Quantum Copy Cafe

30: How Messaging & Energetics paved the way towards 7-figures

June 11, 2024 Lira Shavira Jade Season 2 Episode 30

Drop us a message & let us know what's unfolding within your business

Meraki Messaging has hit 7-figures and in this episode I wanted to take you beyond the curtain and show exactly how I turned that vision into reality (and no, this is no magic pill to say 'just do this and your dreams will be made manifest'.)

Instead, this is a real life look into the profitable path of a soulful, small business. In this episode Lira shares how energetics, messaging, and organic marketing were the 3 tools that led to a soulful and natural sales process that just felt right. 

There was no passive income along this journey. There was no burn out. There was no anxiety. There was just flow, allowing, and an opening to what is natural. 

The good news?

You AND your business are capable of this too. 

Just feel like hanging out?

Come say hi to me on Instagram @merakimessaging or take a peek at my website for more information on our website copywriting, sales funnels, business energetics coaching programs (and so much more): https://merakimessaging.com/

Click here to book your free clarity call anytime!

Welcome to Quantum Copy Cafe, the messaging and marketing podcast with a bit of energetic flair. If you are ready to ramp up your messaging and start telling a story that feels raw, organic and embodied, then you are in the right place. Hey, I'm Lyra, also known as Kerry. Five years ago, I walked out of a traumatic separation to start my own business. I desired the freedom and independence to manage my time. And since then I've risen from strength to strength, from wife to mother, to profitable business owner. I've seen firsthand what it takes to scale your business to seven figures, even as a solopreneur. It is my passion and purpose to help you create a brand that feels natural and in line with your life and your dreams. I'm I'm here to help you make more money with your story, without compromising on sole. Because your business has its own energetic blueprint, and its own way of showing up in the world. It is encoded to be different, and I'm here to show you how. Hi, and welcome back to Quantum Copy Cafe. Usually I have a couple of episodes lined up and scheduled and ready to go, but today I'm going to be taking a little bit of a Detour, because this is a topic that I have been chatting about on social media and there's something that has, it's just been getting so much feedback from in the DMs, um, from people that are just asking a lot of questions. And I just thought it's really prudent to dive into this topic in greater depth, because at the end of the day, the reason why most businesses are in business is to make money. Right. And we're all looking to do that from a space of having a settled nervous system doing and running a business that feels purposeful and alive and fulfilling. And there is a way to do that. And. I would love to share my story with you today. So Meraki messaging has hit seven figures. And I really want to take you behind the curtain of what that looks like, because there is so much out there on the internet today, about six figures, five figures, seven figures, like 10 K months, you know, it's so much, there's so much noise around this and all it does is it triggers our nervous systems into thinking that if we're not making that, then there's something wrong with that business, right? And statistics and studies have shown that globally there is an estimated only 6 percent of businesses are actually going to hit the six figure mark, right? And that's a very low stat, especially when the narrative out there is telling you that You know, all you need to do is tweak those tweak that all the things to, you know, hit those financial goals. So I really wanted to be clear today and speak to this and just for you to know that I'm speaking to this from a really embodied state. Like, I've been here, I've moved through it. These are the things that I've done to hit those goals. And this is what it looks like. And it's not all. Rose tinted glasses. Okay. So to start with, I started first hitting six figures about two years ago. And I had a six figure month and then consecutively had another six figure month, and I want to be really clear that this didn't happen gradually. This was a quantum leap in my business. I literally went from making 5k to 120 K. Within a couple of weeks and the main things that I focused on was the business energetics piece. So the real embodiment internal work, getting really, really clear on my messaging and really leaning into intuitive wisdom of where I was feeling called to take the business and then getting really clear on my marketing strategy. And that doesn't look like doing all the things, right? Cause that can sometimes lead to burnout very, very quickly. So let's first speak to the business energy at XP. So I was running a very successful copywriting studio called get crystal clear, and I was doing website copy. I was doing marketing packages. I was doing really, really well, but there was a calling within me that really wanted to bring. The energetics and the soul work into what I was doing. I spent a long time working at detox, um, spaces, detox retreats, working with plant medicine, working with crystal healing, doing Reiki. I had a big background in all of this, and it was very much a part of me, even though I wasn't actively, you know, still partaking in those spaces and I've seen the transformation. That can happen and that can occur when you dive in and you really get clear on who you are, how you meant to show up in the world, what your purpose is, you know, instead of trying to fit all these masks that really don't feel authentic and feel real to really just lean into and embody who you truly are and clear out all the Mac, you know, do the detoxification when you're clearing up the colon and clearing up the liver, clearing out all the detox pathways, opening up so much space in the body. So that your true essence can fill you more. And in doing that, I've seen the transformation that happens in the external world where you step out and suddenly reality shifts around you. So I really started focusing more and more on that internal work and bringing it into my business. I wanted to really speak to and change the way we were teaching copywriting and teaching marketing. Because it's not just a clear cut. Formula, right? It really is a space for creativity and play and for you to just have fun and explore and heal and awaken. And I really wanted to bring awareness to this. So I started leaning into the energetics piece a lot more and really started sharing how, when you are aware of the consciousness that runs through you as a founder and through your business, when you are aware of your business's strengths, weaknesses, one's needs. All of those things, it starts to cultivate the space where divine intervention can flow through you and your business. And it's not then you doing it alone, you hustling, it's really you moving beyond that to a point of stillness where life just flows through you and it just flows through your business. And this is what I really wanted to teach. I wanted to teach how, when you clear out and you get clear on your internal world, your brand message becomes a lot clearer. And then you're not trying to, you know, steal everyone else's secret source or find the formula or, um, follow every trend that you see out there on social media. You really are just in such alignment with who you are and your unique flow. And that comes through in all things, your sales approach, your marketing, your messaging, all of these different pieces of content that you're putting ads into the world. You can feel your essence radiating through all of it. So that was very, very important to me is to be able to bring this level of depth and awareness to the copywriting world. So I trusted my intuition in this and I pivoted my entire business. I let go of get crystal clear, which was already an established and credible copywriting studio. And I replaced it with Meraki messaging. And from there, things started to change, right? I invested a lot into my own personal growth. Right. I did group coaching containers. I did business coaching. I invested into my website, my branding, my photography, all the, those different touch points that told a story. Of the consciousness that ran through Meraki messaging. So I understand what it's like to invest into yourself and to invest into your dreams and your business, because I've been there and that's why I feel like I can hold space. For those that come and they are ready to do so, because it's not always easy, right? You have all these questions at the back of your mind of like, will it work out? What if this doesn't give me the return on investment? If I want, what if it's the wrong choice? And what if I changed my mind? We go through all of these thoughts, but the investment piece is it really opens a space up where. It tells the universe that you are ready to take your dream seriously and that you are taking yourself seriously and the universe supports that. So I've seen how that just works amazingly, like it always comes back and it always propels you forward. So that's the energetics piece, then really getting clear on my messaging. So my messaging began to shift. It began to, it was no longer like that fun, trendy, you know, let's get clear and let's make it fun. It, it began to deepen, right. And it had this depth to it that was very earthy and very organic. And it really spoke to. The whole idea and the whole concept of how I am here to help you tell an organic story and a rich story and a story that is true to you and not tainted by the world and everything you see around you. So my messaging, my clients, everything became so niched down. And at one point I was, I was a bit nervous about excluding people and there are certain people that like flew out of my orbit, but at the end of the day, I was. A very aware of who I was working for and working with, right. I was working with coaches, with creatives, with wellness brands, with people that were very much in alignment and aware of energy or were interested in it, right? Because the whole process changed before building out any brand voice, any messaging strategy, any brand story. I always leaned into the energetics piece first. Right. Just figure out what the natal chart said, what the human design print said, what numerology said, and then use all of that as a basis to create the brand voice and the depth that this took this process to is just, there aren't even words to explain it. It's just absolutely, it's, it's still boggles my mind, but it's just, it creates copy that is so deep and is so rich and that's what made me realize that This is what people are wanting, you know, no one wants to be sold to, right. And people aren't sales statistics or metrics or like data points or like numbers on a vision board. They are people with beating hearts and dreams and visions. And like, oftentimes those dreams and visions come with a lot of fear, you know, they're backing themselves to make something work. So changing the messaging in this way and bringing in the energetic peers. It really helped my clients to feel seen, to feel nourished, to feel supported, to know that it was not just me sitting there writing for them. It was the universal consciousness that was radiating through their brand. We could see it on paper. We had mapped it out. They could see it for themselves and they could see how the story we were created was in alignment with their vision and their dreams. So these are the main things that I focused on. And we recently hit seven figures and I wanted to take you behind the scenes of that because most businesses that hit seven figures, and there is this very strong narrative out there where like, you know, just do this X, Y, and Z and like hit six figures, X, seven figures, a lot of businesses that do that. They have a lot of support, right? They have entire teams. They are able to delegate and they've got someone on social media and someone on marketing and someone on sales. And like people are in their different spaces and running the like different departments. And it's not on one founder or one business owner to have to do it all. Because that can be very triggering for some reason, energetically, something just has flown through. My business, which allowed me to hit seven figures by myself. I did not do it in one year. I did it over a space of just short of two years. And to be very clear, only like 70 percent of that was profits. The rest went to expenses and I had a part time like job on the side. So saying that my nervous system was very settled, right? There was no space for me to move into a state of fight or flight where I felt like if I didn't bring on a client that month, then there'd be no food on the table. It was a very supportive and a very nourishing time because I knew that my immediate expenses were taken care of, and this allowed me the space to play. I could take a lot of risks and I could try a lot of things and I could see what worked, what didn't work. And this is what showed me how, if we are in a state of divine flow, where our nervous system is settled. We just feel at peace. We know that we are in a state of exploration and experimentation. It allows. So much to flow through that is authentic and real and in alignment with what we truly want because we're no longer making decisions based on a triggered nervous system, right? We no longer taking on clients just because they're going to pay the bill. It's no longer, Oh, well, you know, this person is not an ideal client. They're not a good fit. It's red flags all of the show, but it's. Business, so I'm going to just take it on. We really get to curate our business and our life from a space that just feels so natural and so freeing. And this is truly. What I, what I want for you, right? And this is, I mean, this is the goal in the, where we're moving to. Is it not it's to move away from that hustling and doing, and just trying to get it right all the time. And rather getting into a space of just peace and stillness and allowing things to just be, and to happen naturally. It's that balance between the doing and the being and the masculine and the feminine and the strategy and the soul. It's bringing that balance into everything. So everyone's business streams look different, right? Some people want to hit six figures, hit seven figures, travel the world, live a digital nomad life, just, you know, have it all figured out. And yeah, that's the big. Others just want to be able to put ballet shoes on their kids feet and put food on the table and free up their time and manage their schedule so they can actually spend time with their family. Everyone's dreams look different. And what I am saying to you is that you have the power within yourself to create whatever dream you want for yourself. Obviously there is no magic pole. I'm not sitting here saying like, Oh, you know, just cause I did this follow X, Y, and Z and then you will too. No one can tell you that. And if they do like red flag right there, but what I am saying to you is that when you focus on the internal work and when you find something that is true and authentic and aligned with who you are and what you want for your life, then you are capable of manifesting even the wildest dreams. And this is the space where just the most incredible businesses are manifested from, and it's the businesses that really stand out and sparkle and shine. You know, not because they're doing too much or trying too hard, or they have a posting schedule of like five to 10 reels a week or whatever the case is, but because they show up and they just feel so authentic and so real. So the biggest takeaway I can give you is if you are really struggling to book yourself out, sell your services, sell your products, the first thing I would always recommend looking at is. The energetics piece, the internal soul work, because everything spirals from that point and it is just so magnificent and so beautiful. After that, we look at the messaging, we look at the marketing, we figure out how you're trying to sell, are you selling with soul, is there a sense of urgency, and we figure out that piece. And then the rest just happens organically. So for those of you who are really wanting to go deeper into this process, I'm going to be opening the doors to my group coaching container, which is called beyond the hustle. And it's going to be the last time we're going to be running it this year, but it is very much focused on teaching all of these different touch points. So we're going to be looking at the business energetics piece. Brand voice, brand story, and brand myth, magnetic marketing and soulful sales. And then of course, the one that brings it all together, the feminine embodiment piece, right? Because you need to be able to tell a story that you are embodying and living and showcasing, and it's just not something that's curated and forced. And all of this is just packaged into the most incredible framework, which presented itself to me just over a year ago, and it's called the business smoker bag. And it shows how your business energetically forms this beautiful light around you and your internal world affects the success of the business and your business affects the success and the flow of your internal world and your dreams and your vision for your life. And it's just a beautiful symbiotic relationship where you fall into. A deep reverence, a deep understanding, a deep connection with your business and with what your business brings to the world. So if you want details to that, I'm going to be linking it in the show notes below. And if not, and you're just keen to connect and hang out and learn more about copywriting and messaging and marketing and business energetics and all these beautiful. Magical things that a business holds space for. Then please come say hi on Instagram. It would be an absolute pleasure to meet you until next week. All my love. Whispers in my head What you gonna do?