Quantum Copy Cafe

29: Taking your Business Through the Looking Glass

June 04, 2024 Lira Shavira Jade Season 2 Episode 29

Drop us a message & let us know what's unfolding within your business

And we are back and heading into Season 2 of Quantum Copy Cafe - a season that is energetically alive with topics that infuse quantum energetics with messaging, marketing and feminine embodiment.

In this episode, Lira shares what it means to take your business 'Through the Looking Glass' and beyond the tangible world of what is seen, showing that oftentimes success in sales can be attributed to that which lies beyond the veil. 

This is the episode that sets the tone for the rest of the season, showing that having a balance between doing and being, masculine and feminine, and strategy and soul is the portal to manifesting the dreams you desire for your business. 

Just feel like hanging out?

Come say hi to me on Instagram @merakimessaging or take a peek at my website for more information on our website copywriting, sales funnels, business energetics coaching programs (and so much more): https://merakimessaging.com/

Click here to book your free clarity call anytime!

Welcome to Quantum Copy Cafe, the messaging and marketing podcast with a bit of energetic flair. If you are ready to ramp up your messaging and start telling a story that feels raw, organic and embodied, then you are in the right place. Hey, I'm Lyra, also known as Kerry. Five years ago, I walked out of a traumatic separation to start my own business. I desired the freedom and independence to manage my time. And since then I've risen from strength to strength, from wife to mother, to profitable business owner. I've seen firsthand what it takes to scale your business to seven figures, even as a solopreneur. It is my passion and purpose to help you create a brand that feels natural and in line with your life and your dreams. I'm I'm here to help you make more money with your story, without compromising on sole. Because your business has its own energetic blueprint, and its own way of showing up in the world. It is encoded to be different, and I'm here to show you how. And we are back with season two of Quantum Copy Cafe after a quick respite, a little break, a little holiday. And I'm so, so grateful that we are hanging out again today and that we get to chat about some really insightful and really great topics surrounding messaging and marketing and sales and just putting a bit of soul back into your business... And I am so excited for season two. Because the theme is just been, Oh, it's just taken me into new worlds, new understandings of the energetics of business. And it's actually the theme of my group coaching program, which came about while we were doing the branding. And I just absolutely fall in love with the concepts. So the theme for season two is beyond the looking glass. Right. And I'm going to be diving a little bit more into what that means for you and for your business and. Yeah, how can really just help you take the way that you run your business on a daily basis to a new level, right? Because at the end of the day running a business It has a stressful moment, you know, it's not always a walk in the park. You're wearing all the hats You're doing all the things chances are you're a solopreneur. Maybe you've got a little bit of support With a small team to help you manage social media or your marketing or whatever the case is, but a large majority of the clients that come to me for website copy or funnels, they are doing it all by themselves, right? And it is a lot. So one thing that I wanted to chat to today is the whole concept and the whole idea of the fact that you're not alone, right? We feel that we're alone. We feel like we're in this little bubble, just doing our thing day in and day out. And the truth of the matter is that's not entirely true. Right? And the concept of beyond the looking glass takes you into that concept takes you into that alternative reality. So I'm going to break it down for you around you. Everything that you see in the world of business is very true. I'm going to call it masculine. It's very masculine or fire dominated, right? It's about statistics and data and measuring that data and hitting your conversion metrics and spreadsheets and sales targets and like all the things. Right. Because that is obviously the goal as a business owner, you need to make money. That is why you started your business. That is why you are showing up every day. Quitting your job, leaving your nine to five so that you can write your own paycheck, live anywhere you want, write your own schedule, and just take your life back into your own hands. And that is what actually makes your business successful is making money. So we do need that. We need the masculine tools, right? We need the data to tell us whether or not we're on track to know what's working, what's not working. We need to be able to see, you know, is our website converting is our. Markets and content actually working for us, or do we need to rewrite the whole strategy and do it again? You know, break it down to the roots and build it up from the grounds up. Those are things that we need to know as a business owner. We need to know the market research. So, you know, what does the market want? This is how we really tailor our message and get laser focused on who we are talking to, but beyond the looking glass or beyond the mirror on the other side of things is this entire world that people don't usually talk about when it comes to business, right? And that is the world of the quantum reality of business building. It is that feminine softness, right? Where it's less about. Doing and more about being where it's more about creativity and less about structure, where it's more about flow than it is about rigidity. And at the end of the day, the business needs both. It needs that energetic awareness because at the end of the day, your business is encoded with its own energetic blueprint, with its own energetic way of showing up. It has its own DNA, its own genetic imprint, whatever you want to call it. It is so, so unique. It has its own fingerprints, its own signature and its own unique way of being. And this is where I get so frustrated when I have clients come to me and they're trying everything out there, right? They're trying to copy everyone else's secret sauce, everyone else's story. They're morphing themselves into who they think their clients or their customers want them to be. And they get lost in the noise. They jump on a trend after trend after trend, just to try and keep ahead of everything and to stay relevant and to get that engagement and that insights into their business that they know they need. But that's just so exhausting. And this is why I love the energetic side of things, because it just allows you to soften into who you really are. Um, It allows you to show up, to do the work, to do the doing part of it, and to have fun in the creativity. But then it allows the space for the universe to come in and to play. And I remember when I started business coaching, I don't know, two and a half years ago, and my coach said to me, draw two circles, right? On the one side is you and in the one circle, it's you, it's what you can manage in your business. It's you doing all the things. It's all the things that are in your control. And then in the other circle, there is God or divine wisdom or. Universal consciousness, whatever you want to call it. And the truth of the matter is when those two circles. Overlap in that sense of the, that is where the absolute, absolute magic happens. Right. And it shows that you don't have to do it all yourself. And this is what I am so excited about teaching. And I have been teaching this for the last few years, and I want to really start ramping this up because it is so, so necessary and so needed. In the same age, right? Because the way that we are building businesses and the way that our business has been received, that is changing. It is changing on a daily basis. It is quicker than we can actually ever imagine, right? The way that we build sales funnels and the way that they are received, that has changed, right? There is the softening that is happening where it is. People are wanting more connection now than ever before. We might have grand old AI to thank for this. We might have, you know, shifts in consciousness. There might be so many things that are attributed to this, but at the end of the day, people want to buy from people. We need to start showing that you are a person with your own unique story to tell your own unique energy about you, your own unique way of doing things. And one thing that we can really map this as and get really clear and get the insight that we need into this is by taking you beyond the looking glass, beyond the veil into the quantum magic that exists, and that is you, right? You and your brand. Because there is a unique way in which you are Well, you'll just feel it's like natural a natural and organic way for you to show up Whether it's in your marketing or your sales or your messaging or all the things where you just you don't have to try so hard so That is going to be the theme for season two. We are going to be diving deep into All the things that are just so relevant and so cutting edge and just not spoken about enough in the business world, right? We're going to be looking at shame and how shame affects your messaging and your sales process without you even realizing it. Repress anger. You know, how does that sit within yourselves and stop you from actually verbalizing and expressing what you truly want to in your heart? Parasites, you know, how do they sit in the colon or sit in the liver or the small intestine and infuse consciousness into your brain that tells you that you are not good enough, it's all that imposter syndrome that stops you from actually stepping into an embodying who you truly are, you know, all these topics that compliment. The conventional copywriting topics that I usually speak about, because yes, you can have the best website in the world. Your messaging can be on point, but if you are not energetically embodying the story that you are telling, it's still going to show up in your sales. And the truth is, I don't want that for you. I've seen firsthand how this knowledge and this experience can truly shift your life, right? Ended season one of my group coaching container and seeing the transformation that happened within the ladies was absolutely incredible. Like we moved through the first session was business energetics and then into brand voice. And one of the ladies who had wanted to start her own container for the longest time ended up starting it and she sold seven spots. She never even launched. You know, and this was just by her energetically embodying who she was truly meant to be and really getting a hold of her brand voice. So this is really coming from a space of embodied wisdom. I've seen how it's worked for so many businesses and I know. That it can work for you. And I want it to work for you because you deserve it. You put so much hard work into your business on a daily basis, right? And you know, that to be true from creating the marketing content to jumping on sales calls to managing all the admin to doing the actual work that you love. It just, it's a lot. So I really want to equip you with the tools and the embodied wisdom that you need to really take your business to the next level. So this season is really about serving. I'm here to be of service to you. I'm here to show you what is possible because a lot of the limiting beliefs that we have about ourselves, our business, what we are capable of, all of that can be shattered. The glass ceiling, it's coming down the season, right? And I'm going to show you how. So without further ado, welcome back. It is so, so good to be back in the cafe with you. And I am so excited to kickstart the season and to get things rolling. So grateful for you. And please do reach out if you've got any questions, if there's any topic that you want us to dive into, we are going to have a Experts and guests and just so many incredible people in the studio this season. And I'm so, so excited for it.