Quantum Copy Cafe

16: From side project to multi-award winning copywriting studio ~ how to quantum leap your business

January 16, 2024 Lira Shavira Jade Season 1 Episode 16

Drop us a message & let us know what's unfolding within your business

We have an exciting announcement to make - Lira's copywriting studio, Meraki Messaging, has just won 2 awards.

In this episode we dive into this journey and unveil the steps she took to move from small business startup to international success. This episode comes from the heart and soul, in the hopes that it may inspire and assist you in embodying your own 'big scary vision' for your business.

This goes beyond simple marketing, sales strategies, or business growth steps, this is an example of how quantum success may unfold before you as you embody your brand's highest potential.


Quantum Copy Cafe with Lira Shavira Jade

As a conversion copywriter and launch strategist who specializes in energetics, I have found a way tangible way to infuse your brand message, website copy, and Marekting material with your unique purpose and soul. I am here to help you get visible, connect with your people, and sell your creation, but in a way that feels aligned with your natural flow.

Links: Instagram @merakimessaging | Facebook @merakimessaging | Website: www.merakimessaging.com

Ways in which I can support you ~ 

  • SEO-rich, soulful conversion copy for websites, sales funnels, and email marketing. 
  • Copywriting and energetic coaching for holistic business owners and creatives. 
  • Business energetic blueprints to help you create an aligned growth path. 
  • Messaging strategies and brand voice development. 
  • Cleanses and retreats. 

If you are a visionary who is ready to bring her wildest dreams to life, then you are home. This is where you belong.


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If you would like to learn more about what it takes to create an energetically aligned brand story and open your heart to the world of quantum selling, then you are invited to read our blog by clicking here.

You can book a 20-minute strategy session with me ANYTIME (absolutely no strings attached). Let’s dive into your marketing and messaging strategy and map out your next steps in building a radiant and magnetic business!

Click here to book your call anytime!

Just feel like hanging out?

Come say hi to me on Instagram @merakimessaging or take a peek at my website for more information on our website copywriting, sales funnels, business energetics coaching programs (and so much more): https://merakimessaging.com/

Click here to book your free clarity call anytime!

Um, It is so good to be back here with you and to be hanging out again. And I must say that today, I'm so, so excited for today's episode. Um, I know that those of you have are following me on my social media pages and on my email newsletter have already heard this, but I have some big, big news to share with you today. And I really want to take this conversation a lot deeper. And link it back to you and your business and to really show you how the art of quantum leaping and quantum sales is so possible for you and how you can really create the business and the life that you envision for yourself. So to get started, I would like to announce my copywriting studio and agency has won two awards. And they were both one at the end of 2023. The first one was a best boutique copywriting and markets marketing agency in South Africa. And that was in the 2023 MBA business awards. And then the second award was best luxury copywriting agency in 2023. And that was in the LuxLife global excellence awards. So two awards that I'm really, really proud of and. It just made me reflect on where we've come from, where we've been in this journey and how we got here. And I really want to dive in and share a little bit deeper with you all because I see this for you as well. You know, so often we have these big dreams on our vision board and we pin it as, you know, the big scary vision. And it starts to feel like it's one of those unattainable dreams that will never ever reach and get to. So I want to backtrack a little bit and share a little bit about my story and how I got to the space that I'm in now so that you can maybe take a couple of these points away and really help to bring it into your business and to know that whatever you desire for yourself is really on the other side of your transformation. So to start off with, I must say that. When I moved to Bali in, I think it was in 2019, beginning of 2020, it was during the COVID year and I didn't have a business then I was, I still remember there was a two minute phone call that completely changed the trajectory of my life. And I was teaching English at the time and I remember seeing my phone ring and I was so frustrated because the kids just weren't listening. They didn't want to be there. It was just one of those things where they. It was the most, one of the most frustrating situations I think I've ever been in and they were busy working on activity and I stepped up for two minutes to take this call, which I never do like never and I remember my now husband on the other end of the phone and you just said, listen, I'm thinking of going. On, um, a sabbatical to Bali for three months. Do you want to come? And it was literally a two minute conversation where I just said, yes, immediately, when are we going, let's make it happen. And we did that. And we went to Bali in the Feb of 2020. I celebrated my 30th birthday there. And I still remember when we got that email to say that our flights had been canceled and everyone was going into lockdown and that, yeah. Despite it being so traumatic for so many people. And I really, if you have experienced in that way, I want you to know that I don't want this to discount your experience. We all experienced it very, very differently. But for me, 2020 was one of the best years of my life. The whole Island shut down, everyone returned home. And because of that, we really got to experience the Island. With the locals, we got to blend into the natural way of being we ate at the local warungs and we went to temples and ceremonies and there weren't touristy queues for any spaces. We literally just walked into whatever we wanted to. It was so quiet. And that was really a year of transformation for me, where I saw what was possible within the business space. Bali was very much alive with digital nomads and people from all around the world who had chosen to stay in Bali during COVID and everyone was, you know, working for themselves and working on projects that they didn't have to go into, you know, an actual office form. And it really started to show me what was possible. And at that stage, I was working on so many different projects for, um, different clients that had approached me. I was doing a couple of copywriting projects and for tax reasons, I decided I wanted to open a business because I did have a job. At that point. And I wanted to keep everything separate and to make sure that, you know, like tax wise, everything was clean and all making sense. So I opened my business and I'm not one of those people that can say that I had this big dream of a business and this like business plan, and this is all the steps and this is what we're going to do. I gracefully kind of fell into my business and just had to figure it out from there. Right. So just started making it work, seeing, and it's amazing that the minute I had that space open, it's like the clients started pouring in and it started my revenue, my yearly revenue started doubling and it was growing so, so quickly. And they say that, you know, money has an energy and an energetics behind it. It's not necessarily good. It's not bad. It's very neutral, but it likes to be organized. It likes to have a space to land. It likes to have a vision and a purpose behind it and. Opening up a space for it, welcomed it into, into my life and into my field. So. I didn't have all the answers and I doubt as business owners, any of us do. So I started to really invest into myself and into my business. I invested into my website, into my branding, into my photography and the biggest investments I ever made, which completely changed. The whole landscape for me was business coaching. I had a beautiful as a best friend that had moved to Canada when we were younger. And she is honestly what I can say, one of the best business coaches that I know. And. I had saved up quite a bit for a car and for an office, and I decided to let that vision go for a little bit and kind of put it back on the board and instead opt in for coaching. And it just gave me the confidence and the support that I needed to really soften into my vision and into what I wanted my business to look like and to feel like. And I must say that I made some very, I'm going to say bold moves. I made really bold moves with my business. I was running a very, very successful. It was a six figure copywriting agency. When I decided to pivot completely and infuse my copywriting, my marketing and my messaging knowledge with my love and my experience in metaphysics. And I just felt like, uh, after being in this space for the longest time and seeing the evolution of so many businesses and their message and, you know, the way that they chose to show up in the world, I was seeing so much how there was a disconnect between the actual soul, the energy, the life force of the business and the awareness of the entrepreneur or the business founder. And I really wanted to merge that gap. It felt like something that my heart was calling out for. Intuitively, intuitively, I just knew that it was right for me. And so I took a really big leap of faith and thank goodness I had the support to go through it. Um, you know, it's always great just having a raw team, raw along your actual side and anyone you can kind of ask questions to, but I took a leap of faith and I decided to rebrand into Meraki messaging. And to really lean into the business energetic side and as much as it felt like I, you know, I already had a, a client base that trusted me. They trusted in my work, my vision. I had my client retention rate was sitting at about 80 to 90%. It was, it was really, it was a bold move in the sense that I knew. I might lose customers. I knew people might think I was a little bit quirky or like losing the ball a little bit, or, you know, going off the mark, but I just knew that this was right for me and for my business and I trusted in it and I let go and I jumped in. And what happened is. My, I don't really like to use metrics and finances to, to, you know, drive a point home, but I'm going to share with you my annual revenue spikes, right? I was getting an influx in a lot of clients who were so aligned with this new messaging. They were so aligned with this vision. They wanted to bring in the energetics and they didn't know how to do it. And finally there was an offer that was new enough. To serve them and to meet them where they were at, right? And that was something that I honestly had to figure out for myself. I had to make it work. It was trial and error. It was, you know, really dedicating myself to learning about, you know, all of these tools and modalities that could support my clients. I leaned into astrology. I leaned into human design. I leaned into a lot of these. I don't want to say new age because it's not really new age. A lot of them are really, really old modalities that have been around for the longest time. They've just been reframed and represented in a new way. Right. So I started leaning into a lot of this ancient wisdom and the results that I was getting for my clients were, Suddenly so holistic and it took them so much deeper than if I was just crafting a messaging strategy or a brand voice or a brand story based on market research, right? So, for instance, I started with the energetic blueprint. That was one of my first new offers that I crafted when I stepped into Meraki messaging. And with this offer, I was working alongside Simon, a beautiful lady that works at Gene Keys, and we were using Gene Keys, astrology and human design to build out the energetic blueprints of the business to see what energy the business was encoded with based on the time, the dates and the place of the business's registration. Based on that knowledge, the energetics, we then worked at building out the brand voice, the brand story and the messaging strategy. And then that brand voice was strategically placed into the website copy and the sales funnel and the email newsletters and all the marketing content. Now, not only did this give me a clearer direction when I was building out the website and marketing content for the business. But it gave the business founder such a renewed sense of deep inner knowing, right, that knowing that they have their own secret sauce, as they call it, they have their own uniquity factor and they have that are their own unique way of showing up and being and moving in the world, and it just made things a lot. Clearer for them so that when they were building out there, for instance, their signature framework or their marketing plan for the year, or even their social media, you know, captions or monthly newsletters, it doesn't matter what they're building out, but they knew how they showed up in the world and how they were encoded to do things differently. Right. And so we did this for the business and we also did it for the founder and seeing how the two came together. And I'll give you an example of this. So for instance, the, if we're using human design as an example, the projector energy and the way that a projector, whether it's a business or a person shows up in the world is very, very different. To the manifesting generator energy, you know, when you have defined motors and you can get out there and you have, you're able to create energy inside of yourself continuously, then yes, it's great to jump from project to project and to create content on the whim. When you know, something inspires you and lights you up or to jump onto sales calls continuously and to cold message people or reach out or start conversations like that makes a lot of sense, but if you have someone who's more of It, a projector who, you know, is really fueled by white space and silence. It makes a lot more sense to batch create content and to have a solid strategy that forms the foundation that you can lean on so that you don't burn out. Right. And the same with reflector energy. I've seen the. Reflectors that are in the most vibrant spaces that are so energized, they are energized themselves and there's been such transformation within themselves and their businesses. So there's, it just gives a beautiful insight. And once again, I'm not saying that this is the answer and this is the one like size fits all. And you take this and this is the, you know, key to success. It is a starting point of understanding and it does allow you to deepen into the understanding of your business, your message, your marketing, how you show up and what feels organic and authentic to you, right? And I do believe in building a business and a marketing plan that is, that is sustainable. And that honors your nervous system. And if you are in that hustle and bustle culture where you feel like more is more and this, you know, there's never enough hours a day and you just have to do all the things that is a very, very potent recipe for burnouts. And I've seen so many entrepreneurs that are burning out and it's just, we want to move away with that, right? We really want this year to be a year that we soften into our visions and really just allow what is real for us. To unfold before us. So, okay. So that's the first thing. The second thing is I, I really started leaning into and understanding how you as a person fuels the energy of the business, right? And the idea of the business Merkaba is something that I'm going to be teaching in my upcoming group coaching program. But what I see is that the business forms this beautiful Merkaba. Right. This part of prosperity that fuels you as the person, as the business founder. Right. It, it pours this energy into your life and you as the founder and the business owner, pour your energy and your internal states of being into the business. Right. So they both effect the other. It's like that. So, so above, so below it's that divine relationship between you and your business. So energetically, if you are really taking time to look after yourself as a person, as the CEO, as the founder and the creatrix of this divine vessel that fuels your life, you are going to find that you are going to have the success and this prosperity and all of these beautiful things unfolding within your business. And that was a big thing that I realized and saw within myself and within my business space last year. So I went on a very, very deep cleanse and it's a cleanse that I used to help with. Um, Many, many years ago, where we're flashing out the body, flashing out the fields, nourishing the body, regenerating the cells. It's a very, very deep one week process where you are in complete silence. And it's really a recalibration. And I know that this is successful for business owners, because at that point, I, I was so burnt out that I realized. I love doing the one on one work, but I need to increase my prices in order to make this sustainable. And after coming away from that retreat, I was booked out, right? I was magnetizing the most incredible, incredible clients who I absolutely love and still love working with. And. You know, clients that just allowed me to take them deeper and that were able to take me deeper, right? Because it's always that mutual relationship where we're growing and learning together, but all of that unfolded before me after my cleanse after flushing out my body, flushing out my fields, and I'm going to dive deeper into. You know how, when the body is, I'm going to say clogged, it does, it affects our brand message. It affects our ability to show up our energy, um, the way we magnetize and create in the world. So that was the first thing is, is. Clearing out my body, clearing out my fields and really just opening up to the true capability of my being, you know, we are creative beings and anything that we wish to create for ourselves is already there. It's not so much about making it happen or becoming or unbecoming. It's about stepping into and realizing that whatever we wish for ourselves. We just need to collect collapse reality and it's already there. All right. So by this stage, like I said, I, my business was fully booked out. I had decided to leave my job because there was just no, um, time left in the day. And I remember coming back, we were coming back home from a trip and it was a very, um. It had been, it had been a tough time. Um, my family had been through a couple of losses and I was just very much heightened by the world around me. There was a lot still happening and still is happening in the world and in Israel and all these beautiful places where, you know, people are just being faced with so much heartbreak. And I was really tuned into the global consciousness of humanity and really just feeling into that. And I remember receiving. The email with the first email announcing the award. And I knew that it was something that I was going to wait to announce in 2024. But I remember in that moment, looking at that email and realizing and just feeling so much gratitude flowing through my being for where I have come from and where I am now. And it is just. It just shows how far you can come when there is belief, when there's understanding, when there is energetic alignment, and when you really soften onto the vision that you carry for your business and you allow it the space to manifest. Right. And I see so many times how. Especially working with, with businesses from around the world. We, we often water down our story, right? We make ourselves more palatable. We try and blend in, we try and curate ourselves into the image of what we think someone wants to see, to be able to buy from us. And at the end of the day, it's like there's that inkling inside where you just know it's not right. It doesn't feel authentic. It doesn't feel aligned. We don't know how to become what is natural to us. And this is why I absolutely, absolutely love the process and the journey of business energetics, because it really takes you home to your true story, true to your true message. Enables you to believe in yourself, to trust in yourself and to give you the practical tools that you need to do that, you know, the support that you need to support the nervous system as it moves through the process and to stretch into all those areas that you know you are capable of stretching into. It is the most incredible, incredible journey, and it is my wish for you in 2024 that you embark on this journey and that you, everything that your heart is calling out for, everything that you feel is pinned to your vision board as you know, the ideal that the things you want to create in your life, I hope that these are really manifested into reality in this year and you. Energetically, I mean, it's the Chinese year of the dragon. It is a year about strength and resilience and prosperity and purpose. You have this energy backing you. You have that energy of the fire, the strength of the dragon behind you. So it is the perfect time, the perfect time to chase that dream of yours and to claim it and just bring it into this world. You know, I have a saying that says like the universe and the people on this earth, they are longing, longing to feel your creation and to see your art in reality and to feel it and to really feel the essence of you. And the truth is that. I mean, Elizabeth Gilbert talks about this in her book, big magic, but if an idea has been presented to you, it comes from the realm of ideas, right? And it's a, it's a realm within the consciousness that we cannot see, but it's, it's an idea that has been gifted to you. And if it's been gifted to you, it is your responsibility to bring it into this world because ideas want to be birthed. And if they are not birthed through you, they will just move on. They will land somewhere, but an idea wants to be channeled through. So if it is gifted itself to you, join with it, commune with it and co create with it, because you just have to show up and do 50 percent of the work and the universe will show up and do the other 50%. So 2024. Yeah, you can do it. I believe in you. I'm here to support you in whichever way you need from copywriting to business energetics, to marketing support, you have an entire team behind you. There is always an expert who can help you with anything in your business that you're struggling with, but do not hold, do not allow those things to hold you back. Really? Because I just I'm so excited to see what your transformation looks like on the other side of this. So with that being said, thank you. Thank you for joining me on this journey. Thank you for always being present for showing up here for sharing with me for really engaging in this community. I'm so grateful to have you here and I am. So excited to hear your thoughts on this. Please pop into social media, leave me a message, send me an email. I would love to chat with you and have a beautiful week and I will see you next time. Whispers in my head What you gonna do?