Quantum Copy Cafe

23: Wealth Energetics: Your Path Towards Profitable Conscious Entrepreneurship with Ahaumna

March 13, 2024 Lira Shavira Jade Season 1 Episode 23

Drop us a message & let us know what's unfolding within your business

In this guest episode Ahaumna and I will be diving deep into the sacred energy of money and how money wounding and trauma affects your ability to show up in your business, sell authentically and call in the prosperity you know you are so deserving of.

We also chat about ethical marketing and messaging, and how money has been used as a trigger to install fear into buyers. Understanding this is your ticket to selling with soul.

We also touch on the concept of human design, gene keys, and astrology, and how these beautiful maps can be used consciously for self-awareness and how they can be unconsciously used to keep you stuck in a linear timeline.

You can find her on Instagram @soulful.luxury or visit her website at https://soulful.luxury  

With love, 
Lira xo

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Today we have Ahumna from Soulful Luxury in the studio, and we are having a very important and often overlooked conversation about wealth energetics. And why this is so, so important is that you can have the best marketing, the best sales strategy on the planet. But if you have not addressed your money wounds and your money trauma, you probably, I mean, you might, but you probably won't get the results you are looking for in your business. So stay tuned. We are diving in. Deep today. Oh, So we first connected a couple of years ago when I was editing a magazine for a client of mine in Bali, and I was so taken by your message back then. And still now, like I said earlier, I was hopping on your websites and I was down all the rabbit holes. I was looking at your retreats, your courses, your imagery. It's just everything about your brand is. So inspiring. And the way that you have really embodied your story and led a business that is so conscious and yet so practical. And I really want to dive into, you know, a bit of your story today. I know that you, you've shared a bit about you being a walk in, your journey through business, how you see business and how you see wealth and wealth, um, energetics and wealth in business and how we can actually have a. Spiritual business and still make money. Like it's okay to make money. So yeah, it's a lot. We're going to be diving into, but to kick things off, do you want to introduce yourself and just share a little bit about your journey through life? Yeah, absolutely. Hello everyone. I am a home now, Maya, and I've been in the business space for the past 12 years now. The first two years of that, though, I was basically living in my car and charging people nothing, working in homeless communities because I didn't believe in money, right? And now, 12 years later, here I am teaching people about the value of money and having a relationship with it. And it's just like this journey of evolution that we were talking about before we hopped on of At that time, I was just so resourced by spirit, by my spiritual practice that I didn't believe that I needed to have money in this world. I didn't believe that I needed to involve myself with the system. I was also like kind of rebelling from the system. I felt like I needed to rebel at a moment because I was so indoctrinated into the system for a really long time. You know, student debt, all the things that we deal with here in, at least in America, I'm not sure how it is in other parts of the world, but most of us here have a lot of debt from student loans and things like that. And I was just wanting to be in service to humanity. And I didn't feel like I needed money to do that. And I also wanted to prove to myself that. That spirit, the universe, the multiverse, God, whatever language sits in your heart as your truth, that that was truly taking care of me. And then I was a part of something greater and that I was on this earth for a purpose and that I would always be provided for so long as I kept to my purpose. And that went on for about two years of just living in my car. People would give me money to, you know, buy food and, or donate something to this cause or that cause. I always had someplace to stay. I always had delicious organic food. Like I was living. Beautifully, you know, even though it was living in my car and camping in my friend's backyard and things like that. Like I was happy um, and then there came this moment when Money came to me in this meditation the consciousness this what I call this soul the feminine side of money came to me And I was sitting on this mountain somewhere around montana And I was just like, Whoa, what is this? Like such a loving, warm energy that's just entered my field. And she was like, I'm money. Like, I, I need you to hold me, to work with me, to steward me. I need you to, to welcome me into your life and to cultivate a relationship with me because your, your mission is involving me. And the world needs people like you to be wealthy, to actually create change and like all this, it was, this went on for hours, like I was really in this deep meditation, but I came out of that realizing, like, the choices that I were making around. Not charging, not being involved with money were actually my trauma wounds with money that I was running from. Yes. And that, that was actually the easy way out to just say, well, forget about money. I'm going to just be a little fairy in the forest. Cause that feels good. Because that feels more natural to those of us who are on our spiritual paths. Like we connect with the forest, we connect with the ocean, we connect with nature a lot more than we can connect with capitalism and economy. And it wasn't until that moment where I let myself connect with the spirit of money. That things really started to change for me. I, you know, I immediately started charging for my services and actually set myself up as a organized business with courses that I was charging for. And, um, it took several years because through that process, I had to work through all my money trauma, the trauma that I had in my life, you know, I didn't grow up with money. I grew up, you know, partially with money towards my. Like teenage years once I started living with my father, but before that, my first few years of life, I was living with my mom who, you know, was a teenager and was, we were living in trailers and she couldn't pay rent. And there was a lot of trauma that happened to me physically as a result of her not being able to afford things and the people that came into our life as a result of that. And so I had this really deep story that said people do bad things for money. Okay. And I did not want to be a bad person and I was still living in this reality where things were good and bad, right and wrong, which I no longer even living in that reality anymore. That being said at the time I was, and it was so deeply ingrained in my money story. So if. At that time, I believed people do bad things for money, and I want to be a good person. I want to be a spiritual person, which I was, you know, putting that on a pedestal at one point in my life, and I'm no longer am anymore. That being said, it's important to acknowledge. All stages of our journey. And at that time I did want to be better. I want it to be whole. I want it to heal. And I had this belief that said, you can't do that if you have money. Yeah. Yeah. It's like that belief that I've often heard of, like many hold you back from like being authentic or, you know, it creates this hierarchy and it's, it's not the case and oftentimes, I mean, we all have many wounds or many traumas to some degree. Or another, um, how do you see a lot of those many wounds and those traumas showing up for your clients? Gosh, it is all across the board. You know, at times I've worked with people with a lot of money, like more money than they could ever possibly know what they would do with it all. And they had money trauma. And that manifested for them as constantly being audited by the IRS, having people, having like all these, um, people come into their lives that were taking money from them, constantly being afraid of people's integrity, like, and constantly losing money as a result of all this stress. And it's important to acknowledge that because a lot of times people will focus on people having money, not having any problems, which. Money doesn't solve our problems. It amplifies what's already inside of us. And if we come to money from a space of victimization and stress and scarcity, it doesn't matter how much money you have. You could be a multimillionaire and still be living in scarcity and stress. And I've seen it over and over again. And then. Now I primarily work with people that are more really deeply rooted in their spiritual path. It kind of took me a ways to get here and that was because my my message my mission involves money. There were several things I needed to experience both the extreme lows and the like Extreme highs of money and how people relate with it so that I could deeply somatically understand money and what's really going on here. And it's nice to just remind everyone for me personally, like my definition of money is money equals spirit. That's it. Plain and simple. It's just energy, right? And it is the energy that comes in and out of our lives, and it's going to have highs, and it's going to have lows, and it's going to ebb, and it's going to flow. And my purpose isn't helping people to create. exorbitant amounts of money. It's actually helping people to come to peace with money, to come to harmony, to come to a space where you ride the waves of the highs and lows of life without it taking you into a state of victimization and fear and suffering, as well as people in positions of, you know, I, I, Through my walk in process that we kind of touched on there. When I came into my body five years ago at my body completely shut down and I was, you know, I lost my sight. It went legally blind. I was having seizures. I was unable to function for several years. I had to take off a full year from my business. And then the other couple of years I was operating at maybe 10 percent most days. So. I really knew like I have to just deeply focus on my relationship with money because I can't actually do all of the strategy and the outreach and all those things. And that gave me this brilliant opportunity to just be in my inner world, working with money because I needed money to save my life and it wasn't going to be cheap. It was very expensive. Hundreds of thousands of dollars went into me being here today. To share this message and not like hundreds of thousands of dollars invested into my business, like hundreds of thousands of dollars invested into saving my life and to be here conscious and awake and aware and able to see you and speak to you because those are things that I wasn't able to do and Because it was such an extreme crisis, like I really needed money and it wasn't just a, like, sometimes people think the worst case scenario is that, you know, they're going to end up living on the streets. Well, I've done that. It's not the worst case scenario. You're still going to live, right? You're still going to survive. You're not actually in a survival state in that moment. Like we create a survival state when our body is about to die, are about to lose our life. That's truly when we enact certain things inside of our body that says, Whoa, I'm going to die. If something doesn't change. And in that space, I really put all my energy into money and to spirit and to trust and to faith and to healing all the shit that I had going on in my system that was saying, it's not safe to let money into my life. Money is the problem. Money is going to hurt me. And I opened myself up and. Was able to afford really high level care. I mean, I was seeing specialists four days a week and on a lot of different protocols to be here. And money kept showing up like in large sums, not through my business always either, which sometimes it did cause residual income, setting up your business to have residual income. Do it now immediately. If you have not already, because one day you may need it. And on that day, you are going to think whatever spirit you think that you listen to this message right now. And you set up residual income streams in your business. Um, and then other was through investments. And then sometimes it was just through spontaneous people that would come into my life that wanted to give me money to help and believed in what I was here for. And also people who were just generous with their services. Um, just a real miracle at how life kind of came together to support me through that process. And I realized that there's so many people, so many beautiful, highly advanced spiritual beings who are going through their own version of a crisis because it's hard to be in our body, holding a certain level of consciousness Actively bringing your soul all the way down into your roots is going to destroy your reality. It's going to unravel your nervous system and your neurology and your hormones and all the things inside of your body is going to go through a massive transformation that at times may feel like your body is breaking down to hold more and more light. And it's literally breaking down all of the distortions. So in some way it's breaking down, but it's Breaking down to break open and you know, a lot of people will say, well, I, I, you know, I'm, I'm disabled that, and I can't work then, and I can't do this and that. And for me, I was there and money had my back simply because I was working with my relationship with money. And so I get to be really a messenger that. Yeah. You actually can be disabled and receive money. You can be breaking down and receive money. You can be on a very deeply spiritual initiation path and still be receiving money. In fact, actually the two are meant to go together because money is spirit. Yeah. Yeah. And isn't this just such a beautiful topic to bring into the business landscape as well? Because I've seen so much how, you know, we focus on the sales, we focus on the marketing, the messaging, all these things. But if we don't feel like we are deserving and if we haven't healed those money wounds and we don't know how to dance with the energetics and the soul of money and how to hold it. It's not going to flow into our space. And that can be the most frustrating thing as a business owner. And that's why I really love teaching about how your inner world really affects. The state of your business, the flow of your business, because many and your relationship to many, it all lies within the cells of your body. Yeah, absolutely. It's deeply somatic. And we also know that 90 percent of our reality is being created through our unconscious, right? So all of the actions and the steps, you know, I call it. Because I have a Chinese medicine, like, base, I work with the reality of yin and yang. Feminine and masculine is the feminine yin. Yang is masculine for those who are like, what is that? And we've been working predominantly with the yang side of money, which is an important side of money. Like, You know, knowing how to manage your money, having education and security and structure with money is super important to make sure that you're not leaking. A lot of people who, um, are spiritual often find themselves in the inside of money, which I'll get to in a second, and they are leaking money everywhere. It's just slipping out their bank account because they're not. Using the Yang side of money and actually sitting down with their finances and going over what's coming in, what's going out, where's it going out? Why is it going out? Am I even aware that it's going out? Um, or am I just avoiding the masculine side of money because it's been so deeply ingrained in me and I now actually have a trauma response to that side of money, or am I. Avoiding the inside of money, which is the, our emotional relationship with money, what's actually going on in our unconscious, what's going on in our body, what's going on when we think about money, like what comes up inside of us, what deep programs are running in the background that are creating our reality right now that we may not like that reality, but we are creating it and we are responsible for that creation, even if we don't like it. So it's having more difficult conversations with people about you are an empowered creator and your subconscious is creating all of this. So if you consciously don't like something, conscious is the yang aspect, the masculine aspect. Well, then it's time to go into the yin, into the feminine, into the void, into the unconscious and figure out why you actually are desiring this thing that you're creating because some part of you wants it. So part of it is addicted to the struggle, addicted to pain, addicted to suffering, addicted to scarcity, and it can be a hard follow to accept that, but in my experience, that is the liberating point. Yeah. Yeah. And how do you see the, I'm going to call it the keeping all the, like the holding and the letting go of money, right? Because you've heard so many things, um, specifically in the spiritual world, um, that, you know, investing or hoarding your money or keeping your money, it should be flowing like a river. If you're investing and, you know, keeping it tight, it feels more like a dam. Um, and then there's the other narrative where. Suddenly people have money in their life where they haven't had for a very long time. Like suddenly maybe you have an influx of clients and like business is going really well. And then there's this subconscious fear that comes up of, I'm scared to spend it. So then once again, we start hoarding instead of letting it go. So what is a healthy way to hold money within your life? And a healthy way to know when it's time to let go. So I want to take a step back first to understand for me, everything is about the mechanics, right? When we really get what's actually happening and not just look at the symptom, the experience, which is the symptom, right? We are elemental beings, meaning our body are made of the elements, water, fire, earth, right? We understand the elements when we are moving a lot of energy and we're more spiritually inclined. We run a lot of fire energy, right? Fire is this element that transforms things into ether, right? Back to spirit. Fire is also wealth. It brings in wealth and this notion of, oh, well, I can't hold money. Um, Which would be the earth coming in to hold water and actually grow a reservoir that can provide you sustenance. Right? Think about, um, where I grew up. We had a reservoir that provided water for our entire town, right? And everyone would go and sit at this reservoir. You obviously couldn't go in it, but it would be like this thing. You would walk around it. You would sit in it. People would go spend their day there. We're very connected to this water being a source that watered and provided the one thing we truly all need to live water continuously. Right? Right, so we need actually to have a source, a wellspring of water where we store our resources in order to be nourished here and keep us connected to the earth. So water is both how we store the wealth that we receive as well as it keeps us connected to the earth. Right. And we understand that by, if all the water was drained from your body, you would die. If all the fire was drained from your body, you wouldn't die because you would have the water. So water actually keeps us tethered to this reality as well. So when we have this more spiritual multi dimensional experience, including myself, we run a lot of fire and it can be draining to the water element in our body. And then we can create these stories of Oh, well, we shouldn't hoard water. We shouldn't hold onto water. We shouldn't money. We shouldn't store money, all these things because it needs to be circulating. That's the fire mentality, right? Just constant flow, burning, burning, burning, burning, burning, circulating, circulating, circulating, but water circulates as well, right? Water always flows to a source. Mississippi River in the United States, a major river that gives life to the entire center of the United States, flows into the Gulf, flows into this big body that's holding and storing the wealth. Everything on this planet has a need to store energy that then gets circulated from. And look at the ocean, right? We are a water based planet. So just understanding our elemental nature, if we don't have a storage that we can pull from, well, what happened in 2020? Right. The world shut down people without savings accounts, people without investments, people without resources that they could pull from when they lost their job, their business shut down, all these things, right. There was a crisis that took place. More people committed suicide in that period than any other period before on the planet. And it's commonly known that money is one of the greatest causes. Financial stress is one of the biggest triggers of suicide. So you start to see, why is it so important that we have security? Security is what we store so that we have a source to pull from and circulate from. Otherwise, we're constantly trying to grab energy and grab energy and grab energy and keep circulating. We have to keep burning, burning, burning, burning, and that eventually catches up with our bodies. Go, go, go. What is the biggest thing of the nine to five world? Burnouts, burnouts, because people don't create the source, the wellspring that allows you to actually say, Oh, I can take a step back the year that I took off from my business. Was, I believe, 2021. So right after Covid and 2020 was a really abundant year for me because I was investing in crypto and doing things like that and really being very guided to store my wealth in 2020. And that was a very new guidance for me. And then 2021 was when my body completely shut down, and it was very clear to me that I absolutely could not work at all if I was going Mm-Hmm. survive through this experience and because I had just stored this wealth, I was actually able to listen to God to source the spirit when it said, you need to rest. You need to go fully within, take a break. And go into this process that's happening inside of me, which is when I, you know, really developed my speaker contract and more of my galactic mission came online at that time. And a lot of like the Christic planetary things that you see on my website, like all of that happened from me fully letting go of the external world going inward. And none of that would have been possible had I not had a storage of wealth. Yes, creative. So that's just kind of my piece on this desire to not hoard. It's not hoarding. Hoarding is when you have so much that you literally won't let go of it and you know that There is actually a benefit of circulating money and it's not wanting to circulate anything at all. You're not hoarding it if you create a reservoir for your family to have security. Yes, yes. So, then the opposite side is, and these are kind of the fight flight mechanics. So in that fights is the burning of fire constantly going trauma response to money. Then there's the freeze response where once you get the money come in, you're like, I don't want to spend anything at all with fasting. Yeah, it's like freezing up in response to that. And that to me says your body doesn't feel safe with the money that you just received. And that would be a sign that your body is saying, Hey, I need support because I don't feel safe holding this money. I don't feel safe with the responsibility that I've now created with this money and I'm shutting down. So I like to look at all these things as just reactions that our body is trying to say, Hey, I don't feel safe with this. And it's time that we go in and actually work with why don't I feel safe with the responsibility of this much money so much that I'm shutting down. What's there under the surface that I get to look at? Oftentimes in those scenarios, it could be actually a lack of the yang side of money and an understanding of, you know, what would wise investments be that can make that money grow? What would, uh, important steps to take to actually diversify my assets, you know, setting up a high yield interest account and savings account and, and actually how can I make this money? Grow for from itself. So a lot of times in that freeze response to excess coming in, we often need that Yang side to help us come in and say, Hey, you know what, let me show you how to best manage the responsibility of this money in a way that feels safe. Yes. The thing is, is that most people don't actually have an integrated accountant that would be able to address the fact that there is a massive trauma response happening and an emotional reaction happening to holding this money. So they don't feel safe going to talk to most traditional financial advisors. So this leads me to another thought that's, you have my, I feel like my brain's going in five different directions. I've got so many questions I want to ask you, but on social media in particular, and it's been happening for the last couple of years. Um, many has been used as a marketing tool specifically for coaches saying, I make this match. I'm a six figure coach. I'm seven figure coach as a tool to kind of dangle a carrot in front of a client to pull them in consciously. What are your thoughts on this type of marketing? With respect to the consciousness of money. How do you see that? And yeah, I think let's start there and then we'll, we'll go on to the next section. So I call that scarcity marketing tactics, right? And like, you've been onto the quantum money community page and if anyone hasn't, like, I am really trying to be different in the online space. Like we do show testimonials from people that people have had, but I don't personally, like. Burry my financial thing, because it's not about how they have helping people make more money. It's about helping people have a healthy relationship with themselves and with money and. What classical marketing does is it often puts people into a fight or flight trauma response and gets them to buy from that place. So I have been in programs with people who coach that way. And I remember I, I'm not going to say any names because that's not what I believe in that being said, I remember being in this one business program and there were hundreds of women in this program and in the chat of that program as she's talking about all these sales things, people are having an emotional breakdown. About their money stuff. That's flooding to the surface as she's saying all of this. And she is not qualified to actually, this coach was not qualified. She's a business coach. She's not qualified to actually help people with. The emotional stuff, the processing, the integration, and so people were having a trauma reaction to her program and that was happening because that's how they bought the program. So our marketing sets the stage. It sets the, the foundation of how people enter into our paradigm, enter into our courses. So I use this example of In Florida, we have areas called like Hurricane Row and you have to build your house a certain way, knowing that you're going to get hurricanes, right? And some of these hurricanes are pretty freaking powerful and destructive. So would you go into that area and build a home built on stilts? Absolutely not, right? You'd be setting yourself up for a disaster. Okay. So the foundation that we move from creates the outcome that we're going to get and everything that we do, right? So when we understand that, then we have to look at our marketing. And if our marketing is talking to people's pain and is putting them into a pain, scarcity, fear moment, as they're seeing it and they feel like, Oh my God, I need to get into this because I'm feeling. Fear and scarcity. And like, this is the thing that's going to help me solve all my problems because they're pointing out all these problems that maybe I wasn't actually thinking about beforehand, but now are right in my face. And I'm going to buy this thing that is now being bought from this state of. There's a problem, I'm in scarcity, and I'm in a trauma response. So that is going to be, for the vast majority of people, the outcome that they're going to get from that program. Yeah. And this is why Well, doesn't that energy also infuse into the actual program? Absolutely. And this is why we have Reddit pages berating coaches that market this way online, having traumatic experiences because that was what was in the marketing. That's how they thought that was the foundation that people entered. And, you know, I was having a conversation about this actually a couple of weeks ago with one of my friends who's obsessed with copy and marketing and was sharing with me about his program. And he got to this certain point about. Sharing in his marketing. And I was like, sorry, I'm not interested because you just brought. Um, scarcity and lack and limitation, and now you're going to seed that into everyone who buys your program. And we just like unpacked this for hours and I was like, just go look at the quantum money community page. Cause that page was like channeled through. My intention was I want people, even if they never joined this community, I want people to shift into a space of wealth consciousness. Yes, yes. And that is how it is written. So that when people do decide to join, even if it's just for the moment that they hit pay, they feel wealth accessible to them, that's going to be the foundation that they enter into that community, which means that that can be their outcome. Yes. And isn't this how, I mean, if we could pave the way towards a golden earth, which we are doing, this is the way that marketing. I'm going to say, I'm going to say should, I don't want to judge it, but like ethically, I mean, if, if, if you can just infuse consciousness and really speak to the potential of what someone could step into, you're already, even just by them coming into contact with your content, they are ready. Feeling that in some way or another, even if it's unconscious and it sits with them for a while and they have that realization months in advance. And I really feel like this is the way we need to be marketing and messaging our services and our products and not coming from that. Pick a pain point, pick a fear. I mean, that's taught to market. So it's still going on. Even when I like see my courses pop up, they always teach with copywriting, talk to the pain points. Because it's easy. It's a cheap, easy way to sell something. Because it works because the whole system has been designed around keeping people in fear and keeping people in their pain body. And if you are on a spiritual path and you're here to, you know, awaken this new dawn, then we have to shift out of pain body oriented living. Into realizing that pleasure is available, like we can actually live a life in pleasure and joy and bliss and excitement and love and expansion and we can actually sell from that space. And, you know, for me, when I, I had this realization. You know, we were talking about, like, raising prices and things like that before, so I'm kind of going to touch on that a little bit right now, because last year I was given this gift of stem cells, neurological stem cells, that were 25, 000 to receive. And they were given to me as a gift. And I was like, Whoa, this is a huge gift, right? To this gift is going to, I basically, to make a long story short, I went into meditation, I was having some neurological things still showing up that didn't feel like I was fully ready. Come back into my work in the way that I was being guided to this year. And so I was like, okay, there's gotta be something missing here. I went into meditation, I went into joy. And I said, You know, bring me 20, 000, whatever it is, bring the money, show it to me and I will put it, I will do it. Okay. And within an hour I was on a call with this neurological specialist, like offering me a 25, 000 gift of stem cells is like, when can you get to Florida? I'm like, I can be there in two weeks. Like I'm coming. Um, And that's how quickly things can manifest when we really are in alignment. And after I received that though, it was like this nourishment return to my body for people that don't know stem cells are what our body creates in our blood to heal and to regenerate. And as we age, as we have trauma, as we have injury, you know, our stem cells do the best that they can do and they start to diminish. And if you've had as extensive of like, I had a lot of head trauma, concussions, things like that, your brain will just heal to the best of its ability given that it had. So when I received these stem cells, I remember just First bursting into tears and everyone, like I'm surrounded by all these, um, neurosurgeons and they're like very unemotional, right? And I'm like having a reaction to treatment. And then I just started bursting into laughter because I literally just heard this voice of my body saying, now I have everything I need. You know, I still like, I feel that in me and I was just like, wow, this is what it feels like to actually be resourced in my body. Yes. And then I realized that this came from a very generous man who want, who believed in me, believed in my mission, believed in what I was here for. And Wanted to gift me something that would allow me to do that. And that's when I realized that I had also been conditioned in a lot of the marketing to offer my services in a certain way. That wasn't actually how I'm here to serve. And I actually lowered my prices for everything. I did the opposite of what everyone is telling everyone to do. Like raise your prices, do all these things. I did the opposite. I lowered my prices. I stopped doing any pain point marketing. I stopped manipulating people. Basically, if I'm just completely honest, it's manipulation tactics. That's what marketing is. You're just manipulating people to buy. And I shifted into this reality of like, I don't want to manipulate people to buy. If people are meant to be in my world, they will be in my world. And I really need to trust that my. Purpose is enough and I took probably like a 70, 000 decrease in my overall annual sales last year, which is a lot of money. It's more money than some people make. In a year and I let myself stop playing into a lot of things and got back into touch with my true essence and my true essence, you know, God sort of revealing to me that I'm here for volume and velocity. And if I'm here for volume and velocity, then I need to believe that charging 99 a month. With thousands of people is going to bring me the same abundance that's charging 50, 000 for three months. Yes, it's going to bring because in that paradigm that I was playing, you know, I, I have had programs that have cost five figures and worked in that business model for many, many years and I've shifted out of it and created two different communities now that have basically all my programs in them for 99 a month. I was like, I just want to give everything away. And so accessible and I believe that I'm here for volume and velocity and to reach hundreds of millions of people and living in the paradigm of I need to charge high ticket was actually keeping me in lack and disbelief in my purpose. Yes. Yes. So, and that's not everyone's not here for volume and velocity though, right? Everyone's not here to touch millions of people's lives. It's important though that we get clear on what is my path. Yeah. And not following everything that they tell you. All over the social media. And I mean, your story, you do this so well. I mean, you have embodied your purpose. You know, you are in service of the divine. And because of that, the message that you share and the content that you are creating, it is so. I'm going to say it's so unique. You won't find this anywhere else, but if you have an offer where you have like 50 different varieties on the market and people are price shopping and quality shopping, all of that, like you need to have competitive pricing. And I think this is why it's so important for business owners to really lean into their sole gifts and their sole purpose, because when you're in that flow, You know, how you meant to message, you know, how you meant to market. There's no more tactics or strategy behind it. You just show up, you speak and the right people are magnetized into your space because they know that they need to be there. Once you've done the inner work that becomes, that becomes the way that we play. You know, I constantly tell people I can create whatever I want and it shows up usually within an hour of me creating it. And that's because. I diligently, and I mean diligently, I am so disciplined inside of myself to not entertain anything that is Ego or collective unconscious wounds and disbelief, a lack limitation anytime because we share the mental field with everyone else in humanity. I am disciplined to be the stronger mirror neuron that enters the room that entrains everyone to my reality and not me to theirs. And that work inside of yourself, it takes constant discipline of what's going on inside of you. To that pivotal shifting point. That can enter into a room of people who are living in lack and disbelief and nervous system dysregulation and fear and worry and thinking that you can't, you know, be spiritual. And for those who are still like on the fence, like I've had some crazy things happen in. This initiation of, you know, my community, quantum money communities for soul led people, it is for spiritually oriented people. You come onto my sales page and if you are not spiritually oriented, you're going to think that I am not right. So literally our movement is to bring the worlds of spirit and money together. And when I started doing my, what I call my planetary mission, more of my like higher aspects, multi dimensional work here, I call like my coaching and mentoring, my human work, like the work that I do because I love it and it's fun, but then I have this massive mission. That's a planetary mission that are these activations and more of the galactic work that I do. And when I stepped into that role. I was in communities just sharing about, you know, the activations that we were doing and the mission work and all these things and people, Would go to my personal profile and see that I was helping people with money and back into these very quote unquote, spiritual groups and start attacking me because I was talking about money and I couldn't possibly be working with the guardians and doing all these things and be embodied in my spiritual path. If I was working with money and it got. The attacks got so intense at one point that I literally had someone's hands, a rash of someone's hands around my throat. They were trying deeply to silence me because I was involved with money. And I was like, wow, look at, look at this huge, huge wound that people are still carrying that believes truly that you cannot involve money and spirit. When money is spirit money, just like humanity has been enslaved. Um, yes, there and for centuries and centuries, it's a very, very deep wound because money is a feminine spirit. When you connect to money, it is feminine energy. It's created through your unconscious. The feminine, it is this primordial creatrix of life force and nourishing. Yeah. It does. It brings nourishment and resource and the ability to relax and unwind. It brings in all these things that are deeply feminine. And the feminine has been enslaved on this planet, the disconnection from spirit. So people have disconnected from money has been in the same cage that we all have been in. And it wants. To be free, just like all of us want to be free here and it wants to help us and us to help it. It's like spirit is awakening. It's awakening in money. It's awakening in us. And we as, you know, lightworkers or starseeds or, you know, people who are growing in consciousness in their body, in their roots. It's our responsibility to steward energy on this planet in a new direction. And right now, currently we cannot do that without money. Yes. Like we speak about growing these businesses that allow us the life of freedom and adventure and you know, all these things that we have desires in our hearts, but money is that energy that paves the way for that, you know, and you cannot have one or the other. So it's, It's the, it's why we start a business in the first place. So, I mean, why has it become such a, a taboo conversation or else manipulated in such a way that it just starts to feel like sleazy instead of soulful, it's definitely a huge thing right now. And I think that's also why, you know, I talk about, we just moved into a new 20 year cycle in Feng Shui. That is, uh, feng shui from the ancient Chinese cosmology works with flying stars, nine flying stars, and these are cosmological stars. And we've just moved into what's called period nine. It's ruled by flying star number nine. It's a 20 year period. And we just officially transitioned into it in February this year. And this period is about wealth consciousness. It is about arts. It's about fire as well. It's the element rule by the element of fire and fire brings in spirit and consciousness and wealth. So we are making this movement into this period where there is a lot of abundance available. But it will be. Will either show up for people and need to do this inner work, right? It's so important that we do this inner work on ourselves to create a healthy relationship with in ourselves with money With spirit with energy and come fully into our roots like this is where All of these distortions in my experience, working with people now, the disconnection from money and from, you know, really being able to even get clear, like what is my natural organic rate that I want to charge and people that I want to serve. And how do I organically speak about my brand in a way that is inspiring for me that I don't even have to think about. Think about like, I don't even have to think when I'm making a page anymore or post, it's just like, this is who I am. And I don't give a fuck to be completely honest with anyone thinks about it or, or anyone's opinion, literally just roll off my shoulders. And I keep moving forward because I tell people that once you are in your true Dharma, you are a train on tracks that cannot be stopped and people run over by you or they can jump on board with you and ride. Into the future. Um, so within that, like when people are not fully bringing their soul from their heart down, a lot of the spirit community will stay in their upper chakras. Yeah, because it's nice and airy and light and fluffy and it feels nice to be out there. Yeah And if we are, you know coming in on a more galactic wave Then we have more experience in the upper chakras and less experience in our terrestrial body on earth That and also the lower chakras hold all the fear and all the pain and all the trauma and all the gunk that has been in our lineage for a really long time. So actually coming down into those chakras and rooting there is first and foremost, the secrets of being truly wealthy because your root chakra overrides everything that you create here. It's all through the roots. So if you want to actually shift your business and your finances, You have to work on bringing yourself really deeply into those parts and facing those things that are inside of you and grounding your consciousness in the roots, which is really the evolution that creates the new golden world. So if you have, for instance, if there's listeners that are, Curious as to how to heal their relationship with money and how to bring it into the body, how to really find and do that somatic work to find out where those blockages are, what they feel like, how to move them. What would you recommend? You have any techniques, anything that they can try at home, just something to start clearing those pathways so that they can start getting in touch with their truth and really. Cultivating a healthy relationship with money, because it is such a fundamental part of running a successful business, it is like we mentioned why we run a business in the first place. So, you know, if you, if you're disconnected from the end results. It's like you're just running on a trademark going no way. Yeah. So, I mean, I have a very elaborate system that is called the money meridians and basically through each meridian through people's life experience The fears that come up the beliefs the stories we can actually track exactly where in the body that is stored through the meridians But that's like a long long discussion So what I would say for You Someone to go and do immediately right now is to actually sit down and talk with money, talk about money, write out what's actually going on currently in your life with money, but stay in your body the entire time and track where do my muscles tighten? Where do, where is my hips tightening? Is my jaws tightening? Are my shoulders getting tense? Do I feel pain in my stomach? Is my left toe? Tensing up, like track in your body where you are actually closing down or tightening or tensing as you really start to get honest about your financial story and then start to ask yourself, what part of me actually desires this? What part of me is actually choosing and desiring this thing that I consciously do not enjoy. And then get really deep into your body and track it track where it lives and then start to talk with it. Who is this? Why do you desire this? What are you enjoying about this? Like what are you getting from this? Like I can give an example from my own life that I was creating a, um, tap on my finances and things like that at this point of expansion, uh, last year, like for me, a part of my Dharma is to be a provider and that provoked that provision is not only for, you know, my male partner, but it's also. Because the business that I'm here to run is meant to have many employees. And then my brand, me, my essence becomes responsible for their life livelihood. Right? So I'm a fighter and I created this thing with my partner last year where. We manifested out this whole drama of me stepping into being the provider of our home and really fucking hating it Really really had all Come up, man I was like, whoo all these stories from my father and the patriarchy and just all these things that were coming up to show me that I Actually did not Want to be a provider or was afraid of being a writer, was not sure of what being a provider actually meant or feeling secure and stepping beyond just in Chinese medicine. We take this from the nine palaces of the heart, we call them their points on our pericardium meridian. And basically you have the palace of wealth and that's when you can provide for yourself. And then we graduate into the palace of prosperity when that wealth starts to overflow out into the world and we become providers for others. And that's what he's into prosperity consciousness beyond wealth consciousness, right? So wealth consciousness is like the stepping point to prosperity. And so I was creating. Um, issues in my relationship issues in all these different areas because some part of me had certain desires that were counter to the reality that I was actually being called into to be a provider. And so I had to have these same uncomfortable conversations like what part of me is creating certain aspects of my health crisis because I actually desire men to take care of me when my dharma is me actually providing for them. Yes. Oh, isn't that just such a powerful realization? We can't have those realizations unless we're willing to have the uncomfortable conversations that I am the one creating all of this. So some part of me desires what I'm creating. Yes. And it takes such courage to really lean in and to, to face that with all aspects of life, business, you know, the patterns we create for ourselves, the wealth trauma, not stepping out of it, you know, and, and when we finally choose to actually look at all of that and take responsibility, that's when momentum happens and change happens and we can actually start to heal and move these things and create the life that we actually want. Yeah. And that's what frees up all the energy and. You know, for, for me and my understanding, like if you're stuck financially right now, or if you're in a plateau and you're like not able to have like move beyond whatever you're at in your finances, some part doesn't actually feel secure holding more energy because more money brings more energy, brings more sensation and feeling in the body. And if we have stuck energy inside of us, then there's not space for more energy to come in. Yes. Right. Or if we have this feeling of being overwhelmed or too sensitive, this is a big one for any spiritually oriented people or empathic people is they create this story that being highly sensitive is a problem. Receiving more money is going to bring a lot of sensation into your body. So if there is a story that holding more energy, feeling more is too much overwhelming, a problem, then you will not receive more money because it's going to bring all the feelings, all the sensations into your body. So it's really important to work, realize that money is just energy and to hold more of it means holding more energy. And if already in your life, you feel like you're overwhelmed by all the energy that you feel, then you won't receive more money. So start there. Start with feeling secure, being an energetic being on this planet, and being highly sensitive because that is our superpower that unlocks the reservoir of wealth within us. And I'm curious, like a question that you just popped, uh, popped into my mind when you spoke about empathy and, you know, the, the stories that we assign to ourselves about ourselves, what, what are your thoughts and what are your perspectives on the, you know, all of those ancient, um, I'm going to call them systems for understanding how we show up in the world. So human design, astrology, gene keys, all of these, um, you know, they're, they're beautiful modalities and I've, I've experienced them and really enjoy them in life, but I've also seen the shadow side of them where we become so locked down and we create, we kind of self sabotage ourselves based on who we are told we are, instead of just actually leaning into who we are and thinking, you know what? Let me just have the space to be myself. And I mean, the same happens for astrology, you know, something, even something happens in life where like, Oh, you know, Mercury's in retrograde, let's just blame that or blame this, or I'm like this because I'm a Pisces or I'm a Gemini, or, you know, we, we create all these stories. What is that, that sacred balance between diving in and understanding ourselves deeper, but also understanding that. Attaching too much to these stories is actually self sabotaging our life, our business, our relationship to money, and all these beautiful things that actually just want to flow freely. Yeah, I have a lot to say on this topic, as I'm sure you've seen some of my posts on it. Um, that being said, when people get hyperfixated on being a projector or being a Scorpio or being a sun in Libra, whatever it is, you lock yourself into linear time. Because first and foremost, those charts are based on tropical astrology, which is not actually where the planets were when you were born. Uh, which means that there's another chart that's available to you that is astronomically precise. And even in that astronomically precise system, there's then a heliocentric chart. There's then a hundred and something different ways of calculating that chart. There's then the celestial equator. Okay. There's then the fixed stars, which means that when we lock ourselves into being just this one thing, you lock yourself into linear time, which means you block quantum creation from providing to you because you say, this is the only way. So a great example of this in the realms of money is people who work in nine to five or work in something and they say, I need to create this one way that money comes into my life. When in my experience running the quantum money frequencies that open people up to the quantum fields of creation People just get money coming in and all these random places Like we've had people had money put in their mailbox before like cash literally in their mailbox Like the the creation is trying to provide for us But when we lock ourselves into linear time, we limit how creation can actually flow into our lives. We lock ourselves into a dimension of reality that's actually not even real. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. So in, in the work that I do with like the human aurora mapping and the destiny mapping, we actually say that, you know, you have multiple dimensions of a chart and your charts going to change. You have transits that change your type every single day. We have, you know, so our charts are constantly changing and evolving and growing and expanding and have multiple dimensions to them. And if we lock ourselves into one thing. We actually inhibit how creation can move through us. And we also limit our spiritual growth because hyper identification is an ego quality. So what would your advice be for someone then that wants to understand themselves in a deeper, like layer or level? Because I know that I think a part of human design and gene keys and astrology and all these different things is that it is so accessible. You know, you can jump onto Instagram, you can have a quick post, you understand yourself a bit better. It becomes one of those like quick, I'm not going to say quick fix, but like a, a quick dose of you every day, if that makes sense. So, but, but it does like it over time, it does become this, this trap where you just, you become so stagnant and I've seen it before. It's like, I can't show up like this. Because I'm whatever, and I've, I've, I've had it said to me before where people are like, Oh, but you, maybe you can't show up consistently or you can't, you know, manifest projects very quickly because you're a projector. I'm like, okay, but I always used to do that for my whole life until I found out it was a projector. So what changed? Yeah, so as a fellow projector across all dimensions, so when I say that I am a tropical projector, a sidereal projector, a heliocentric projector, literally across all dimensions of the charts, every single different chart, I am a projector. And I am one of the most highly creative and energetic people. Energetic beings on this planet. I create more than most people that I know. I've produced like 60 something courses, written books. I work all day around the clock and my energy doesn't quit. Like, because we are able to pull energy and resource energy from anywhere at any time. That does not make us non energetic beings, that makes us highly optimized beings, able to source energy from anywhere, anytime. So even the lens that someone looks at human design through, or astrology through, is going to be based on their current conscious limitations. A lot of people come into my sphere of these systems. I've been studying astrology since I was a child and human design since like probably 13, 14 years now. I've been facilitating destiny mapping and the human Aurora sessions for the last seven years. And evolving people beyond just the tropical system and really starting to look, okay, there's value in all the charts, but there's not value if you get hyper fixated on one of them, because then you don't allow yourself to change. So, if all you're doing right now is just looking at your tropical human design, gene keys, astrology, which is what humandesign. com, that's a tropical system. Go and look at your sidereal, which would be the correct astronomical placements at your birth, which I call your soul chart. So for me, the way that I look at it is the tropical system is the ego. Is the personality that we were conditioned into by coming into this matrix because it's not astronomically correct, which means it's not actually in alignment with the planet and with the stars, which is this whole system. This whole system is revolving around keeping people out of alignment with source. Yes, yes, that's why it's the ego with that but genetic overlay the literal virus that keeps people out of alignment with source and you can utilize that chart to free yourself from that system or to cement yourself in that system. Yes, yes. We have our soul chart which opens up in the sidereal and this is more your true alignment with the planet and with the stars and is for humanity's sake the evolutionary leap that is necessary and that's being called through us is for souls to fully take over their bodies and to fully reclaim command over the vessel, send the push out the epigenetic overlays. And that's your soul chart, your sidereal chart, which has a lot of different variations to it, right? So the way that I look at that is then if there's like a hundred and something different ways of calculating that That speaks to our soul because our soul is not just one being that's having one personal experience There is what a hundred and forty four other different versions so literally you can tap into all those versions and Use them as a way to open up your consciousness you And so do you offer these readings I do Okay And is it can you be booked through your website because I went through so many rabbit holes in your website Like you really are a creator Uh, it's on my podia page currently the funny thing is about The human Aurora. So I actually have destiny mapping facilitators that I've trained. Now I have several amazing facilitators that are working in the site aerial systems and I don't facilitate those sessions anymore. I pass them on to my facilitators because I've evolved now past it into what I call the oversoul chart. And the oversold chart is the chart of our Dimension 7, 8, and 9 consciousness, and it is heliocentric, so it puts the sun at the center, and then it utilizes, uh, fixed stars, as well as the acrystic spiral to actually calculate the correct fixed stars in your oversold chart. So it's kind of like, I've been in these systems for so long, and I'm constantly, like, for me, the moment we get hyperfixated on something, we stop our evolution. And one thing that I believe is that we always need to say, I, I no longer believe that and I'm changing and I'm evolving because change is the only constant. So if change is the only constant, and yet we constantly say, no, this is it, this is the way, this is the only thing, then you're not changing. You're denying evolution. You're denying your nature. So. Most people that kind of come into my world in this space are constantly evolving and growing with me. And we're like, let's, let's move the planet forward already. Let's stop getting stuck in one system. Like, that's so cool. It's quite frankly, boring to be completely honest to just be so hyper fixated. It blocks the creative flow, right? It blocks that creative flow. And so the human Aurora sessions is what I primarily will facilitate now for people that are kind of. Thank you. In a space of wanting more of a galactic connection to who they are. Um, and I don't think those are actually on my personal webpage. They're on my podium site on my course page that I don't think has been integrated into soulful luxury yet. Well, if you're happy to, maybe we can link that in the show notes for anyone who is keen for a reading. Yeah, absolutely. Okay. Perfect. Well, thank you for this. It's been so insightful. I feel like I could carry on chatting to you for hours. I've got one more question before we go. Actually, what did you feel or how did it feel for you when you walked into your body for the first time? Uh, that's a good question. So immediately when I came in, I was in a trance and, and, um, I think it's important to first clarify that I'm a soul braid, which means, because we utilize the terminology walk in for a lot of different things. And I'm actually a transplaneal harmonizer. I'm a being that comes into planes of dimensions of consciousness when they're going through a massive shift in order to harmonize them and stabilize the grids. through that shift. So what that meant is that I basically am a soul that came into this body and replaced the soul that was in it. That left the body which is not as common Most people's walk in processes are their soul actually coming into their body So I was in a very um, it was very intense. I would call it a nightmare to be completely honest Um, you know, I lost my sight. I lost my ability to function I basically became a brand new soul in a grown woman's body and had to learn Do everything, including see and talk and move all over again at 33 years old. So, um, Did you, but did you go through the veil and forget, or did you, were you able to remember through the process? No, no, no. So that's why transplantial harmonizers, we have a lot of different codes that we come into because I came in to take on this. I speak on behalf of the Council of Akushate, which is a guardian council of multiple different groups of interdimensional beings. And so speaking, that means I basically, when major planetary activations are coming, I hear, because I come from the sound domain. So we're in the light domains, which means everything manifests through light into physical form. In the sound domains, which is the opposite side of this creation or Akasha, everything manifests through sound, so it doesn't take physical form. It's just darkness that sound vibrates through, and we change forms continually. It's constant movement, constant flow, um, so coming in, I basically can hear sound waves that come through the planet and translate them through my voice and how we're meant to run that wave into the planet is basically what a speaker contract does. And. So I came in for a very specific mission and I absolutely could not forget anything. So I, yeah, I walked in at 33 and not through the birthing canal at birth of this body, which now after the last year and a half, children that are born are going to come in without forgetting, especially if their mother has done any type of bio spiritual integration in her womb. Some may still still come in for getting parts, depending on the womb, because it is in the womb that the birth canal that the overlays are put in, um, so we will have, like, we have a, um, a six month old who was born during the Azorian activations that came through. And she's now coming to the Kauai activations in two weeks. And me and her mother joke that like, she was been on mission, she's been on her Christic mission since birth. And now she's literally like, the moment she could crawl, she started crawling and talking at six months old. Like, advanced. She's going to be the next being in this body, just like immediately take me to the next live activation. She's like, I'm ready. And that's, I believe that that's what we're going to see more and more and more of these, these babies being born from now on that have absolute knowing of who they are. They know their mission. They're on track and nothing is going to derail them. And they're going to be also advancing quite quickly through the developmental stages. Yes. Yes. So this is also how I have, you know, a lot of this information that we're sharing today is because I didn't forget. I didn't take on the overlays, um, that people take when they're born through the birthing canal here. Yes. Yeah. Helps you really get in touch and just stay on your mission that you've come here to do. Mm hmm. Oh, well, it's been an absolute honor, such an honor talking to you. I've really, I've loved this conversation. Me too. It's so fun being here with everyone. And I definitely think we're going to have you on again. There's a couple of things I want to speak about Meridians, all these beautiful things. Yeah. But, um, if you can just share one more thing, um, where people can work with you, if they feel intrigued and feel inspired, I feel like there will be a few. Yeah, absolutely. So my website is soulful. luxury. So no. com we are off that matrix. Let's just soulful. luxury as my main website. And you can find most everything there. And then anytime I do like pop up courses and things like that, those are on lovesmission. podia. com and I'll make sure that you have those links. Um, but follow me on social media. Soulful. luxury on Instagram and a home now and Maya on Facebook and Tik TOK. I think I'm on now. Just entered that world and ticked off like two weeks ago. Come find me on Tik TOK at a home now. Get back into a Tik TOK one day. I tried it once. So I was like, Oh gosh. You know, I was the same. I was like really anti Tik TOK for a long time. Um, and then I. Was like, just got this nudge that I should go on to TikTok. So I did. And like, I, you know, I don't scroll. I don't spend time there, but I go and post content there and it's getting traction there. And I was like, okay, so maybe this is actually a place that my message can reach people. In a way that, Maybe it's not on other platforms. Um, it was also nice when Meadow was down for a couple of hours to be like, Oh, whatever. There's all these other social media platforms. We're not so hyper reliant on one company when we branch out. Yes. Yes. Cause who knows when it's going to go down again or the whole internet or goodness knows. Exactly. So build your email with friends. Exactly. Exactly. And know how to like actually meet people in person. That's another one. Retreats are great. Yeah. Absolutely. Well, thank you so much and I'll add everything to the show notes and until next time. Bye everyone. Thank you. See you next time. Bye. At the end of the day, everything comes down to business energetics. Your internal world affects your outer world and the success of your business. Your brand story is not just found in the words that are written. It is found in the very cells of your body. And here at Meraki Messaging, this is what we absolutely love teaching. If you would like to find out about our website copy offers, our group coaching programs, or even our one on one coaching programs, where we will take you through this in depth process of getting to Business on an energetic level and writing words that are built to authentically connect. Then please drop us an email, get in touch on Instagram. We would love to hear from you. Come say hi, come hang out. It would be an honor to meet you. Whispers in my head What you gonna do?