Quantum Copy Cafe

21: How to Create a Magical Brand Experience with Potion Slinger

February 19, 2024 Lira Shavira Jade Season 1 Episode 21

Drop us a message & let us know what's unfolding within your business

In this episode, we look at all the things that come together to create a magical and immersive brand experience - from messaging to customer interaction; product packaging, and websites.

Potion Slinger curates a range of practical magick products for basic witches and modern mystics. Grab your broomstick and fly on over to her virtual shelves where you’ll find a cauldron bubbling with ritual-inspired items and spellcrafting tools to inspire more magic into the mundane and elevate your everyday acts.

Website: www.potionslinger.com
Modern Mystic’s Quest: https://potionslinger.com/blogs/book-of-shadows/the-modern-mystics-quest
Free Moon Marketing Journal: https://merakimessaging.com/moon-marketing-journal/
Quantum Copy Cafe with Lira Shavira Jade

As a conversion copywriter and launch strategist who specializes in energetics, I have found a way tangible way to infuse your brand message, website copy, and Marekting material with your unique purpose and soul. I am here to help you get visible, connect with your people, and sell your creation, but in a way that feels aligned with your natural flow.

Links: Instagram @merakimessaging | Facebook @merakimessaging | Website: www.merakimessaging.com

Ways in which I can support you ~ 

  • SEO-rich, soulful conversion copy for websites, sales funnels, and email marketing. 
  • Copywriting and energetic coaching for holistic business owners and creatives. 
  • Business energetic blueprints to help you create an aligned growth path. 
  • Messaging strategies and brand voice development. 
  • Cleanses and retreats. 

If you are a visionary who is ready to bring her wildest dreams to life, then you are home. This is where you belong.


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In this podcast you'll find episodes relating to: brand development; brand strategy; brand energetics; human design; business growth; digital marketing; astrology; blog post ideas; social media captions; email marketing templates; branding and design; website design trends; marketing & Sales Strategies; SEO tips and tricks; social media marketing strategies; sales funnels and automation; personal Branding & Growth.

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Um, Welcome back to quantum copy cafe. And in the studio today, we have a really cool guest. she is a witch, a real life witch, and it has the most magical, mystical, enchanting brand. I think my eyes have ever laid themselves on. And I've just got it in here to chat about her brand voice and how to really create a brand that embodies the whole look and feel that she is putting out there to her community and her community are just so in love with her product. So without further ado, I'd love to introduce you to Mika from Potion Slinger. Hello, Lyra and hello Quantum Coffee listeners. It's wonderful. Wonderful to be here today. Oh, it's so good to have you here. I just, yeah, I'm absolutely taken with your brand and the story and the way that you tell your story. It's, it doesn't even feel like it is. Doesn't feel like you're, you're actually just a person who's, you know, selling products. It feels like you are, when you're interacting with your contents and in your social media pages and your website or whatever the case is, it feels like you're in this magical world, right? Yes, absolutely. I mean, that is a big part of that is thanks to the beautiful branding strategy and the brand, the branding messaging strategy that you created for me, which really just. opened my eyes to a whole whimsical world that I can create, you know, create and curate, online and for a way for me to communicate with my audience and to create this magical realm, you know, using words, using branding strategies. I actually had to think about this the other day about how much our words obviously carry intention and carry power. And when it comes to spellcraft and witchcraft, our words very much also, they carry intention. Big parts of spelling is our words. So I found that it's so important for me as a brand to have a branding messaging strategy that really communicates what I want to put out there to the world. And, a branding messaging strategy not only influences the way that we communicate with our audience and how audience sees our brand, but it actually impacts and, it's influences our brand energetics as well. So that's why it's so important for me to, to truly have an, an aligned branding messaging strategy for my business. And a big thanks to that is the branding messaging strategy that you created for me. I think it was one of the. The messaging strategies that I had the most fun with, to be very honest. But okay. So just to backtrack a little bit, because there's probably some listeners that don't know a little bit more about your brand. Can you dive into what Potion Slinger is, what you offer and just give a little bit of a background? Oh, absolutely. All right. So, as you've mentioned, my name is Nika, and I am the owner of a magical brand called Potion Slinger, where I create a range of practical magic products for the modern mystic. So, my range of products are very much inspired by hedge witchery. It's a bit of a tongue twister. and my products are very much inspired by hedge witchery and everyday magic. So for those listeners who aren't familiar with the term hedge witch, a hedge witch is really just in homage to the wise women of old who usually lived on the outskirts of villages. And hedge, which is typically typically find magical intent in routine and day to day rituals and acts. So I find that being a modern witch in the bustling modern world with all its demands, can sometimes leave one with very little energy for magical or spiritual pursuits. And that's when Potion Slinger comes in. So Potion Slinger aims to bring more magic into our everyday acts and encourage the everyday women to embrace magical minutes of spellcrafting in our everyday life. So on my virtual shelves, you will find items like crystal infused ritual oils, charm casting boards for divination, ritual water kits for making moon and sun water, and then of course space clearing products like palisanto and african sage. I also do a lot of, petition magic products, like I have beautiful crystal pins and wonderful seeded spell cards, which one can actually write your spells, your wishes, your affirmations on, plant it in the ground, nurture it, and you can watch your, your crystal, your crystal, your seeded spell card grow, while you also, Feeding into the intention of what you wish to manifest or bring to life. So, yeah, other than those products, I also have the coven club, which is kind of like Pershing's little sister. the coven club is a collection of some of my favorite magical items. From other local South African, which pretty is, some of those products are things like the divine and crystal affirmation candles from dainty mystic and the beautiful, spiritual Hamza soaps from green for products, which are absolutely wonderful to do a physical. And a metaphysical cleanse, with the crystal infused Hamza soaps. So that's just one example of how we can use something as simple as taking a shower and washing ourselves, which most of us I think do every day. I'm using it and using something that's an everyday product like soap to actually put some intention behind that and, um, you know, your shower cannot actually turn into a beautiful, energetic cleansing ritual rather than just a normal everyday shower. Yeah, I love this turning, turning the everyday moments into something sacred. Absolutely. I think I couldn't have said it better than that. And you've just, I mean, you've got some big news. Potion Slinger is just being launched onto Amazon. Is it on Amazon already or is it? from what I understand is that it's actually only going live, like big launch in terms of, they're lucky. Being able to use it as customer in October. So I've got, I've got my store there. I just need to upload my products and get my little proverbial very, very exciting. I think it's very exciting for everyone who's in, who owns a small to medium business because, 60 percent of Amazon's sales actually come from small autismal. Boutique, owners rather than big corporate companies. so I think it's a very, it's gonna be a very exciting thing for everyone who's, in business, not just our mu myself. Yeah, yeah. So for listeners that are not actually based in the international stage, so Potion Slinger is based in South Africa. And Amazon has come to South Africa this year, which is big news for all the small business owners in the country. And Mika has just got her products into the store. So some big, big changes. I know that you're also working on label elevations and all these beautiful branding techniques, getting your brand voice into product descriptions, cards, all the things. It just seems like this brand is taking off and blossoming in so many ways. But I have another question and I love. Hearing this as the backstory, how did you get started in potion singer? Like, what was your inspiration? What was that big aha moments? Like, I want to do this and this is like how I'm going to bring this idea about. Oh, that's you know, that's for me sometimes such a difficult question to answer. With the risk of sounding cheesy cheesy is that I've always kind of felt like this is Something that's meant for me And it's difficult to say exactly where I started because it feels to me that I was kind of always destined to work in the magical realms I grew up with a very witchy and woohoo mother Who is totally the embodiment of a wise old crone and she has always encouraged me. Sorry, mom. She has always encouraged me to believe in magic and to explore the more subtle world of mysticism. So I actually started my entrepreneurial journey as a cosmetic manufacturer and the owner of a vegan skincare line called Ecologic. Ecologic is now still Up and running. It now just trades under the name EcoFair. So after running Ecologic for about six years, I just felt like I wasn't aligned with my highest purpose. And at the back of my mind every day, when I would go do my work for Ecologic, I just had this little voice, this little something telling me to, to take the plunge and to, to start a brand that actually truly resonates with who I am. And something that combines my knowledge on product manufacturing, with my lifelong experiences of magic and metaphysics. So, fast forward a little bit. I sold my skincare company early in 2021, and I reinvested the sale of my business into setting up potions thing that that's exactly the brand that you see today. I love that. I love that you followed your intuition and followed what felt so authentic and so right for you. Absolutely. Yeah, I'm sorry. Sorry. I find that most of my business decisions are actually based on intuition or divination. So I use a lot of, it's a metaphysical modalities. In my business itself as well. So whether it be in my manufacturing process or just in terms of whom aligning with in terms of collaborations and who I would stock on the cabin club, those decisions are all very much influenced by metaphysics and by magic as well. So it's something that's truly embodied. Embodiment goes through not only myself, but through my business, through my brand, through everything else. Yeah. Oh, and that's so important for businesses. I often think and say like, you shouldn't ever take someone somewhere where you haven't been, right. Yeah. That on social media where you have like coaches or, all sorts of, you know, service providers saying like, I want to help you, you know, scale your business to what, whatever, six figures, or I want to help you book out, or I want to help you do X, Y, and Z. When they're not actually doing it themselves, it's not coming from an embodied space. So for you to be selling these magical, mystical items and these rituals and all these beautiful, sacred experiences, and then to use your business as a point of, you know, it's a sacred, every decision you make is a sacred experience. I think that that is just so, so beautiful. You are walking that walk with so much grace. Absolutely. Thank you. Yeah, I appreciate that. And that's really just, that's the experience that I want people to have when they come in contact with Potion Singer. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And do you find that having the, the, the brand voice in the messaging strategy, like we, we touched on this earlier on, do you feel like that helped you to really step into that story fully? Okay, absolutely. So when I, first received my messaging strategy from you, my first reaction was like, This sounds too good to be me, and it sounds too amazing to be me. And there was this bit of like a cheeky imposter syndrome that cropped up. I'm like, Wow, can I can I do the beautiful branding strategy that you put together for me? Can I do it justice? and I feel that the messaging strategy that you composed for me really opened my eyes to. Like I mentioned earlier to a whole world of witchy wordsmithry that I wasn't utilizing. as I've mentioned earlier, the words that we use about ourselves and the words we use in our business carry so much intention and so much power. So that's why it's so important for me to make sure that the way I communicate with my audience reflects the message of magic for the everyday women. And, um, yeah, as I said earlier, the fundamentals of most. It's our work, our words, the words we use or the thoughts we hold. So I find that a messaging strategy, not only a good messaging strategy, let me include that, a good messaging strategy, not only influences a customer's journey with your brand, but it also, like I said, it impacts the energetics of our brand too. And, the messaging strategy that you, Lara, put together for me, it really encouraged me to go from a witchy whisper, to kind of like this magical brown voice that truly embraces the whimsical world that I wish to create with Potion Slinger, for me, metaphysics and the practice of spellcraft, are ways for me to kind of embrace my inner child and explore the spiritual world with a childlike curiosity, rather than being this stereotypical old, because I know it's not something that all you guys are familiar with. And I'm not so sure that, you know, all of you guys are familiar with it, but it's definitely And, yeah. Brooding, crone, cloaked in darkness and mystery, which tends to be like still today in today's day and age tends to be the first thing that comes to mind when people think about magic or witchcraft or spell. You know, we picture this lady with green skin and hats and a crooked nose. And that's, you know, I mean, as much as I can respect that, I feel like for me, potions thing is, um, aim is to make magic more accessible to the everyday woman to take that. Almost like an intimidating feel away from magic and spellcraft. And like I said, to make it much more accessible to everyone. And I wanted my messaging strategy and branding to kind of reflect this whimsical realm of creation. And the messaging strategy you crafted for me really just opened my eyes to how it can bring those feelings, kind of like the feeling of being a child who believes in fairies. I wanted to bring that feeling into my brand, and I think you've actually done that beautifully with the strategy you put together for me. Well, the beautiful thing about it is, and I often say this when we're signing off on a messaging strategy on the website copy, is that your brand story is always going to be evolving and shifting as you change as your internal world shift, your story evolves, your story deepens you, your understanding of, you know, how your business shows itself to you. So you're able to express that even more. So a messaging strategy is the beginning. It's like the, the first step and then how you take that and what you do with it afterwards is, you know, that's where the real magic starts to happen. And I love this because you have taken, I mean, every, just for listeners that don't know when I do a messaging strategy, we always do a glossary of phraseology. So it's like words and phrases that are unique to. The brand, right? So it's quirky little sayings or like words that you would use all the time that create that familiarity. Kind of like a signature or like a handwriting. So if someone hears that word, they automatically know, okay, it's this brand that is talking. And what Mika did, which was so incredible is she took her glossary of phraseology and she created this entire, was it called a wiktionary? A wiktionary, yes. Wiktionary. Developing it from, you know, through the alphabet from A to Z of all her little witchy terms. And I mean, how big is it now? It must be huge. It's, I mean, that's actually grown into something much bigger than even like. Just the way I communicate with my audience on social media and on my website, the glossary of a phraseology that you prepared for me. Like you said, it actually inspired a whole series of social media posts, that I like to call, like the ary. And in short, the ary is a witchy dictionary that explores the magical lexicon unique to mysticism and witchcraft. So it started out with the phraseology, which you put together for singer, which became. This, capsule of a series of social media posts, and then it became something that actually is now turning into a public, well, a published, hopefully a published book or an ebook. So, the witchery has now really grown into, Something that I'm actually compiling to actually publish one day. And, I love how, how you were saying earlier, um, about a branding messaging strategy, really just, inviting people into, into your world and for them to, for the audience to become familiar with. The, the words, the phrases, the little, you know, quirky little bloops that you use for your business. a lovely example of this, in action is where you suggested to me that I start referring to my emails as owls, like an owl mail. And I took that as a big win there and started also referring to my courier delivery as owl deliveries. So it's been actually crazy to see how this is. Like being embraced by my audience, and it's been an absolute joy to see how this catches on with customers. because I've had so many customers who've started to use these terms with me when they correspond with me. So now I have customers who will email me to say, thank you so much. Your delivery, I'll land it on my doorstep. Um, you know, they sent you an owl, you'll find it in your inbox. And for me, that is really just. Such a heartwarming feeling and such an affirmation, that I'm, you know, that I'm connecting with my audience to see how friends of potion skin are actually getting on board with with these terms and these little blips. And that's when we've been such a. It's probably one of the most proudest moments that I have with patients. And currently it's seeing how that's actually really taken off with others as well, and how they're echoing those words back to me and those phrases back to me. So it's wonderful to know that people are actually embracing that and getting on their broomstick and joining me in this adventure. I mean, that's how you know that you've got such a powerful brand because when people can become so immersed in your world and know. What your world means to them and how to partake in, you know, the lingo and the terminology and all these beautiful things. Like, it's just, that's when, you know, you've created something that's just so magical and so special. Yeah. Like I said, it's, it's, it's so affirming. Um, And also the brand melody, which you created for me. That is also such a wonderful, wonderful thing that came past as my branding strategy from you. that is absolutely wonderful. And I've also had so many people who've messaged me saying, wow, what is that song that you play on your website? Because it plays in the background when you go to person's thing as website. And, um, how many people have told me that. It just, it makes him feel magical. It makes him feel mystical. And I'm like, well, that's exactly what we're aiming to do. So it's, it's wonderful to see that people are truly embracing that and resonating with what is being put out. And for those of you that, Um, I went through a phase where I wanted to put the brand voice into melody form. So how I was seeing the tone, the energy, how it was coming about. So for Mika, I got a song commissioned to put the whole brand voice into melody form and it is. I, there's not even words for it. That's why it's in melody. If you want to, if you want to listen, you can hop over to the website to have a listen for that. But just to wrap up this conversation, because I could honestly talk about magic and crystals and owls and all these things for hours, it's fantastic. What is the big, the big vision for the future? Like, where do you see Potion Slinger stepping into? Do you have any big dreams that are on the horizon? Oh, wow. Okay. So my, my biggest problem is that I have so many ideas bubbling in this. creative cauldron of mine. And, I've said this to you before, Lyra, that sometimes I wish I was this multi limbed goddess. You could kind of do everything at once, but, I'm not. I'm a mere mortal. So, um, things take a little bit of time for me to, to, bring into reality when it comes to Persian cinema. Um, I also do work a full time job as well. So Potion Slinger is, um, that's my passion. That's my passion project. so I've mentioned my Witchenary, which is very much still a work in progress. And I really hope that sometime in the not too distant future, this will be available, either as, like I said, a published Witchy dictionary, or as an e book. Um, and then, I'm also elevating, just finished redoing all my packaging and labels with the wonderful fairy brand mother, Ali from the high life studio. And, I'm so excited to actually finally have all these beautiful colors and all the beautiful typography. being bought across into my product range now. And, so yeah, so you can expect a brand new look and feel across all my product and my product range soon, as well as some more products as well. Coming out, I have a wonderful rich, rich ritual oil, which was created using the three, six, nine manifestation method, so that will be coming out soon, a wonderful obsidian cloak protection, ritual oil. and then also some digital products as well. I'm really looking forward to bringing out some more principal items, which will obviously I'd love to have on Amazon as well. Things like principal charm, casting boards, principal spell works, the sheets, and then, Also, a lot of more kits as well. I've started bringing out, I brought out recently a ritual water kit, which is just a lovely collection of little items which you can use and a sacred vessel, which you can use to create your magical waters, whether it be moon water, sun water, or any other potion in between, whether you want to use it to collect boy tears. That's totally up to you. But, yeah, so I've recently brought out, and that's the first kit that, um, Potion Slinger has released and, I've definitely got some more kits, up my sleeve, and they will be, a magical spell book kit coming out very, very soon, as well as an energy clearing kit, and, yeah, I've also got a lot of, a lot of Things brewing in my cauldron in terms of engaging with my customers as well. So I know Larry, you know this about me, that I love gamification in marketing and in branding. That's something that also just lights me up. So I have a lot of gamified, how do I put this? A lot of gamified promotions, if I can put it that way, that I'm going to be bringing out this year as well. So there is, there's a lot brewing in my cauldron. That's everything. Very exciting. Oh, I'm so excited to see how it all unfolds before you. You too. Yeah, it's exciting because, you know, for me, it's, it's a journey for me as much as it is for my customers as well, you know, Yeah, I'm also excited to see where things, the way things go and how things unfold. Because like you said earlier as well, your, your, your brand evolves with you, you know, your brand, every change is the only constant we have. So, I find that, yeah, I'm very excited to see what the future holds very much. Yeah. Well, I mean, your brand has its own energy, so it's just going to keep presenting itself to you and unveiling itself to you and all we have to do is just stand back and be amazed and bring it to life in the way it wants to be brought to life. Absolutely. All of the biggest thing we have to do is to show up and yeah, exactly. Yes. Awesome. I've had a great time chatting with you. Oh, thank you. Yes. Thank you so much for joining us in studio and it's always just such a pleasure talking magic with you and just wishing you so much prosperity for the future. So many incredible blessings. May potion slinger just fly like it is already. And it just brings so much joy to so many hearts. So may just continue to do so. Thank you. Thank you. And all the love and all the highest and greatest right back to you, Lira. I really, really enjoy following you on social media. One of my favorite things from you is the, moon marketing worksheets that you put aligned with like where I am at with, doing my potion thing of things like synchronizing things with moon mapping and, you know, ritual. Ritualizing, I don't know if that's a word that I maybe just made up, I'll have to check and add it to the dictionary, but I love the way that you also, need to use the word ritualize, ritualize, marketing, because that's something that I'm, I'm so behind with Potionsfinger as well. It just, it makes so much sense to me, you know, just, and I mean, I love looking into things like biopsychology and then why things happen. In the timing that it does and the way that it does and looking at the moon phases and, you know, how our behavior changes, whether it's full moon, new moon, you know, course or whatever's happening, I mean, that affects buying decisions, you know, when we are. I tend and we're feeling like a little bit more on edge or whatever the case is. Chances are, we're not going to put our money down on like a six month coaching program. That's going to cost a fortune, but we might do like a quick buy to try and really like relieve some anxiety. And it just, to me, it makes so much sense and it does. It brings that sacredness. Back into the business where you can align your business with the natural cycles and, you know, just surrender to that flow a little bit more. So I'm so glad that you, that document served you so much. I'm actually going to, I'll link it to below in the show notes. Yes, because it's, it's, it's so lovely to see,, like you say, how you, you work with energetics in branding and in marketing, because that's something that's, I mean, I want to say. Almost always overlooked. But I mean, ultimately, you know, everything is energy. So our brand itself, whether it be our color palettes, the words we use, typography we use, all of these things carry some sort of Some sort of energy. Um, so I think it's so important to not only look at the physical, but to, well, like I said, I'm more focused on looking at the spiritual aspects of business rather than the, the physical aspects. And I find that if you take care of the, take care of the spiritual, then the physical things kind of come more naturally. It's, it's having that, that balance between the divine masculine and the divine feminine within business and within yourself, right? So it's not just about spreadsheets and sales and, and, you know, all these hard sales metrics and, you know, chasing figures. It's about really surrendering to the flow and that gentle allowing and trusting that you don't have to have all the answers, you know, it's. You coming halfway to the universe coming halfway and knowing that if you surrender to the wisdom of your business, like I feel like businesses, they have their own energy, you surrender to it and your business can help manifest your dreams for you at the same time as you're working for it. So it's just this beautiful symbiotic relationship and bringing awareness to it. Oh, it's just such a fulfilling journey. Oh, I can see. I know that you're so passionate about that. And, um, I can see, I mean, a lot of. I mean, we were speaking a lot today about speaking to your audience, speaking through your business to your audience, but business speaks back to us as well. You know, like, I can, I mean, I can see sometimes when I'm like, low energy or just going through a bit of a slump, I noticed that it actually affects my mind. my mindset, my like mind space gets affected by my business and vice versa as well. So they really just too, too hard, but what is the same two halves of a whole? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I actually spoke about this in a couple of podcasts ago, like the whole. Relationship between our internal world and the effects that it has on our business. I mean, I've witnessed this firsthand and I've really embodied this knowledge and I've seen it with my clients and you know, when you really in alignment and in your flow internally, like that's when the most incredible things happen in your business. You know, you magnetize the most aligned dream clients or customers, like things start happening. Um, you know, finances are flowing. Things are happening without a feeling force. It's just this like organic, natural way of being. Yes. I actually posted, I feel like this for some reason is just like resonating with what we're speaking about now, but not long ago I posted a quote, um, which says the, which knows nothing in this world is supernatural. It is all natural. And I feel like I just had to throw that in there. Cause I feel like it's so it's about now. Yeah. Oh my gosh. Yes. I feel like this could be another whole episode. Yeah, I told you I could flap my gums. Like don't, don't get me started, it's a little while for me to start getting oiled up, but hey, once I'm going, there's like a steam train. Oh, we'll get together again to flap gums Cause this is great. Cool. All right. Thank you so much, Mika. It's absolutely a pleasure and all my thanks to you for having me. I am super, super honored to be hosted on Quantum Coffee Cafe. So the, the pleasure is all mine and all the thanks to you. And we will definitely have you back on again. I look forward to it. When the Witchenary is almost ready, then we will have a little, a little contact about that. Exactly. We'll go through it. A couple of pages. I'm sure it'll be very long. Yeah, we can pick a letter from the alphabet. Exactly. Whispers in my head What you gonna do?