Quantum Copy Cafe

35: Embodying Prosperity: Addressing Money Blocks for Entrepreneurial Growth with Ahaumna

July 16, 2024 Lira Shavira Jade Season 2 Episode 35

Drop us a message & let us know what's unfolding within your business

In this guest episode, Ahaumna and I will be diving deep into the sacred energy of money and will be speaking about where money wounds show up in the body. This awareness allows you to start clearing them and calling in the prosperity you know you are so deserving of.

From marketing, messaging, and soulful sales to human design, gene keys, and astrology - we are touching on it all. If this is a topic that is of interest to you and you feel that you would benefit from diving deeper into energetics, embodiment and the wisdom of your soul when it comes to running your business, then click here to join the waitlist for my group coaching program - Beyond the Hustle. 

To access Ahaumna's free money trauma assessment, simply click here: https://lovesmission.podia.com/mta_4_mm

With love, 
Lira xo

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Welcome to Quantum Copy Cafe, the messaging and marketing podcast with a bit of energetic flair. If you are ready to ramp up your messaging and start telling a story that feels raw, organic and embodied, then you are in the right place. Hey, I'm Lyra, also known as Kerry. Five years ago, I walked out of a traumatic separation to start my own business. I desired the freedom and independence to manage my time. And since then I've risen from strength to strength, from wife to mother, to profitable business owner. I've seen firsthand what it takes to scale your business to seven figures, even as a solopreneur. It is my passion and purpose to help you create a brand that feels natural and in line with your life and your dreams. I'm I'm here to help you make more money with your story, without compromising on sole. Because your business has its own energetic blueprint, and its own way of showing up in the world. It is encoded to be different, and I'm here to show you how. So I am back in the space with Ahumna and it's so great to be hanging out with you again. I know that a while ago we did a podcast episode on Wealth Energetics and how to run a profitable business as an entrepreneur. And it was just so, so well received. So today we are going to be looking at Wealth energy where many blocks and many wounds are stored in the body, how it manifests within the organs, the meridians, how it affects your brand messaging, your marketing, and really creates those, you know, this unconscious blocks that you don't know really how to shift and then speaking to, or diving into how to release it and really diving into the depths of, yeah, I mean, it's such a deep topic, so. We're going to be touching on that a little bit. So I don't know if we want to start by, I don't know, do you want to share a little bit more about you, your story, just a brief introduction, um, just your special gifts. You'd like really the way that you deal with finances and prosperity and many in the way that you speak to it and hold space for it. It's just so sacred and so beautiful. Thank you. Hello, everyone. For those of you who did not listen to our last podcast episode, go listen to it. It was amazing. And you'll hear more about my story on that episode. Today, we're really going to dive into the meats and more of the methodologies that I work with to uncover and get to the bottom of money trauma, right? The, World that I live in, in my experience was a lot of money trauma, just so much trauma in every facet of life. And a lot of it really specifically with money. And for me in gosh, my 11th year of business now has been a really big uncovering of money. My relationship with money. Every next level of expansion has been coming back to my relationship with money and what my inner thresholds are for how, how much I'm allowing myself to see, receive not only through money, but through the people that that money represents through being in service to others and how many people I'm allowing myself to serve at any given moment, based on how safe I feel with other people. Money trauma has been a really big part of that because to me money is just a Energetic amplifier of what is inside of us. Some people may have like myself very real tangible connections like I was Sexually assaulted because my mother couldn't pay the rent. That was a very clear connection to money trauma in my life. Now, it may not be so clear for everyone else. Like it may not be like, well, I don't have any money trauma, but the thing about money is if there was times in your life where there was a trauma that happened and maybe you were stressed about your rent at the same time, your body is going to associate that trauma that happened with money because chances are. Based on how I understand our brain and neurology and nervous system, you most likely packaged up whatever trauma happened in your body. Let's say you were abused or you were living with a narcissist or whatever it is that was the traumatic experience, your brain is going to package that up, put it away somewhere so that you can keep going forward and what you will remember about that time is that you were stressed about money. You didn't know how you were going to pay the rent or you weren't sure how you were going to leave a certain situation because of the money. So our brain will then circle back through traumas and remember the financial stress that we were in at that time, but not necessarily go into the core of the trauma that was happening. So money trauma could then get linked in. To all these other events in our lives, because money is simply an amplifier of what's happening inside of ourselves. So for me, we work with money trauma to liberate all types of trauma, to, to heal, to come into wholeness so that we can. Be empowered on our path, be in service to humanity, change the way that money circulates on this planet. Cause money is to me, a spirit that's like, please, dear Lord, save me as well. Hey, let me be liberated and free as well so that we can put money in the hands of love and do some epic shit. Yeah. And I mean, oftentimes when I, when I hear people talking about money and many wounds and many trauma, it becomes such a. I want to say like a simplified topic, if that makes sense. It's like, Oh, just look at your family wounds or look at your ancestral trauma or look at all these things that like you've experienced, but oftentimes it's so easy to give a quick solution, but when you're sitting with it and you know that, for instance, like you're running a business, it's not profitable. Like you just, you don't know what the next step is, but you. You don't know where your money trauma is or what it looks like or where it is in the body. It can just feel so hazy. So I know that I've, I mean, I've had a lot of clients coming into my space who have had money trauma, but they don't actually know how to locate it, how to find it, how to actually get to that root cause and deal with that. So do you have any, like, how can you speak to this? Like where. Where would we find or be able to locate that sacred point within ourselves where that many trauma may be originated or started, I'm going to say growing and escalating. Like what do you do with it, with your clients? So there's many different stages to this because there are 36 different ways that money trauma can be stored in our body. And that's just the secret. Start of it, right? So we're, we're really advanced beings. So the way that I work is through the meridians. I work through the elements as well. So are we weaving the six elements into this process? And I say six and not five, because in my world, we work with ether. We work with spirit. We work with the sixth element, which is our vibration and our destiny. So. I created the wealth wellness wheel, which is, uh, 14 different vibrations and essences and areas of our life that correlate to 14 different meridians in our body. The 12 ordinary meridians, which are going to be, you know, your kidney, your liver, your heart, the things that you think about when you think about the organs of your body. Then we have the two like governing and conception that. Govern our yin and yang or our feminine and masculine energy. So each of those meridians then have a physical, a mental and an emotional component to them. Something could be physically stored in your liver or it could be stored in the emotions held in your liver or what we call the astral body. Or it can be stored in the mental body, connected to your liver, the thoughts of your liver, your liver, your kidneys, your spleen, they have thoughts, they have personalities, they have things to say. And if you've ever done a liver detox, you've felt those things. So. If we just test the physical organ of the liver, we may be missing where the trauma is actually stored because it might actually be impacting your mindset or your emotional well being more than it's impacting your physical body. But because we're not just physical beings, we are multidimensional. We have an emotional body, a mental body, a spirit body, right? We go well beyond our physical body. So to actually track trauma, which is simply an energetic imprint. We have to address our energetic bodies. So we work with advanced muscle testing, and I can make sure that you have the link. I have a free workbook that is literally going through all of this, where you can muscle test yourself, and see all the positions, because it would be impossible for us to go through this. Together on a call, given that it can take hours because you're testing a lot and your body's also not going to go through it all at once. You may test one organ or two organs and your body's like, I'm done. We've processed enough because in testing and getting a yes, there's trauma stored here. You're going to start processing it. You're going to start energetically getting insights and information and feelings come up and ideas come up and maybe memories come up. So it's a really intricate and delicate process that we want to go through, like slow and steady because there is such a thing as processing too much. Our bodies can only process so much. Now, when we go through the process, we always typically start with more of the earth element, grounding ourselves, anchoring ourselves, or we'll start with the wood elements, because if your liver, which is the wood element in Chinese medicine, Isn't properly functioning the thing about trauma that a lot of people may not know this is that Because trauma is an energy in the body and our body is simply energy. That's all it is, right? This is proven science now, then when trauma is released it has to go through the detox pathways of the body So when you release a trauma, whether it's in your mind and your emotions are physically stored somewhere in your body, maybe in your fascia or your muscles or your tissues or your bones that has to go through your detox pathway and the liver, therefore, is responsible to detox out every single trauma that you will process out in your life, which means, hey, everyone put your hand underneath the Your right breast right now and give thanks to your liver because it does so much for us. And that means if we start with our liver, then our liver is going to be able to be processing a little bit more efficiently. When we start unpacking everything else. So to kind of link this in with branding and things like that, when we look at the wealth wellness wheel, we break things down by the elements. So we have earth, we have water, we have air, we have fire, and we have wood. We also have ether and we can relate this to different aspects of your astrological chart, which I know you, you work with that in branding sometimes, like where your second house placement is, things like that. Like for me, my mercury is in my second house and Scorpio. So water is a really big element of my branding and of my branding voice. And in the wealth wellness wheel, that's emotion and desire, and that's your kidney and bladder. So for me, when I'm in my branding and I'm in business prep of a message and things like that, I'm going and I'm working on my kidney and my bladder because I'm a primary Water being in my charts and, and just how I show up in the world and in the aspects of the wealth wellness wheel that most impact my day to day life, which is my emotions and my desire. So go to my page. You're going to see me really talking to people's emotions. You're going to see me really talking to people's desires and not to their problems. Because for me, that's my strong suit. That's where I thrive. As mercury is my message, my brand, my voice, and it's in water. So now if you have, let's say your mercury in Sagittarius or Aries and in a fire sign fire in the wealth wellness wheel is your beliefs and your self worth. So, and it's your liver and gallbladder and you may be, or excuse me, no, it's not. I was just confusing myself with the wood element, which we were just talking about. That's liver and gallbladder. Your fire is actually the only. meridian system that has four meridians. So it's actually your heart, your pericardium, your small intestines and what we call a triple heater, which essentially regulates your lymphatic system. It regulates all of the systems of your body and your body temperature, super important. So if you were then an Aries or a sad, or a, my mind is blanking right now on the third Leo. There we go. Sorry. Leo is, I know you're gonna take offense to me. Forgetting right now. of all the signs to forget in a moment. It's not Leo not the Leo. Yeah. So this is where your marketing could really be towards people's beliefs and really helping people to feel worthy and connecting to self worth and someone else, connecting to the beliefs that people have right now about what you offer and those can go into you. Problems and things like that, like problematic beliefs. We all have them and really the honing in on that aspect of it. And then you would hone in on, well, what kind of money trauma do I experience when my heart is imbalanced? This is a really common one where people have high influxes of cash that comes in and then it's gone because they can't hold onto money. It's about feeling safe and worthy to hold onto money and actually let money, the energy of money, which is. A large energy that you have to then run through your body. So if your heart is not feeling safe with holding money, then this is where people have yo yo cycles, right? Where money comes in or maybe their business is even set up that way where they do Live launching and they have nothing residual. They have no automations They have no funnels put in place where they can step back and chill the fuck out for a second Which is going to be your earth and your wood. It's going to be like, hey Plan for chilling out, man. And taking periods where your fire is needing to recover, right? So those types of patterns will show up with people in their business. If they are having kinks to their energetic flow and one of their fire. Meridians, right? So we not only work with actually physically muscle testing the body. We also look with, let's look at your life story because through your life story with money, I can identify exactly where your money trauma is stored because that's the beautiful thing about our meridians in Chinese medicine, which is thousands and thousands and thousands of years old. Like it really is. Almost unfathomable for us to imagine how old and how long this medicine has been on the planet, because we're so used to, especially in the Western world, especially in countries like the U S or Australia, or, you know, that we don't have a rich, long history. We are a few hundred years old. So. So we borrow that history from our ancestors, primarily in Europe and in other places. And that's still not going into the vast depth that is in Chinese medicine. So the meridians, they, we see them like. Our curriculum, our life experience. So if someone has something going on in their heart, they're going to manifest in their reality, create in their reality around them, really specific experiences. That have to do with the education that you get through your heart. If you manifest, you know, dis ease in your kidneys, you're going to create very specific experiences that most people who are manifesting things in their kidneys are going to create. Like I can know. The moment someone tells me their parents were divorced at a very young age, that they're going to have money blocks in their kidneys. Everyone with parents who's were divorced. My, I'm one of those people. My parents were divorced when I was two longstanding kidney stuff because kidneys represent our mother and father in union to each other, devotion and in partnership to each other. And if you didn't experience that, And you actually experience the opposite of that, then you're going to have wounds in your kidneys that deal with your deeper desires and emotions because this is water element territory that are going to impact you. Processing and integrating. So when I do really deep healing work on myself, it's a big emotional release. Like it could be any other way. Like some people may process the same amount of stuff that I process, but for me, it's going to be flood works of tears and big emotions because that's where I tip into is the kidneys. This is one of my strong, Elements in my body graph, right? So we can track through your story as well. Someone tells me their life story. I'm going to be like, here's most likely where you're going to be holding onto things. And then we go and check in with their muscle testing of their meridians. We can check in with their fear because your fears are also going to show you where in your meridians because your spleen is going to have the same fears. As every other spleen on the planet. Is this where it comes in with, um, so for instance, when I was studying metaphysical anatomy, and I know that there's this, this, um, balance between what you can say is like a, a constant between people and then what is personal to their own journey. So for instance, I say, you know, like, Grief is held in the lungs, anger in the liver, you know, you can go through all the organs and list the emotions, but it's really not that simple. Like it's really about tapping into, you know, the biofrequency of what's actually going on in your individual body and your individual history. Um, and I know that like, for instance, one wound that I've experienced in my life and that a lot of my clients have experienced is the. Watching your parents, right? They rise into financial prosperity, financial wealth, and then suddenly it's gone. Like, it's just like, Out of nowhere. How does that manifest in the body? Like, how does that manifest in the meridians? So this is the ancestry section of the wealth wellness wheel, which is the liver meridian. And so that person is going to be working with their liver meridian and wounds that are held in their liver meridian are going to impact every other area of your body, which is why ancestry ripples out. Which means that when you address ancestral wounds, it's going to change every single person in your lineage, every single person that has come before you and every single person that will come after you. And this is why the liver is so important and powerful and why it uses more energy than any other organ in our body, including more energy than our brain and our heart, which speaks to how important this organ is. So if there is. Patterns like that, that you've observed, those would be called ancestral wounds. We would address them from the liver. And a lot of times when ancestral things are showing up, like I said, it will impact people's beliefs, like the liver ties in with other organs. Usually it's fire related because fire feeds on wood. So it's like, boom, blow up the fire. So you will typically have to address in the wealth wellness wheel. The fire energy actually comes before wood because we address your beliefs in your self worth, because if you haven't moved through toxic beliefs and found your self worth, then going into the ancestral section of the wealth wellness wheel could actually be dangerous. Mm. Because you potentially are going to have to process stuff. That's not your own to process, but that's in your blood in your lineage. So we want to make sure that we have created a fortitude, a, a sense of clarity within ourselves of who we are and that we are valued, loved and whole beings and have a sense of security. Before we start unpacking ancestral trauma. And tell me, cause I've seen before how specifically when you're going deep, deep, deep into the process of detoxification, um, cellular regeneration, specifically with cleansing that lasts over like over a week, you know, diving deep into plant medicine, clearing out the body, like release, like clearing those detox pathways. I've seen how, and I've experienced it where you walk out of a cleanse. And suddenly there is all this prosperity that follows you. So from your experience, have you seen that the act of detoxification helps to clear those meridians? It helps that trauma, all of that many wounding to come to the surface more gracefully without it feeling like, you know, you're kind of mining through trying to find where it's lying within the body. I, I mean, potentially for some people, like I've done at least four 40 day detoxes as well as detoxes every single year annually. I've been detoxing for the last 15 years and when I was doing my most deep detoxing, I was broke as fuck. Like I had no money. I was actually like, I don't want money. I can live off of it. I'm free. Like, so I don't think that that's a, that's a general standard that everyone could hold on to you. I would say that that would be relevant for someone maybe who was holding on to more intestinal, large intestine money trauma. Um, That is going to usually clog up and make things stagnant. So if you have, um, things going on in your large intestines, which is going to be the air elements or the metal elements is what we call it in Chinese medicine, which you also hold grief in metal as a whole. You don't just hold grief in your lungs. It's held in the metal element. So it's also stored in our intestines, our large intestines specifically. So if someone's doing a Detox, typically your large intestines for most people are going to be cleansed. So if you're holding on to things there, which is where money stagnates. So if you're ever in an experience where money is just no longer flowing in, then doing a large intestinal cleanse can free up space energetically for money to come in afterwards. That's great. But for me, I'm about long term transformation. A lot of people are just trying to get rich quick. They plan their business around it. Like I'm sure there's a lot of people listening here that do live launching. They get, um, Like large sums of money come in and then they may go months without any money coming in because they haven't created any real security. So it is like this yo-yo cycle again. So I'm not really a big fan of the get rich quick or the let me just do a detox and flush out my intestines that I can have some money come in because that's not actually addressing what is going on inside. And that's actually a toxic. Behavior. If people do adapt that mentality longterm, Oh, well, what can I do to just quickly make some money? Any thought of what can I do to quickly make some money means your earth element is off. Means you have not created a solid security inside of yourself, safety inside of yourself and education as well, which is the second aspect of the earth element, which means you know how to create systems and structures in your business to. Have longevity like I can take off. I haven't launched anything in months and my business is still making five figures a month. Right. So I can rest and heal and work on myself and then come back in. And, you know, I'm in the middle of launching a live masterclass right now, not because I need the money because God gave me this vision of this amazing masterclass. I needed to bring through. Yes, exactly. It's about creating that sustainability and that's just that space to create and play and, and stepping into your power because we are like we, it's not about building a get rich quick business. It's about building something that is sustainable and nourishing for the nervous system because I was the nervous system. And I mean, the whole endocrine is just like up and down, up and down, and it's not. That in itself is just reenacting that trauma. Um, and I know that many wounding and I've seen it time and time again, like it just, it keeps us so small and it just stops us from truly embodying who we magnetically are, and I see it so often where that's where we're trying to step into or follow or copy what everyone else is doing. You know, we're trying to find the secret source and we're trying to blend together all of these different pieces that aren't authentically us. And at the end of the day, we look at this business and we're like, this is just a mush. It doesn't represent me at all. It's not creative. It doesn't have divinity flowing through it. And it just feels like, what am I doing? I'm so lost. I'm so confused. You know, it's like hopping from trend to trend to trend just to try and, you know, follow all these vanity metrics that we get told are You know, this is what it's all about. So it just, it's so vital and such a vital part of the puzzle to really deal with these money wounds, because you can have the best funnel in the world. Your marketing can be so on point. You can know all the techniques, all the tricks, but if you haven't done the internal work, it's really going to. Affect the external world that you are existing in, but I know that in saying that it's not that easy and I'm, I'm so aware of that. You know, it's not about lighting a candle saying an affirmation of like, my money ruins are healed and then off you go and it's done. It's such a deep and such a complicated. So for business founders that are really wanting to dive deeper into themselves and just start doing the work, what would be the first step to just, I know you mentioned the muscle testing and that's like, that's fantastic just to find out where to start. In the body, the wounds are sitting and then once those wounds have been like a located, is there a next step that you would recommend to sit with, to integrate, to release through the detox pathways? Like it's, I know it is such a complicated topic because it's not just It's not just about what's happening in the body, you know, it's multidimensional. It's like the cells carry memory, not just from this lifetime, but from all our lifetimes, all our experiences and all comes and just accumulates within the body here and now. But what do you, what would you recommend just for someone that is wanting to start off? Yeah, first and foremost, like we, we now have scientific evidence that trauma is only actually fully processed from the body when it goes through these five stages, which we'll talk about here in a moment. So sitting and saying, my money trauma is cleared. Is most likely not going to work for anyone and unless you don't actually have money trauma and you just have some twisted beliefs about yourself, then maybe that will work. Um, the people that I work with usually have like really deep core wounds that they're navigating through, which I personally feel most light workers do because we've come onto this planet at this time to change. The entire structures of humanity, which means we had to take on all of the wounds and embrace the suffering of this realm and transmute it and transform it through our bodies. So for trauma to fully be processed and released. The nervous system must come into a state of safety and security. So you have to start from a bandwidth of safety and security. Then the nervous system has to go through what I call the Ignite stage, which is where you have a visceral detox of the unconscious. Emotion. So you actually have to relive the trauma and release it from your body. So I've had clients, this can be like big emotional outbursts, screaming, shaking, convulsing, crying. And afterwards they'll get giant rashes on their body or they'll have diarrhea or they'll get nauseous or they'll have some type of visceral physical detox happen. If that physical release of the emotion and the detox doesn't happen, then that trauma has not gone anywhere. This has now been studied and validated because we have to allow ourselves to go through it. The only way out is through. We've been saying this for a long time now, friends, it's time we actually realize that that means we have to actually be, go through the trauma again in our system from a space of safety. After we go through that. And I call it ignite. We ignite the trauma. We let the visceral experience, we go into it, we let it get as uncomfortable as possible so that we can have that big outburst of processing and releasing. Then we go into unwinding it from the spine. So the pattern has to be unwound from your spine and your spine is more than just this, You know, stack of bones in our back. It is governing the connection between our brain and every system of our body. Our entire nervous system is being governed through our spine. It is sending all the signals throughout our entire body and those signals then get sent out into our reality around us. So our spine gets locked into patterns. And those patterns and create the same thing over and over and over again in our lives in different forms. So if our spine at the end of this release doesn't get re patterned. It's just going to go back to what it knows, and this is why people will have chronic, you know, left shoulder pain or low back pain or whatever it is, these chronic pain patterns of tension that's being held around the spine. So we have to repattern the spine. We have to allow the spine to open, move and reset itself. And then we have to go into a position of Being empowered and becoming the victor, the hero of your story. And then we return back to a space of safety. So if we don't go through that complete process in one sitting, the trauma is usually not Releasing properly. Now we do this in the quantum money community and we do it once a month. We go through these live journeys of actually moving through the different trauma that's in, in the different organ systems and in the different meridian systems, as well as the different aspects of the wealth wellness wheel. Because for me, there's something really powerful and being witnessed as well. There is something really powerful and knowing that we're supported and held by others, especially if the trauma is really. Advanced meaning it has rippled and made its way into many different areas of your life. It has made its way into your beliefs, your self worth, your life experience, your direction. The things that you think that you desire may, may not actually even be your own desires. Um, emotions, things like that. When it's rippled into many different systems of your body, which in my case. Was Was the reality it's really important that we have people supporting us It's a big thing about these traumas and fears is that they feel unsupported Yeah, you know like they have the support and the love and someone seeing them hearing them loving them Exactly as they are without trying to change them And that's the what we do in the ignite period is we let people know All parts of ourselves be seen, heard, and loved. Mm. Yeah. So a simple practice that you can do is like, this is from the desire section of the wealth wellness wheel and, and your kidney and bladder are going to be both kind of intertwined into this because it's the water element. Is really starting to look at the things in your life that you don't like right now that are happening, the things that are happening in your business or in your branding or in your messaging or in your fight, in your bank account or whatever pattern is happening. And you are like, this needs to change. I don't like this. I don't, this isn't who I am or whatever it is and actually find the part of you that's creating that. And that actually is desiring that right now because in denying it, in saying, I don't like this. I don't want this. This isn't my reality. You are denying a trauma inside of yourself that has been creating that pattern because that pattern feels safe to it. And by trying to dismiss it, you know, thinking that it's bad or wrong or shouldn't be happening is basically burying that trauma even deeper inside of us and creating more tension around it. And when there's tension, there's no expansion, right? There's no, there's no love. There's no openness. There's no receptivity to new energy coming in. Tension is the greatest hindrance of your financial. Abundance. So actually sit with the things in your life right now that you don't like and find the part of you that desires them. Find the part of you that feels safe in that. And let that part be seen, heard, and loved by you. Let it have a voice. Give it permission to share why it has been creating this thing that you, some other part of you doesn't like. Right. And, and let it. Be heard without trying to change it or make it bad or make it wrong or dismiss it in any way. Simply hold space for that part of you to have a conversation with you because you will not change until you do that. That's the first step. Sure. So many questions that are circulating at the moment. Um, one thing that just came to mind now, um, is. So, so many people are struggling with gut health at the moment. It's either leaky guts or IBS or Crohn's or indigestion, something related to that. And I mean, another thing I want to jump into is like maybe parasites, but maybe that's another whole conversation because that's a consciousness living inside of us. You know, it plays on all these wounds and these shadows and these things that um, Embedded within us, but to start with gut health, how is that related to many trauma? Like which elements is that? How does that show up in the ancestral line in the body? And how do we, how do we move through that? Because a lot of the time, yes, we can focus on, you know, gut health and probiotics and prebiotics and all these things, but there's a reason why it keeps coming up for so many people. So gut health is, is multifaceted because there's many different meridians and systems that play out in your digestive process. So we, you know, always have to start addressing what's going on in the intestines, both the large and the small, which are going to be different elements, different emotions, different ideas, different thoughts, and different experiences. Then you have to look at your liver and your gallbladder, same thing, different, different ways of showing up in. The stomach, then we got to look at the stomach. We don't work with the pancreas in the money meridians because it doesn't have its own meridian system. That being said, digestively speaking, if we're speaking about health, because as you, as you know, maybe other people don't know in here, I also do a lot of health and healing and helping people heal from really advanced states of disease and my home healing practice. And your pancreas is going to then have to be involved. Like, are you properly making enzymes? Like, is your body in the breakdown cycle, which is where you have proper amounts of enzymes, enzymes go in and enzymes break down waste. They break down toxins. They break down path pathogens and parasites and all these things. Um, a lot of times the biggest issue for people is they get inflamed and this is going to be a huge topic. For the next 20 years on our planet, because we've moved into a 20 year cycle ruled by fire. So the fire element is going to be really predominant on the planet. And That's amazing because fire is spirit, right? It transforms us back to ether. It takes us back to source. Fire is spiritual consciousness. It is Light in liberation, right? It is all of that, but it's also in excess in the body inflammation and when I do live blood analysis of people Typically, when there's something digestively going on, the first thing that shows up in their blood is massive inflammation, like deep, chronic inflammation, so much so that we often can't even see what's going on at the cause until we have either press given pressure to the blood to make it separate or. They've gotten into an oxygen treatment to allow space to happen between their cells, because when there is a lot of inflammation, all your cells, which should just be like these beautiful spheres, all swimming around in their own space, become like a pile of like a car accident. Like they're just like a pile up inside of your blood. So you can't actually see. And as we get deeper, we do get into the conversation of mycotoxins. So mycotoxins are going to be the, the waste of fungus, the waste of parasite, waste of bacteria. So all these things, they shit, they go to the bathroom inside of us, right? They release toxins inside of us. So it's not only. You got exposed to mold it's you got exposed to mold and then that mold started to grow and then that growth of that mold started to feed on heavy metals. And then it started to release those toxins digested through the mold in your body. Great. So as we press through, it's usually going to come down to mold, which is a huge one. Heavy metals, which is another massive one because heavy metals are everywhere, especially if you were vaccinated at any stage of your life, not just in your adult life, but you know, I'm a child of the eighties. So I was born in the eighties. Like I got vaccinated. I got vaccinated all through the nineties, right? So I do a lot of heavy metal detoxing safely under the care of a practitioner because it's It's dangerous to detox heavy metals without knowing what you're doing. And I know a lot of people who've made themselves very sick, following like the chelation protocols that they read online without support, they start releasing heavy metals into their bloodstream that their digestive system isn't able to process. So always consult an expert when it comes to heavy metal detoxing. Um, then we have, you know, the parasitic beings, which my philosophy on all of this. Okay. Which I think is really helpful. It's helped a lot of my clients rapidly shift out of things is that nothing in our body is a problem, everything about this planet, everything about our bodies. It's hardwired to survive. So we will take things into our body. We will develop things inside of our body to try to survive parasites. As I've experienced them both through helping people detox them and seeing them swimming around on live microscopes and in my own body, having them in my own body, I almost died from a systemic amoeba that I had for 12 years that Drained me of all my vitality and blood to the point where I was like in total mania and really got to address the consciousness of these beings that we take them on because they feed on toxins and they specifically feed on trauma and they, they eat it. They consume the energy of it. And so in doing so, our body lets them in because it's like, I've got a lot of stuff that I'm holding on right now to, and I need help helping to try to break it down. The only challenge is, is that then those parasites release the mycotoxins and then long term, it's not sustainable. The body would rather slowly die, suffering over time. Then to die quickly, instantly too young because body is here to serve the soul's journey in the spirit's journey. So if your soul was not meant to come in and die quickly young, then your body has been hardwired to survive at any cost to get to that stage where your soul is designed to exit your body. If that's your path, so that means that the body will take on Lyme disease, it will take on heavy metal toxicity, it will take on parasitic burden, it will take on Candida, it will take on all the things. And it will suffer for a long time, slowly dying so that your spirit can have a vessel to continue to live in. So it's not the most perfect system, right? It doesn't, I've navigated through a lot of disease. Like it's not. Fun to be in a crisis in your body. Like I get that. I know that Deeply intimately I navigate still to this day my neurological journey and it is all serving us though So when we see that when we have clients come to me to detox if they go, well, how do I kill this? Parasite, how do we just store this parasite? I'm like, that's not the way Because you now just threaten the thing that your body believes it needs to survive. Yes. And it will adapt to survive. So instead it actually, we have to start giving reverence and thanks and gratitude for everything that we are. All parts of us need to be seen, heard, and loved in order to be transformed in the light of fire back to spirit. Right. This is alchemy. So when there is digestive things going on, and typically it's going to come back to your fire elements because your, your small intestines are fire. Your large intestines are metal, which breaks down under fire. So your large intestines will start to get broken down. We know about the enteric nervous system. The enteric nervous system is separate. Completely separate from the autonomic nervous system, y'all. There are studies coming out that even show that the enteric nervous system, if you're unfamiliar with that language, this is a separate nervous system that specifically is in our gut. So it's, our gut has its own nervous system. And while some people used to believe that it was part of the central nervous system, We actually now know that the enteric nervous system is completely separate and it will actually send signals first to the brain and then the brain sends signals to the central nervous system. So, in some ways, people think that it's the second brain, but in reality, it actually is the first. So our nervous system is, can develop completely in some species. It develops completely individual with no central nervous system. Our central nervous system is part of what makes us human, right? It gives us a higher intelligence. It gives us this capacity to be upright as well through our spine. So the enteric nervous system is really this more primal survival mechanism and, and has the same thoughts and beliefs and ideas and, and patterns and ways of being that we know in our sympathetic nervous system or parasympathetic nervous system, which are, you know, buzzwords now today as people start to become more physically intelligent. Meaning they're prioritizing, recognizing that I'm in a body, which means I have a responsibility to know what this body is. Um, so the enteric nervous system can hold onto some of these beliefs and self worth stuff. And typically when people are navigating digestive challenges, their self worth and their beliefs are polluted. Yes. Yes. Go ahead. Yeah. Yeah. So really about just softening, just that gentle softening into, I guess that pure love of who you are, that you need to change anything or force anything or clear anything. You know, we've been so con, I don't want to say conditioned, but there is that narrative of like, you are this and you're not this. And I've seen it a lot on the. The, the, I'm going to call it the false light path, cause I don't know how else to word it, but that whole idea of you have to change things and you have to deconstruct and let go and clear. And, you know, at the end of the day, this is all just one act after another of self abandonment because we are. All of us, and even speaking to parasites, like I just, I love the way that you speak to it. It's, it's meant to be there. It's encoded into the body now and to just suddenly rip it from, you know, your consciousness from your field. It just feels so harsh and so forced. Whereas softening into the process and giving love and gratitude is really the key to alchemy and the key to the transcendence that we've been looking for. I can give an example of this for people who may be a little bit more needing some 3D examples. Like several years ago, maybe five years ago, I was doing a deep detox and I released like a 13 inch worm from my digestive system. And when this worm came out before I was so. Emotional. Like I was processing a grief that I had never touched before. And grief is also stored in our large intestines. It's stored in the, in the metal or air element. So it's not only stored in our lungs and because this worm, this parasite was feeding on all this grief that I was not able to process at the time that it happens. Now, fast forward to me being an adult and having skills and tools and support and love and safety in my environment, I was now ready and available to hold space for the grief that I was going to need to move through. As that parasite came out of me and as that parasite was coming out of me, I was thinking it and crying for it and loving, like my body felt like it was now actually grieving something that it had a connection to that saved it in some way from something that it wasn't able to hold. I mean, that worm was probably inside of me for at least 10 years plus. Yeah. Unknown. Unknown to me. Right at sometimes I would kind of feel I was like, man, it feels like something's there, but That's just what it is and and when the time is right it will be and and this reminds me of the 25th gene key if If you aren't familiar with the gene keys, this is work by richard rudd. That is Kind of the modern day evolution of the yi qing and the 25th gene is just It's really relevant to my life. It's a part of my pearl sequence and it's been coming up in conversation so much lately. And the shadow of this gene is constriction. The gift is acceptance and the city universal love. And in this gene, he talks about how universal love is actually like the 25th is really all about enlightenment. It is about spiritual liberation. It is about reaching this exalted state that we are seeking for throughout all of the gene keys is found in this. Twenty fifth. And Jesus and the Buddha and these ascended master enlightened beings who come to this earth, they have found their liberation through this gene. And that is that in the constriction is all human suffering, right? In the shadow is the source of human suffering. And I talked about constriction earlier, anything we constrict, it can't expand, it can't open. We actually find liberation through accepting all of the suffering. And through that acceptance, like acceptance of life, we actually start to liberate ourselves from the pain. So because this is a really significant gene in my personal charts, like I've taken all life, a lot of suffering. When I was having panic attacks recently that resurfaced after almost two years of not having any panic attacks, like there was a part of me at first that was like, let me go in and try to. Figure out what's going on and then I remember it. I'm like, okay. Well, this is the part of me. That's not accepting Mmm accepting this Right. It's trying to change what the Creator has created for me. Yes. It's trying to force my control. And so instead of going into all this fear, I just sat and I, I just kept saying like, I wasn't sleeping. And my partner, he would be like, I hope you have a great night's sleep tonight. And instead of being like, yeah, me too, I'd be like, it's okay, I accept whatever comes. So when the panic would arise, I would say, instead of like, Oh my God, how do I make this stop? I would say, it's okay. I accept this. Yes. Yes. And simply by actually accepting it, not just saying it, actually accepting it and surrendering and allowing me to just be in it, it started to change and I stopped having the panic attacks. Yes. Yes. Thank you. Right? Because through that acceptance, we start to unwind the tension. And then we get to eventually the city of universal love, right? Which is what everyone says they're here for, right? To actually be here and realize this highest state of consciousness, the acidic state, the highest frequency that we can hold in our body means that we have to accept. All of our suffering. Yeah. And no longer And is, oh yeah. I was just gonna say no longer deem it as unholy or unworthy or unlovable. Mm. Or not enough or bad or wrong or a problem. Mm. Because in doing all of that, we keep constricting it even more and we close off ourselves to a deeper space of love. And isn't that so amazing how this, just the softening and this unwinding, I mean, it affects the way that we communicate with things as well. I mean, I went on a retreat when was it? Like last year, sometime beginning of the year. And the whole intention was to let go of a very, very traumatic situation in my life. And when I was there, I was. Facing it was just so much anger. And every time I would, you know, go to the loo or we would move through like a detox process, like nothing was leaving my body. My body was so frozen. And after about three, four days of. You know, just moving through the process, I was so exhausted that I just found such completion and such acceptance for what had happened. And the minute I softened into it and just accepted it and found this gratitude for the experience, this entire. It was like a ball of hookworms left my body and it was just, I've never seen so many worms in one place at a time, but that's what the hookworm does. It hooks into those emotions. It feeds on those emotions. And there was so much emotion there that it was just thriving. And I found that the minute I released that ball of parasites, the way that I. Spoke about the experience shifted. I could embody it and really come from a space of deep love and appreciation for what it had been, even for the pain and the trials and the tribulations as a stepping stone into some or other deepening into myself and another layer of growth, and it's not like you speaking there from a wounded, traumatic experience, and it's not the heightened nervous system that is speaking through you. It's coming from a space of very deep seated wisdom. And it's the same, same within business within, you know, business is a sacred vessel for you to express your energy into the world. So when you are speaking from some, about something from a, I'm going to say not an embodied state, or you haven't moved through the emotional, the trauma, what's just very heightened, it's going to affect. Your messaging in some way or another, and that's why that whole act of, I mean, I know embodiments has become like a latest buzzword, but it really, it's about embodying and being with and holding space for all that you are and just showing gratitude for every experience. And you see this a lot in, um. When people are speaking about their stories and their why and their value and their missions and why they started, you know, their business and why they are doing what they're doing. Sometimes it's spoken about with just a deep seated wisdom and other times it can be a little bit triggered and that does affect the vibration that you're putting out into the world and the way that you are manifesting clients, booking out your services, selling your offers. And in the end generating wealth. So it is just so beautifully linked, so beautifully linked. And I love the way that you speak about it from your own personal experience with your clients. At the end of the day, it really is just a journey home to ourselves. All of it. Yeah. So there's one, one last thing that I want to share here today, and it's this statistic that. I heard from my mentor that 6 percent of entrepreneurs will make six figures. In their business 6%. And then if we break that down for women, 1 percent of women entrepreneurs will become six figure businesses. And that should hit everyone really hard. That should really like for me as a woman who has been making six figures for the last five years in my business, like that is alarming. To see those statistics. And I personally feel that it is because people are so busy looking outside of themselves for the answers and not looking inside of themselves. And this comes from like, you know, I've been in a lot of business building, you know, my background, my education is in criminal psychology, psychology and in health coaching and in, and like therapeutic realms, that's what my university degrees are in. So when I started my business, I had to learn how to make a business, right? Like I had to learn how to sell and market and message and brand. And I joined all the communities and all the programs and the courses and. It continued to evolve as well. My practice in it. And a lot of times I would sit in those courses with, you know, the influencers and business and messaging and things. And they would get to these points where they would talk about the essential piece of their inner growth that they had to do. And people in the DMs and in the comments and in the chat would be like, how do I do that? And there would be usually no response, or the response would be very vague because those people, those, those business coaches, they're not, they're not. Here to teach the inner work. Yeah. They're here to teach you how to make a funnel, how to message, how to market, how to sell they've hired people to help them do the inner work. That's not there. The challenge is that. I would love to see more of them be like, and here's who I would refer you to. Yes. Yes. Exactly. I would help you with that. Because the thing about our reality here is that when people see something about their life that they, I call them thresholds, right? You get, you get put into a threshold and that threshold is the way that you've been living is no longer serving you. You know, it's no longer serving you and the creator, God, the universe, whatever language you use, your higher self, your soul has shown you a different vision for your life. The moment you get shown that vision, the old reality collapses. Hmm. And you enter into the threshold, which is a liminal space between two realities. And in that liminal space, the creator starts putting a tremendous amount of pressure on your external reality because that pressure is a part of alchemy. It's what it's sound. It's literally more frequency gets put on your reality because that pressure, if you study cymatics is needed to change the frequency of the reality. Yes. Okay. What happens is because we've been so conditioned to be externally focused through our education system, through the way our system has been operating, people in the threshold go outside of themselves and, and try to control and create under an immense pressure. That is not being put on that reality and they stay stuck there forever, continuing to recreate the same shit and never manifesting their vision. And this is not just us saying it. We have lots of statistics, right? 1 percent of women entrepreneurs will become six figure earners. That is insane. Yeah. 6 percent of entrepreneurs as a whole, including both genders, like that is not, Very high friends. So we, we need to start reorienting how we actually do this work. Like my first six figure year did not happen through changing anything in my systems of my business. I didn't actually start imprint like inputting strategy in my business until after I was making six figures. Those six years came through me fully going in and doing all this work that we're talking about. Yes. Yes. And when you do that in the threshold and you repattern your brain and your nervous system to start creating the new reality that your soul has shown you or God has shown you, then as the creator is working on your external, you're bringing yourself into alignment with that inside. And it's not just sitting and praying, which is a part of it. We have to know how to actually change where these programs are stored, which is in our reptilian brain and it's in our autonomic nervous system. And when you know how to do that, then you can take the break, go within their pattern movements. I teach, I'm actually teaching this in an upcoming course called threshold that is happening June 6th. Um, when you learn how to actually speak to your brain and your nervous system, then you can do the inner work and the creator will change the external. And then you come back out into the world and it lines up seamlessly. Yes. So everything starts with energetics at the foundation, like focusing on the inner world. Yeah. Focusing on where it's all created, which is in our brain and in our nervous system and in our energy body. It's all created there. Like we, we even call our medulla, which is in our reptilian brain, the mouth of God. Mm. And? You know, in the beginning of the Bible, it says, uh, in the beginning was the word and the word was God, right? And that is literally talking about your medulla. It's talking about where these programs are coming from and how it's then creating your reality around you. And I think that. A big reason why there, there has been agendas trying to control billions of people on this planet. There has been agendas trying to disempower people. The best way to disempower you is to not teach you how to use your body. That's it. Don't teach them how to use their body condition, them to be externally focused so that when that new vision comes in and you're like, Whoa, yes, that feels so amazing. That's what I'm here to be doing. I love that. You go look outside of yourself. Yes. Try to create it yourself. Which is not the way. Mm-Hmm. No. And at the end of the day, everything is housed within the body. Like even when you, it's not just your organs or your meridians or your, you know, cells. It's when you clear something for yourself, when you love something for yourself, when you really start to be with yourself, you do that for all of humanity. You know, that is the act of service. It's not an act of, you know, going out there and changing the world and changing others and preaching. It's about doing the work inside. I mean, we've been speaking about this for years and years and years, and yet it's still something that like. The concept that seems to go overhead sometimes, it's like that is the work you can only do the work in the body for everything, even when it comes to business, it's really focusing on what is going on inside all of those belief, all of those emotions, all of those patterns that we brought in, not just as, and we do, like you mentioned earlier, we clear it for, I think it's like seven generations back in seven generations forward. And that is creating a better world for our, for our kids. It's not about going out and, you know, trying to change externally. Mm-Hmm. and I can give you three real life examples of this from clients that have come through the quantum money community. One woman, she's with us right now, and she's been healing, she's a, she's. Has children now on the planet, she's been healing her money trauma and her kids are starting to have all these opportunities for financial abundance come into their lives and they're getting paid more, they're getting opportunities, they're having all this stuff show up. Her husband is having. New opportunities show up. Then another woman who used to be in the community many years ago, she buried like this one's a little out there. Like through doing the lineage work and clearing this, she actually had an uncle that she'd never met. No one knew this person existed. Didn't even know he existed. Shows up out of the blue with a six figure check, six figure check out of the blue. Right. And then another woman, her father got an inheritance that he never knew about show up while she was doing this work. So those are three real life examples of how the people in your fields will also be impacted. And they were also having great things shift and happen for themselves as well. But I think it's really helpful to see, well, how does that actually tangibly show up? Like it happens. I see it happen all the time when you're doing this work. Definitely. Definitely. And I mean, I speak about this a lot and I, once again, it's that balance between sharing and speaking about it and not offering someone a magic pull because it is hard to do the inner work and just cause it's worked for someone doesn't mean it's going to work for someone else. But I've seen firsthand where I have walked into an experience where I know I'm going to be diving deep into the trauma, into the work, into the stuff that's very deeply seated within the cells going from 5k a month to suddenly 120 as I walked out on the other side. so much. I've seen that I've embodied that I've, and I've seen it happen, not once, but like several times. So it is something that it does have such ripple effects, but the key is you have to be willing to dive in, to do the work, to venture in, to walk through that trauma because it's not, I mean, it's not always a walk in the park. It's not always unpleasant, but it's so what it feels like. On the other side is just so, so worthwhile. And so, I mean, I, I, I know I probably wouldn't, and you wouldn't ever like traded for anything that just deepening into yourself. Yeah. Well, thank you so much. Thank you for joining again today and just diving deeper into this topic. It is here. I feel like we could go on for hours. There's so much depth here. It's so multidimensional, like. You know, interwoven with so many different layers of your being and yeah, just such a beautiful, I love the, the way that you speak about it, the beautiful energy that you bring to it, the beautiful wisdom and just reframing and moving away from that harsh reality of like clearing, clearing, clearing, making space. To really just allowing and softening and really leaning into love and gratitude for everything that you've ever experienced. Everything that you're housing within your body, everything that you feel is even, I don't even like to talk about it as like a mini trauma or wound. It's just an experience. An experience that is showing up in one way or another. Thank you everyone. Thank you for having me on again. I hope that this has brought some value and new deeper insights into people's minds today and their hearts and open their body up to a new potential. Yes. Yes. My wish for this as well. Thank you. Whispers in my head What you gonna do?