case is. People will be willing to travel for these experiences, and they will be willing to invest because they wanting the results, right? They're not wanting the, you know, quick answers that they can just Google or ask chat GPT. They want a handheld experience. They want a guide to take them through it and. More and more as we move into the end of 2024, I would say, and moving into 2025, there is going to become a very, very distinct blur where a lot of people are going to start questioning what is real and what is not right. Because when you see, even now the video content that you see out there, it is looking so realistic, even though we know in our hearts and. I mean, we get told, we don't even have to know, but we, we know that AI created that we have seen images that AI have created and it looks so real. So what does this do is subconsciously and like in the subconscious is it creates that split where you just, you don't know, you start to question the reality around you. And as a result of that, there is going to be a need for human to human for nature for grounding, because we know that we can feel it. We can see it. We can touch it, smell it. We can perceive it with the senses, right? So the digital landscape is going to change and it is going to become a lot more important for you to take your services and your products Out of the digital space and into the real world, right? So there's going to be a big rise in those things and. It's going to be a lot more important for you in your marketing more than ever before to pay attention to the results. So what results are you giving people? And last year there was a massive narrative where, and once again, I'm going to come back to the six figure, seven figure narrative that it was predominantly seen everywhere. And it actually got a little bit nauseating, a little bit exhausting is it's no longer going to be okay to flaunt a paycheck as a form of credibility and to build trust, right? That doesn't show what experience you have, what experience you're providing and the results that you're getting your clients. So results driven marketing is going to be so important this year. As is storytelling, right? Because I don't know if I, I'm not sure if this is just me coming from a copywriting perspective, the content that comes off chat, GBT, and the standard that I have for the copy that is, I put out there for my clients in the world. It's like chalk and cheese. There is. There's, there's not a lot of depth to it, you know, we often joke, um, that chat. gbt has its own brand voice. It's like this overenthusiastic worker that has just started its new job and you can feel it in the tone. You can feel it in the overuse of emojis. You can feel it in the formality that comes through. And if there is no formality, then the casual way in which things are spoken Oh, it just sounds cheesy and sleazy. And it's because AI is built to recognize patterns, right? That's how it speaks. That's how it writes. It's, it writes based on what it's taught. So if something is a pattern that keeps coming up over and over again, it's going to use that pattern and you are going to be left with copy that is cheesy and just, just watered down. It sounds like everyone else. So it's so important this year, more than ever, if you're going to be using. Elements like chat, GBT or BARD to help you to create a strategy and then to create your copy for your blogs, your captions, whatever the case is. I cannot emphasize this enough. Please take that as a first draft and rework it. Add in a bit of personality, add in your. Brand voice, make sure that it is very much in alignment with the brand that you have created, because there is a very fine line between losing trust and credibility and streamlining things and making it faster and faster is not always better, right? We're always going to go for quality over quantity, so make sure you are speaking that copy, make sure that your input is so full and. You've included all of the basic elements that you need to your customer voice, your brand values, what you stand for, what you offer, you know, pain points, desires, transformation. You're giving who you are as a brand and who your competitors are, how your voice is different and give samples of your, how you like to write, for instance, are you writing in passive voice? You're writing an active voice. It should be an active voice for most of your copy, but make sure you prompt chat GDPT or BOD properly so that your first draft is at least something that you can take and rework, right? Another thing is we are moving away this year from that vague language that is implying that you're going to get results, but is just so vague that. No one actually knows what you're talking about. Right. And we've all used this language before, so we're all guilty of it, but that level up, elevate, get confident, get clear. It's time to take up space. Like all of that stuff is great, but it doesn't tell us. Why or how, or, you know, how are we going to move forward with this and actually accomplish it? So it's time to get really, really clear with the language that we are using in all of our copy and really lay out how we are going to help our clients to do that. Right. Another thing, which we are all probably been guilty. Guilty of at some stage or another is that I've been working on something exciting behind the scenes or something exciting is about to happen, right? I know it's important to build hype and to create excitement for something, but it's time to give your community a little bit more than just that, right? Because oftentimes that is. Used as a scapegoat just to keep people, you know, interested in your page. So you specific language, like something exciting is about to drop and it's going to change your world or add value by doing X, Y, and Z and give a little sneak peek, give a little photo, a little video, something that just brings it into the reality. So once again, that's. The term that we're going to be leaving with for this podcast is bring it into reality. Bring it into the real world. No more fluff, you know, that fluffy stuff, fluffy stuff. I love that the fluffy stuff work last year. It's not going to work this year. You know, this year we are changing things up. We are anchoring it in, we are grounding what we are offering because like I said, with the splits and consciousness that is coming from AI. Buyers, clients, customers, they are going to be wanting to know where they're putting their money at because they, and trust me, they are going to be investing. If your energetics is right, if your value is right, if your messaging is right, people will invest in you. Right. They will support you because you have something of real tangible value that you can give to them that will change their life, but you need to be able to communicate that in a way that is real, raw and authentic, and they need to be able to feel it right. The brand story comes across in two ways. And I'm going to be diving into that in another episode is the how your brand DNA. It comes across in the world and how much of it is actually based in reality and how much of it is based in the unconscious. It's a very interesting topic and I'm very excited to share it with you. So stay tuned. There are some really exciting things happening. And like I said, I'm not just saying that, like I said, the, we are moving on to brand DNA. We are going to be chatting about. Building your brand Merck about what that looks like, how to do it consciously, how to really infuse energetics and soul into your business this year, like never before, because people are feeling that, right? We all know 95 percent of buying decisions are emotion, like emotional based. And a lot of that emotion comes from feeling someone. And I've had clients, um, sign up for me. With me like that before they just said, I have no idea what you offer or what you actually do, but I just know that I want to work with you. Right. That, that wasn't because they were coming for a service. That was because they felt something, they felt something energetic, something aligned for them and clicked with them. And they're like, I, I just need this in my life and I feel intuitively guided to go down this path. And they are going to be a lot more buying decisions happening like that in the future. So it is an exciting, yeah, it is so exciting. Yeah, I'm just, I'm very interested to see how things unfold and I'm very honored to walk this path with you and to have you in the space and may we continue to grow together and to. Really recreate our businesses in a whole new way. You know, this is really a space for play this year. There's a space for the dancing of consciousness, the dancing of creation. And energetically the universe is backing new creations like never before. It is pushing them forward. It is bringing the right clients into your orbits. If your energetics are aligned for that. But it is only really doing that with something that is new and innovative, right? Because we are moving into a new golden era, whether we see it as it or not, it is happening. Um, And that's not always, you know, all lights and love and all of that. It is balanced. It is polarized, but it is a different vibration that is stepping onto the planet and we are stepping into. So really exciting things ahead. If you have any questions that you would like to dive into or explore, please do drop me a message on Instagram. I've linked the link below, or please send me an email. I am so. Keen to hear your thoughts on these topics. They are relatively new. They are Yeah Like I said, you're not going to find a lot of this information out there A lot of it is intuitive. A lot of it is thought based. Once again, this is a space for Free flow speech for sharing of perspectives. If you disagree with what I'm saying, I would love to hear that too, please. I want to hear your thoughts. I want to hear how you see the world and how you perceive things. It's always just, yeah. I add so much value to my life. So please do get in touch. And if you, this is landing for you and landing with you. Thank you for receiving and I will see you again next week for another episode and just holding you close holding space for you and for the birth of the Whatever you wish to create in this year and may it just be So authentic so from your heart may it just whatever you are feeling called To create in the world. May you just believe in yourself, have the courage, have the strength to make it happen and know that you have the backing of the universe. You have the backing of everyone around you. Um,