Quantum Copy Cafe

31: How she went from 0 - 7 sales without even launching - with Simone Naicken

June 18, 2024 Lira Shavira Jade Season 2 Episode 31

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Simone Naicken was one of the first women to move through Lira's group coaching program, 'Beyond the Hustle'.

Before joining, she had a dream and vision to create her own group coaching program, but was struggling with knowing what to say and how to say it.

After moving through the Business Energetics and Brand Voice section of the program, her confidence improved and she launched her program and sold 7 spots using a 'soft sales' approach rather than a full on campaign.

Her experience shows the incredible transformation that can happen when you fall into alignment with your brand's energetic purpose and learn how to express yourself confidently and authentically, without trying to copy everyone else out there.

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Hello, hello, and welcome back to Quantum Coffee Cafe. And in the studio today, we have a very cool guest. I absolutely am obsessed with her transformation and her journey. She was recently one of the mentees in my group coaching program and her experience has just been incredible. Incredible. She has managed to quantum leap her business, and before starting, she was looking to start her own group coaching container and just a dream and a vision that she had on her heart for the longest time and after moving through the business energetics and the messaging piece, she managed to launch that container and sold seven spots without even Managing to go to launch, right? And that is the ultimate dream to be able to sell with so much passion and purpose and soul and do the soft selling side of things without feeling so forced and so harsh. So today I really want to share a story with you and may it just inspire you to know that you don't have to try so hard when it comes to sales with the right approach to your energetics, your messaging, to your marketing, to your sales, to all of these beautiful facets. It's like you can. You can manifest the desires and the vision and the results that you want just by being. Welcome to Quantum Copy Cafe, the messaging and marketing podcast with a bit of energetic flair. If you are ready to ramp up your messaging and start telling a story that feels raw, organic and embodied, then you are in the right place. Hey, I'm Lyra, also known as Kerry. Five years ago, I walked out of a traumatic separation to start my own business. I desired the freedom and independence to manage my time. And since then I've risen from strength to strength, from wife to mother, to profitable business owner. I've seen firsthand what it takes to scale your business to seven figures, even as a solopreneur. It is my passion and purpose to help you create a brand that feels natural and in line with your life and your dreams. I'm I'm here to help you make more money with your story, without compromising on sole. Because your business has its own energetic blueprint, and its own way of showing up in the world. It is encoded to be different, and I'm here to show you how. Hi, Simone. Thank you so much for joining us in the studio today. And yeah, it's just so great to see you again. It's been a couple of weeks since we ended the group coaching program. And I don't know if you want to start off a little bit more about sharing what you do, your sacred gifts and what you meant to, you know, do with your life in the world, because you are doing it so beautifully. So yeah, I don't know if you want to start speaking to that. Yeah, thank you so much. And thank you for having me on today. Um, so basically my work revolves around energetics and I think that's why I resonated so much with you and your program as well, um, chatting a lot about the metaphysics of things and understanding we're not just a body. Um, there's so much more to us and I just feel from a young age, I've just had this gift of sharing my wisdom and knowledge with other people. Teaching has also been a very big part of my life. I am an audiologist by profession, and I did go into the medical field and the corporate field for a big part of my life, about seven to eight years. And just being in that field felt like I was in this little box, in this container, and I couldn't really access that, that creative side of me, that creative side of me. Um, guiding side of me and so I left the corporate industry about five years ago and I took, took it in my stride to start my own practice and I started my practice just before COVID hit and we know when COVID hit everything kind of changed. But it was actually a blessing in disguise for me because it allowed me to go back inside myself to really understand who Simone is and what is her purpose on this earth. And just shutting down the practice for a few months, um, allowed me to step back into that creative energy of mine. And I found going back into art, um, connecting more with my divine feminine side. Cause I think for a very long time, I've been in this masculine energy. So it allowed me to connect back to the creative side of me. And then I started working with the resin and I just started putting a few things up online. And from there, people were like, wow, what is this new medium? Um, can you teach us, can you sell us stuff? And so Cosmic Creations was born from this. The name just came to me one night while I was sleeping as like three o'clock in the morning, woke up and it's like, oh, wow, cosmic creation. That sounds perfect for what, what I embodied. Um, and then I just started doing classes in Johannesburg, teaching resin classes and from there, everything just sort of organically evolved. I then got into sound healing. I did a sound bath a few years ago, and that changed so much for me energetically because it allowed me to just. Relax for once, you know, my, my nervous system working in corporate industry was always out of whack. So it just allowed me to relax and allow this energy to come into me and, you know, just heal my nervous system and bring me back to calm. And I started digging a lot more to that. And like I said, I'm an audiologist by profession, so I already knew the science behind, you know, how sound works and how vibration works. Um, But I never knew the healing aspect of it. So, you know, something cosmically worked and brought the two together. And then I had the background, which was the science and the spirituality behind sound healing. Um, and from there it's just, yeah, I've been very organic. I now run coaching programs, containers. I'm currently running a container called Soulful Transitions. It's basically a very spiritual container. And, um, it's. It's a body is being held during a spiritual transformation. You know, when we all go through this, it's a time when you aren't who you once were for, you know, you have this deep down feeling that something needs to change and you just, you know, it's time to get onto the next level. But at the same time, you aren't fully transformed into that version. And the reason why I started this is because when I was going through this process, I process. I wish I had something like that. You know, it's kind of that time where you feel a bit lost and confused, um, not knowing what to do next and not knowing who to turn to. So, you know, it's a safe space to step out of that mundane reality, um, step into a space where of like minded people, you know, on a similar journey. And, you know, just to talk about things that are considered kind of taboo sometimes in our society, you know, even just sort of saging sometimes can be such a weird thing. Um, so basically, you know, we, we tap into our intelligence, we tap into our imagination again, we bring in the creative aspect, you know, tapping back into that feminine side of us. And just remembering that innate wisdom that we all have. And I think it's something that we forget. Um, so yeah, it's really about talking about all those things that we aren't allowed to really talk about it. We forgot to talk about, you know, the divine feminine light energy, dark energy, um, our metaphysics, our birth charts, just, you know, rituals. And, um, yeah, I'm just nearly, I feel like I'm just merely a guide here just to remind people, um, how to step back into that power and how to. Step back and show, you know, and yeah, that's basically sums up who I am right now and whatever, whatever I'm doing right now. How beautiful is that? I love that story of the journey from corporates to a fully aligned, fully holistic, fully embodied business where you are doing what you love teaching, you know, sharing your gifts with the world. And I'm, I'm actually quite intrigued to, to hear a bit more about, you know, what drew you to this program in the first place? Like, I remember. When we first started chatting and that was, I think it feels like months and months ago and you were sharing a little bit more about how you wanted to, you know, you had this vision for this group coaching program and like you really wanted to bring it to life and yeah, everything just aligned perfectly and you joined the container, what drew you to that point? Um, yeah, like you said, I think we started chatting a bit last year and I came across your page very organically as well. It just popped up 1 day. Um, and for me, I've done so many other programs. I've done programs that were based in the US and culture was based in the UK. And it was so difficult to sort of resonate with them, um, because I think the markets in those areas are very different. Uh, also had a lot to join that and at the end of the day, I didn't feel like I took much out of it. And then when I came across you and your work, I resonated so much. You know, firstly, you were South African, um, and you understood the market, but also just what you were portraying, uh, in terms of your messaging and the way everything was coming across to me, it just felt very organic and it, you know, something just. I think just the way that you're wording things and you understood the market on both sides, you know, just not the marketing side, but also the metaphysics side of things. And I think that's exactly what drew me to you. And then when we started chatting about it and you kind of, you know, gave me some pointers at that point in time. And I'm like, okay. I can work with someone like this. You know, it seems like, you know, you know, exactly what I needed at that point in time. And at the same time, while you're working on this container, you just didn't go ahead and do what you thought was needed, but you ask questions. And I thought that was so brilliant because you took in everything. You took into consideration, um, my side of the story as well and the rest as well. So, I think that's what drew me to you. The content I'm just so inspired by your transformation throughout the containers. So, I mean, you've. Really have you, do you feel like you've settled on your brand voice now? Mm-Hmm. definitely. The brand voice section for me was something that changed so much. I mean, it was something so small, but at the same time, you know, reading that brand voice article, just like there were so many aha moments, you know, and I feel like I already felt it inside of me, but then actually having it on a piece of paper, reading it. To myself, it just, um, it shifted so much. And I noticed even on my social media, when I started shifting that brand voice as well, I, so many more engagements came through my audience group quite a lot from where it was at the beginning of the year. So yeah, that one small shift was just amazing and mind blowing. And tell me, where are you now? So the last time we chatted, you had launched the group coaching container that you'd held in your vision for the longest time. And you already had seven ladies booked in the container and what I love about this is that You never went through an entire launch period. You know, all of this happened organically and naturally, and just by you stepping into your true voice and your true energetic potential and really embodying what you were teaching. And I love this because it really reflected my first experience with the group coaching container. Like I never got to launch. I didn't have to do like the sales page, the emails, like all things, because it just sold out just by being, I'd love to speak a little bit more to your experience in that. Yeah, it was kind of a similar experience as well. I did a very soft launch. I sent out a few emails as well and just started launching on my Instagram stories, in fact. But I think because I, I was holding on so tightly to this thing and, you know, being in my head about it and it was just like, what if it doesn't work? What if no one shows up? So being in that sort of energy didn't help, but the minutes, I know the sounds cliche, but the minute I let go. Go and said, okay, you know what universe I'm here to help. I'm here to guide you brought me this far. Um, I'm just going to let it go now. Let's see what happens. And it's exactly what I did. I let go that energy of letting go, but also receiving at the same time. I think that changed a lot for me. And it was also just putting myself out there, you know, um, not being afraid to put my personal story out there. I think people sort of engaged more with that and understood what this container was all about. Um, a few years ago, well, a few years ago, last year, beginning of last year, I did try launching a container, but I think it was so technical and it was so, um, not in my true voice. I kind of looked at what the coach previously told me to do. It was very structured, very rigid kind of systematic sales funnel kind of way. Um, and I didn't get much bites from there, you know, I didn't get anyone actually. And, and it was quite a hard launch, but this time felt more soft, felt more, um, energetically aligned. And I just feel like they were actually drawn to me. So it's that, um, just being in that attraction vibration and understanding. And I think being in the container with. All the other ladies as well, listening to these stories and understanding how it's, it's, there's so much, um, in just relaxing, you know, not taking your foot off the pedal, but also not pushing it full throttle at the same time and just allowing it to come to you naturally. And that has been one of my biggest transformations is learning how to just align energetically and understanding that. You know, it'll come to you. What's meant to come to you, will come to you and not, not, not trying too hard at the same time, but just being naturally who I am and letting my natural voice shine through. So, yeah. And isn't that the beauty of where we are with launching and, you know, planning a launch this year before it used to be so structured and so masculine and so like heavy and you had to be, you know, ticking all the boxes and have all your stuff like lined up and in a row. And it really. It doesn't have to be that way. There is such a subtle beauty to launching where you can just lean into it and soften into it. And that is truly when the magic happens because the most incredible, the most aligned people will suddenly just pop into your orbits and be like, Hey, this looks cool. I think I should try it. I want to join. And I really love that you have embodied that as well, because it shows that it is possible. You know, often I speak about things from. An embodied perspective of what I've experienced within my own business. It's not a magic pull. You know, it's not to say that it is going to happen for everyone, but you are proof that it can happen for someone else and for it can happen when you put, you know, your soul into it, when you really lean into who you're meant to be and run a fulfilling and a purposeful business that just feels so organic and so rich and so alive without you having to force everything. Yeah, definitely. That's it. Not forcing everything. Yeah. Yeah. And tell me, how did you experience the container? Um, it was, it came at the perfect timing. Um, you know, before we speak, we spoke about me launching and I knew that there was something inside of me that needed to do this launch. This year, and I think in the last three months, there's been so much of growth from my side, especially, um, the last two years, I think was my growing stages when you plant the seeds and you start growing. And I feel this year was for me to bloom and blossom and just put myself out there. So perfect timing. And I felt so comfortable, especially. The way you structured everything, um, it was very informative. I knew exactly what was coming and just the group that we had as well. It was, it was a small group, but I think there's something in having a small group. You don't get lost in the sea of things. You know, we had individual attention from you as well. Um, um. I also like the fact that you were quite open. You always like at the end of every section, you're like, you know what? I'm available on this app. Um, if you need to talk and stuff, you know, always come on. I also developed a kind of a friendship with some of the other ladies in the group on social media, you know, they were always liking my posts and always, um, on my polls and stuff. So that was great. It was nice having people, um, supportive in the background. And it was also so cool to see their transformation as well. Um, from what, when they started on social media, especially social media presence. And then as the container went on, they were trying all the little acts and the tricks that you were telling us to do and seeing how that blossomed. It was such an amazing experience. I think it empowered me even more. And it kind of, um, it's like this fire under you. You know, you always have this, this eye adornment inside of you. But then when you come together with a group of people with the same journey, with the same experiences, you know, wanting the same sort of outcome, I think it just lights this, ignites this thing in you. So it was very empowering for me to be in this group of women, just listening to the stories and, um, it kind of gives you this push and gives you permission, almost gives you permission to step out of that box that you were in and now step into this place. bigger pond. Um, so yeah, I really appreciate everything that has been, you know, put into this container running my own container. Understand from the background point of view how much of, you know, work goes into that seems effortless when it's flowing. But there's also a lot of work that goes behind it. So yeah, really grateful that we met when we did and it just giving me this big push and this big boost to be where I am right now. Well, it was such an honor to hold space for you. And what an incredible group of women that moved through the first seat. You know, I couldn't have asked for any more. I was just so, so grateful and I just am so intrigued to hear what the thoughts are and your feelings are for the next steps of your business. Where do you see things blossoming? Do you have any other, you know, feelings as to what you want to create? Um, you know, what's next for, for Cosmic Creations? Cosmic creations is definitely evolving next couple of months. Um, I am absolutely loving the space of being in this container and the feedback, and it's only been a few weeks, but the feedback is already so incredible and I've seen so much of transformation happening with these women as well. I think the next step is, you know, growing this. I think this was just the first one, understanding how the mechanics works. And the next step is we'll be taking a little bit further. Um, a step. Maybe a little bit bigger and also just adding more retreats. So I'm going to be qualified as a yoga teacher quite soon. Um, I want to add that into it. So the whole idea of cognitive creation is going to be this holistic embodiment of healing and evolution and growing. Um, and I want people to be aware that it's not just one thing, you know, it, you, you can't just start evolving the outside of you, you also have to do the mind and the soul and the body, you know, just incorporating, you know, the Movement and creativity, but bringing in the spirituality aspects and metaphysics in. So, yeah, basically just wanted to be this holistic thing. Someone comes in and gets this holistic view of the evolution and the transformation as well. So really excited about the next few months. Um, still, still in training. So once that done, I think I will have a. Better idea on how to incorporate the movement therapy and the yoga into it as well. Um, but yeah, I'm thinking of, you know, I think I chatted about you as well, but rebranding. So that's something that I'm quite excited about. It's always nice to be in that creative space and now understanding myself better, understanding the brand better, understanding my brand voice better, and just bringing it all together in that little nest egg and then letting it blossom from there. Oh, you don't have to chat to me about rebranding. I love a good branding session. Yeah, putting it in visuals and yeah, seeing it all comes alive. And the thing is, when you are so clear on your, you know, your energetic blueprints, your brand voice, your message, what you stand for your story, the branding process is just so effortless because you can put that into visuals and have it out there in the world. And it's doing its thing and, you know, yeah, just representing everything that you are. So, um, I'm very excited to see the next steps and to hold space for you and to just watch your journey. Thank you so much for sharing today. I, once again, it's just so inspiring for me to see another brand that has really embodied this way of being. You know, it's not just doing, doing, doing all the time. It's just, you can run a profitable business and a sold out successful business just by being who you truly are and just allowing your. It's just shine in the world and you've already shown that. So thank you so much for sharing a little bit more about your story and where you come from, where you going, the bigger vision and just your experience in the container. It was such an honor to have you in the space. Thank you. Thank you for inviting me and thank you for running the container. I think a lot of us will agree that it just, it changed a lot. Um, and for me, I can speak for that. The transformation has been beautiful. So thank you so much, Lena. Oh, well, thank you. Thank you. Whispers in my head What you gonna do?