Quantum Copy Cafe

19: Your health affects the success of your business

February 06, 2024 Lira Shavira Jade Season 1 Episode 19

Drop us a message & let us know what's unfolding within your business

Ever wondered whether your health, trauma, past experiences in life and internal wellbeing are linked to the success of your business?

They are. And in this episode I am diving into ways to detoxify and make space in your inner world so that your outer world can flourish. This wisdom comes from an embodied and experienced space. Cleansing my body has allowed me to magnetize the clients I had been envisioning for the longest time and reach new heights in my business.

If you have the strategy, systems, copy, branding, photos, and business knowledge on how to get to where you need to be, buuut you aren't quite cracking it yet, then this one is for you. 

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Quantum Copy Cafe with Lira Shavira Jade

As a conversion copywriter and launch strategist who specializes in energetics, I have found a way tangible way to infuse your brand message, website copy, and Marekting material with your unique purpose and soul. I am here to help you get visible, connect with your people, and sell your creation, but in a way that feels aligned with your natural flow.

Links: Instagram @merakimessaging | Facebook @merakimessaging | Website: www.merakimessaging.com

Ways in which I can support you ~ 

  • SEO-rich, soulful conversion copy for websites, sales funnels, and email marketing. 
  • Copywriting and energetic coaching for holistic business owners and creatives. 
  • Business energetic blueprints to help you create an aligned growth path. 
  • Messaging strategies and brand voice development. 
  • Cleanses and retreats. 

If you are a visionary who is ready to bring her wildest dreams to life, then you are home. This is where you belong.


If you loved this episode, I'd appreciate if you could leave a review or share on your socials. I would love to hear the whispers of your heart.

If you would like to learn more about what it takes to create an energetically aligned brand story and open your heart to the world of quantum selling, then you are invited to read our blog by clicking here.

You can book a 20-minute strategy session with me ANYTIME (absolutely no strings attached). Let’s dive into your marketing and messaging strategy and map out your next steps in building a radiant and magnetic business!

Click here to book your call anytime!

In this podcast you'll find episodes relating to: brand development; brand strategy; brand energetics; human design; business growth; digital marketing; astrology; blog post ideas; social media captions; email marketing templates; branding and design; website design trends; marketing & Sales Strategies; SEO tips and tricks; social media marketing strategies; sales funnels and automation; personal Branding & Growth.

Just feel like hanging out?

Come say hi to me on Instagram @merakimessaging or take a peek at my website for more information on our website copywriting, sales funnels, business energetics coaching programs (and so much more): https://merakimessaging.com/

Click here to book your free clarity call anytime!

Hello, and welcome back to another episode of Quantum Copy Cafe. Today we are diving into a topic that is a little bit different. It's quite related to copywriting, but it is related to the overall success of your business. So call this a business growth session, a business strategy session, a CEO embodiment session, whatever you want to call it. We're going to be diving into your health and your internal world and how this has a direct effect on the success of your business. And I want to start by saying that this is coming from a, an embodied space, something that I have seen working time and time again. It's something that I have tried, I've tested, I've done the trial and error. I've done all the heavy lifting so that you don't have to, but believe me when I say there is a direct, a very, very direct correlation between the alignment and the health of your inner world and how this affects your outer world and the success of your business. So to get stuff to get, so to get things started, I started off my health journey many, many years ago. I was overly stressed. I had a severe case of leaky guts. I had Lyme's disease. I had all these unexplained symptoms that kept popping up and I was going from doctor to doctor. I was doing live blood analysis. I was at craniosacral. I was doing colonoscopies. Um, Yeah. I had lost so much weight during the process and the most frustrating thing throughout this journey was that whenever I ended up in another hospital or another doctor, they would just say, listen, you're overstressed, like do some yoga. And to me, that was never really a practical or a tangible way of dealing with it because yeah, I could do some yoga. I could do some breathing. I could, you know, practice some mindfulness, but at the end of the day, I wanted practical steps that I could follow in order to arise on the other side. You know, I love the energetic work. I love the, the breathing and the Reiki and the yoga and all these things. But I'm, I've also got that strategy side of me where I want to know, like, what is the next step that I can actually take? ANd this is what led me on my path of detoxification and cleansing, I started to learn about the direct correlation between the health and the balance and the flow of the internal world of the body. And how this is actually having an effect on my emotions and my thoughts and my ability to show up and feel confident and feel like I had the energy to bring to all the things that I wanted to do on a daily basis. And so this is when I started cleansing my body, right? I ended up doing week long retreats, retreats in silence where there was a lot of, um, Coffee enemas, there was a lot of sornering and sweating. There was a lot of removing heavy metals from the body. Um, I had also had a history of mold in the future. So I went very far down the road of dealing with anti mold diets, what that looks like, what feeds mold, what feeds parasites in the body, what feeds all these things that result in viruses or infections or, you know, imbalances within the actual organs and how to restore all these balances and bring health to the actual cells of the body so that you could show up and thrive on a daily basis. So today, I just wanted to dive into that a little bit more because it's been such a game changer in my business. I've noticed that when, and I mean, I'm sure any business owner can relate when you cannot think like clearly when you're feeling stressed, when you're feeling overworked or overwhelmed when. You're just feeling heavy or your body's not really able to carry the same level of energy that you have, or you want to carry in your mind. It really affects the way that you show up, right? You're not able to get through tasks as quickly, or you suddenly you have a couple of things on your to do list and it feels like it's just the end of the world and you're never going to get through it. And this is ultimately what stops us from. Radiating our true essence and calling in the most aligned and the most beautiful clients that we know are going to fulfill our journey, right? It's a journey of embodiment. And if we want to run a business where we know that we are prospering and we know that we are serving from such a heart centered space, this means that we first have to do the internal work so that the external world can thrive. Right. So a couple of things that really assisted me on my journey, and I'm just gonna dive into a few of them and then we can get started with the rest of what I wanna chat about today. As a business owner, who's running an international multi award winning copywriting agency, I cannot, and will not live without my daily dose of collagen. It keeps me looking and feeling vibrant, radiant, and clear in mind. And for this, MotherKind is my go to brand. They glow from within is my absolute favorites. It assists with hair and nail growth and health. It leaves your skin feeling radiant from within, and it also helps to improve gut and joint health and improve sleep. I simply add it to my coffee in the mornings, and I can honestly say it has become a part of my everyday routine. I love it. And if you are loving this product, then also try out the collagen natural hair nurture oil. It creates shine, tames and removes frizz and stops hair from breaking. To shop these and any of the other products simply click on the link to their website. That'll be in the show notes. So, Vic acid, that has been a. Big game changer on my journey. It's been a full body detoxification that you take on a daily basis. It's just continuously pulling out metals from the brain, removing blockages and waste and all the stuff that gets lodged into the organs, you know, clearing that lymphatic system, it's tissue salts to bring essential minerals back into the body. It's a balanced diet with fresh fruits, vegetables, you know, even if you want to incorporate meats and butters and cheeses and all these beautiful products into your diet, it's having that farm to table mentality, Where it's not processed, it's not, you know, kind of strips of everything good and chemicals added in. It's really as natural and as full and as organic as possible. It's beautiful products like methylene blue and, you know, having coffee enemas on a regular basis to pull everything out of the colon that you really don't want to be sitting in the colon. It's following diets that, you know, are aligned to. The environment that you're living in, right? So I know living in Bali, there was a little bit more of a mold situation there. So it's really making sure that your diet is balanced for the climate that you're in. If it's a little bit more moist or tropical, or if you're living in a bit more of a drier situation, so we've got all of these tools from nature that are able to serve us. You know, wherever we are in our journey. And I mean, I worked at an essential oils company for 12 years. I did their, their marketing and I had the incredible privilege of diving into the world of essential oils, and learning about how these therapeutic vibrations of nature can affect the olfactory senses of the brain and that in turn actually affects our emotions and our thoughts and our spiritual wellbeing and our physical wellbeing, right? All of these things have tangible effects on the body, right? But the biggest change and the biggest thing that I started to see is. As I was clearing out the body of all these things and restoring balance and healing the guts and, you know, cleansing the liver and taking my body through this beautiful process. I found that energetically, I was Able to manifest the most incredible, incredible opportunities, the most incredible clients. And I'll use an example. I went for a one week retreat where I did some very, very deep cleansing of the body or some. Very traumatic events that happened in life that I was still carrying with me, and I was finally ready to let it go and our thoughts, our emotions, our experiences, everything that happens to us in life, the body holds those answers. The body carries that information, right? Everything gets nestled into the organs, into the tissue, into the bones, into the blood, depending on. What experience the body is housing. So cleansing the body actually works holistically on helping to release trauma from the actual cells, right? It dislodges all those experiences that are holding us back and making us feel small or making us feel insignificant or making us feel like, you know, we're just not as good as everyone else out there or whatever emotions and thoughts is bringing up. It helps to clear the way for all of that. And as we clear out more of the body, so it makes more space for our true essence and our true purpose and our true being to arise. And as we arise, and as we begin to show ourselves, that is when the magnetism kicks in because then people or clients that are aligned to who we actually are start to feel magnetized towards us. All right. It's a beautiful, it's a sacred process. And even if you, I'm going to use one thing as an example. So we all know about parasites, right? Parasites live in the body. They live in the colon. They live in the guts. They are. Living consciousness, right? And they drain our energy. That is, so say for instance, you have rope worm or tapeworm or roundworm or any of that living in your colon. And I'm, I know it's not always easy thing to talk about, but we have to talk about these things. That is a consciousness that's living inside of you. So if you are having these thoughts that are coming out of nowhere of like, you're not good enough, or you're not this, or you're not that it's so good to question where those thoughts are arising from. And to realize that a lot of the time they are not authentically you. Right. Because parasites and viruses and infections and all of these things, bacteria, it can only exist in a body that is not clean and a body that is not aligned with the true blueprint that was set forth for humanity. So. It wants to keep you locked down in this space of just, cause then it can carry on thriving, right? But as you move through a process of detoxification and you start to clear all these things from the body, there's more space for peace and for quiet and for you to hear your own internal voice. And that in turn just makes everything feel so spacious, right? There's space for you to experience, there's space for you to show up, there's space for you to create, there's space for you to allow ideas to stream forth, and that's when you really start to create with such purpose and you'll see your business will start to take shape. And mold itself and transform itself like never before I have, there's been a time in my business where I've been struggling to step into, you know, a new way of doing things or a new pricing method or a new strategy or new something. It's just use pricing as an example and walking away from a one week decline. Detoxification cleanse where I was able to just let go of so much. I pulled the most incredible clients into my space, clients that were, you know, not even questioning, just like paying the invoice off. They were so easy to work with. They knew their story, they knew their vision. It was such a beautiful process of co creation, but that didn't just happen overnight, you know, it's that emptying out and surrendering and allowing yourself to be seen that really calls in. The most incredible existence for both you and for your business. So if you are struggling in your business with, it doesn't matter anything that you as coming up for you, whether it's finances, whether it's visibility, whether it's pulling in and magnetizing clients that you feel aligned with and let's up to work with, I would like to just ask you to soften Into your body and to ask it what it needs, you know, maybe, maybe a one day juicing cleanse is enough for you. Maybe it's making one small change to your diet. Maybe it's having one less cup of coffee in the day. Maybe it has nothing to do with the actual diet. maybe your body's just asking for a little bit of rebounding to get that limp flowing. Maybe it's asking you to take a one hour run to get that heart rate, like racing and just get that energy moving through the body, soften and ask your body, what does it need in every moment? And then when it responds, don't be afraid to go and give it what it's asking for. And oftentimes this is not a journey that is. Easy, right? So I still sometimes very much struggle with this because the mind will want one thing and the body's like, no, no, let's rather go this way. Sometimes breaking habits. It's, it's difficult. I'm not going to say it's like a walk in the park. It's, it's, it's a process. But how you feel on the other side of that and how you arrive on the other side of that and the transformation that comes with it, when you get there and you feel what that is like, it is worth every, every cent, every time you struggled with the thought, every time you felt like, Oh, is this even worth it? It's so hard. It's trust me. It is worth it. Right. And. This is sometimes a process that I take my one on one clients through when we're moving through our copywriting and marketing container. Because if you feel like you have the best copy on the planet, you have the most incredibly designed website, your branding is on point, you've got the most incredible brand photos that were taken by, you know, award winning photographer, but you're still not quite managing to get your business to where it needs to be, then the one place where you need to look is inside into your internal world, what is happening inside. You know, what, what traumas, what experiences are you carrying within the body? You know, what is your body telling you? Where are the blockages? How do you release those blockages? And working with a practitioner is such a powerful way. Someone that can hold space for you as you venture through this process. Cause you don't have to do it alone and doing it alone can be bloody hard, you know, but having someone guide you through it and tell you what you need in every moment without you having to overthink it, it's so beneficial. And it's such a sacred experience. So if you are struggling, don't be afraid, don't be afraid to venture in. It is one of the most insightful and life changing ventures you could ever, ever take yourself on. And once you have done this, if you are still looking for a way to create a line prosperity that feels good for you, then tune into next week's episode where we are going to be looking at building out the business smoke about it is such a beautiful, beautiful process, a simple six step process. And if you do this with integrity and with truth and feeling like you're just surrendering to the process. There is so much success for you on the other side. So until then, dive into your internal world this week. See what your body needs, see what it's asking for and listen, have a good week. Whispers in my head What you gonna do?