Quantum Copy Cafe

17: Three changes to make to your website homepage right now to increase sales

January 22, 2024 Lira Shavira Jade Season 1 Episode 17

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Possible clients that hop onto your website will probably only read about 20% of your website copy.

I know right ~ sigh. So, the trick question is: how do you get your message across as quickly as possible to ensure that you are building trust, showcasing your expertise, and sharing your brand story BEFORE they leave the building?

In this week's episode I am sharing three changes that you can make to your website homepage immediately to increase your sales and ensure that your ideal clients aren't dropping off your site before you even have a chance to share your magic.

Quantum Copy Cafe with Lira Shavira Jade

As a conversion copywriter and launch strategist who specializes in energetics, I have found a way tangible way to infuse your brand message, website copy, and Marekting material with your unique purpose and soul. I am here to help you get visible, connect with your people, and sell your creation, but in a way that feels aligned with your natural flow.

Links: Instagram @merakimessaging | Facebook @merakimessaging | Website: www.merakimessaging.com

Ways in which I can support you ~ 

  • SEO-rich, soulful conversion copy for websites, sales funnels, and email marketing. 
  • Copywriting and energetic coaching for holistic business owners and creatives. 
  • Business energetic blueprints to help you create an aligned growth path. 
  • Messaging strategies and brand voice development. 
  • Cleanses and retreats. 

If you are a visionary who is ready to bring her wildest dreams to life, then you are home. This is where you belong.


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Um, A website is something that is never, ever complete, right? It's a lifelong journey. And obviously, as the industry changes, your website will need to change. It'll need to be adjusted. Um, it's always, I always recommend actually that my clients. Install heat maps onto the back end of the website. So they can really see where clients are clicking, where they falling off, where they're engaging and continuously be engaging with your site and changing it around and really adjusting it to what suits your needs. Right. So today I wanted to chat about three changes that you can make to your website today in order to increase your sales. I've already spoken about how the industry is shifting this year. Um, there is a general move towards the importance of SEO and blogging. A lot of people are now using their social media pages. To take people or redirect them, or should I say to longer form content? So YouTube videos, podcasts, blogs, obviously blogs are a great way for you to dive in deeper to a topic. I think more and more people are going to be leaning into and accepting that longer form content is going to give them the answers that they need. There is a massive shift. Towards more and more people starting their businesses. And that means they're going to be looking for answers. You know, when you start your business from scratch, you, there's a lot of things that you need to know, you need to figure out, and you're not going to do that by watching a quick, like six second reel and suddenly, you know how to, you know, curate your brand strategy or whatever the case is. So. Longer form content is on the rise, which is a fantastic news. Um, because it means that if people are jumping onto your blog, chances are they are going to take a look at the other pages on your website. So two of the most important pages on your website are the homepage and the services page, and I will do another episode on the services page, but today I really wanted to focus on the homepage, which is your grand central station, right? It is. The one page that does most of your heavy lifting, you need to shuffle many different people from many different stages in a buyer's journey into the right door. So you have your cold leads, which are people that have no idea what you do and you are, you know, kind of. Educating them a little bit, letting them know what is so unique about you, how you do what you do differently, and really maybe enticing them to join your newsletter through a lead magnet or something of real value that they can use in their business or in their life. Then you've got your warm leads that hop into your homepage or your website. And those are people that are normally. With what you offer, they have a vague inclination, but they're still kind of sitting on the fence. You know, they haven't really decided whether or not they are ready to invest. And then you have your hot leads, your warm, warm leads. They are on your website for one reason. They are ready to shop. They are ready to buy. They don't want to go through a whole process of reading about your secret sauce and all the things they just want to get to the buy button. So we need to make sure that. All of those people that are at the different stages of their buying journey are able to get to their destination as quickly as possible. We don't want to increase frustrations in any way. Right. But the section that I'm going to be talking to in this podcast is more to do with cold leads. So it's about increasing sales and really. But like boosting that credibility, and then maybe your warmer leads as well, who just wants a little bit more clarity and a little bit of a, maybe just that kind of that extra little nudge to get them over the wall or over the fence. Okay. So I'm going to be focusing on three changes and the first one, which is the biggest one by far is your top banner of your homepage. That is your H1, H2 banner, and that has most of your keywords in there, the SEO keywords that are discoverable by Google. But most of the time, it's actually said that 80 percent of people will only read your top banner. Okay, general stats say that only 20 percent of your copy on your overall website is read. That's why you have to build it so that it's easy to skim through. It's easy to scan through. They can pick up keywords. They can get the general just of what you're saying without having to read the whole thing. But the most important part is that top banner, right? So the things that you have to have on that top banner, you have to say who you are, what you do, and what makes you unique to everyone else there. How are you doing what you do differently, right? You're then going to have a call to action button and. Sometimes we recommend actually having two call to action buttons, one for your warmer leads and one for your cold leads. So your cold lead call to action button could, for instance, be ways to work with us or check out our services, right? The warmer one would be something like a book, a connection call or book, a clarity call, right? So you're getting them into the next stage of the journey, which is face to face communication. That's two examples. Some people choose to build at their home banner with say, for instance. A picture in the background and then the copy over that some have the copy on the left hand side people generally read in a Z shape or in an F shape. So it is recommended to have the copy on the left. If you choose that exam, um, to go with that, um, formula and then to have a button at the top of your tab with say, for instance, shop or book a call. So that it's easy for them to see on the top, right? Okay. This is the next step, right? So that's the first thing is the H1 banner. The next thing that you could really do to share your story as quickly as possible to build credibility, to build and show that you are a professional and an expert in what you do is to create a video. Right. There are a lot of videographers out there who are creating magnificent video pieces that show a bit of a lifestyle shoot. So for instance, you working at a desk or if you are a desk service provider, obviously, if you're a, for instance, a brand designer that will show you designing, maybe give a background shot of you working on illustrator or Adobe or whatever program you're using. If you are a yoga instructor, it could give visual shots of you hosting a yoga class, but it's also going to give that shot of you sitting down and explaining a bit more about your business, what you offer, and once again, how you do it differently. What is your secret sauce? Why should people come to you? Right? So that's a really, really quick way to do that. Chances are people are going to. Watch a one to two minute long video more than they are going to read all the copy on your website. So if you can bring those pieces of copy together into one video with you, just sharing and talking and sharing a bit about your vision and your mission and why you are living your purpose in the way that you're doing it, people are more inclined to watch that. Plus it gives them a better sense of who you are as a person, right? It showcases. Your unique spark, your personality, your bit of fun, your quirkiness. I mean, where your most you outfit and glam yourself up or de glam yourself, however you present yourself to the world, it shows them who you are. Right? So I love video for that reason. Um, it's also, I've, I've recommended video. Um, as a means for a lot of my clients that have something that is a bit more complicated. So for instance, if you are in the esoteric space and you offer a lot of quantum healing or quantum activations, sometimes people will hop onto your page where they are looking for shifts in their life. They're looking for healing, but they don't. Always know what those terms mean. So that is a really great idea for you to hop in there and share a little bit, kind of decode the lingo a little bit for them so that it makes it easier for them to navigate through the rest of your website. Right. And then the third thing, which is something that every website needs continuously and something that you need to be updating on a regular basis, because this is something that you will continuously have streaming into your business on a regular basis. That is testimonials and reviews, right? People buy from people and people that have other people backing them are more likely to get the sale, right? Because you can stand on the roof and you can shout until the cows come home about how cool your product is or your service and how people should book you and how you're the bees knees, but it's still coming from you. But when it comes from someone else, there's a trust factor here, right? People are able to look at that or read that and realize, okay, wait, I'm not the first person to move through this process here is what someone else has experienced with the service provider or this product, provider. And this is what life looked like for them on the other side, right? So you really want powerful monials that speak to your process that speak to the transformation that you were able to give and what life looked like on the other side of it. Right. So have those sprinkled throughout your homepage. Usually I recommend placing testimonials right under the top banner. So for instance, you could have the top banner, you could have the video, and then you could have testimonials or top banner testimonials video, but have those three pieces at the top of the site, because then if they jump into the rest of your home site, which also there's a, strategy and a formula for what needs to appear on that, on that page. But if they get to the rest of that, then that is a bonus. But just by them seeing and moving through those three pieces, they already know a lot about you. They know a lot about your energy and your personality and who they're going to be working with. They know a lot about what you do. They know a lot about why you do it differently and how you do it differently and why you chose to do it differently. And they know that you have credibility backing you, that you've taken other people through this process, that other people have felt successful in this process and have, you know, really received that transformation that you promised. So. Those three things alone are absolute gold, absolute power to your website. I recommend updating them on a regular basis. Obviously not the video because videographers are an investment, but keep playing around with variations to those sections, right? Add in new, fresher testimonials, add. Keep adding testimonials to the bottom of the homepage as well. Those should also be seen on your about page or services page. And I, I mean, it's, it is quite technical, but it can give you such insight. If you can install, install heat maps onto the back of your website and start monitoring where people are clicking on your page, where they falling off your page, where they are. Read like navigating themselves. It will give you a lot of insights into the behavior of people on your website, and then you'll be able to tweak your copy according to that. So it's really just insightful. Remember a website and a brand voice and a brand business is something that is continuously going to be evolving, shifting, deepening into itself and. It's important for you as a founder to open up the space for that. So if you feel called to change something, it's there for a reason, do it. Game over. Out. You