Quantum Copy Cafe

18: Brand Backlash - What to do if your brand story triggers others

Lira Shavira Jade Season 1 Episode 18

Drop us a message & let us know what's unfolding within your business

'No statue has ever been created for a critique' - we've heard it before and in our heads we know this to be true, but what happens when you actually experience this in reality?

In this episode, we are speaking about when it's safe to share the deeper layers of your story with the world (pain, trauma, loss, abuse), why we feel called to share these parts of our experience in life, and how to respond when it triggers others.

This is a topic that I felt called to speak to as it is a relevant topic that is coming up a lot in the coaching side of my business and I have also experienced the harsh reality of this within my own business. Have you ever shared a part of your story that has triggered a response in someone else? I would love to hear from you.  

Quantum Copy Cafe with Lira Shavira Jade

As a conversion copywriter and launch strategist who specializes in energetics, I have found a way tangible way to infuse your brand message, website copy, and Marekting material with your unique purpose and soul. I am here to help you get visible, connect with your people, and sell your creation, but in a way that feels aligned with your natural flow.

Links: Instagram @merakimessaging | Facebook @merakimessaging | Website: www.merakimessaging.com

Ways in which I can support you ~ 

  • SEO-rich, soulful conversion copy for websites, sales funnels, and email marketing. 
  • Copywriting and energetic coaching for holistic business owners and creatives. 
  • Business energetic blueprints to help you create an aligned growth path. 
  • Messaging strategies and brand voice development. 
  • Cleanses and retreats. 

If you are a visionary who is ready to bring her wildest dreams to life, then you are home. This is where you belong.


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In this podcast you'll find episodes relating to: brand development; brand strategy; brand energetics; human design; business growth; digital marketing; astrology; blog post ideas; social media captions; email marketing templates; branding and design; website design trends; marketing & Sales Strategies; SEO tips and tricks; social media marketing strategies; sales funnels and automation; personal Branding & Growth.

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Welcome back to another episode of Quantum Copy Cafe. It's so great to be hanging out today, and this week's episode is going to be a little bit different. It is a topic that has been coming up a lot within my client spaces as we've been working through our one-on-one coaching containers. It's been coming up a lot within my own business. It's a trend that I'm seeing a lot on social media and in different marketing spaces, and I really wanted to speak to this because it's something that can. Often hold us back in business from truly embracing who we are and who we are meant to be and what we are here to do But it's also something that can, you know, trip us up and be this kind of elusive obstacle that everyone is aware of, but no one really talks about. So today I, I really want to dive into this topic and it's to do with triggers and how our authentic brand story can often triggers those around us and how this. really stops us from truly expressing who we are and who we're meant to be and how we're meant to show up in the world. But in order to first dive into that, I wanted to dive into what is authentic storytelling. And this is a theme that I'm seeing a lot all over social media. The word authentic is kind of becoming more of a watered down word now. It's becoming Quite overused, but the essence of it is still true to this day. This is a big year for authentic storytelling, right? And into leaning into what your authentic story really is. And to sum it all up and to get to the real basics of it, it basically means to tell a story that is super true, super real, super raw, super vulnerable to who you are and where you've been. Right. And it's a process that oftentimes it requires a lot of courage and a lot of I'm going to say an ability to really settle into who you are and where you've been. And a question that I often get asked by clients is when is it safe? To share a story, you know, when is it okay to put something out there on social media, on email marketing, on a podcast, a blog, a YouTube channel? When is it finally okay to share where I've been? And What I've often felt when it comes to this is it's, I feel like it's safe to share when the wound has become a scar, right? So you're putting something on social media, not for monetary value, but to share where you've been and to inspire those around you. But in order to do that, you need to have cultivated that safety within your body, you need to feel okay with the experience and to know that if there is a backlash from anyone around you, you're okay to handle it, you're okay to feel into it and not take it personally and to just let it slide, right? Because oftentimes our stories and our experiences in life are Uh, the things that shape us, they're the things that really craft our character and our personality and the true calling that we have in life. And these beautiful aspects are who all the things that mold us, right? They mold us into who we are. So, it's our values, it's the things that we have experienced, the trauma, the heartbreak, the loss, all these beautiful experiences that are not always easy to navigate within this world. Right, but they do and when we've come out on the other side and we've turned all of our obstacles into stepping stones We do arise on the other side different. We are transformed in some way or another and This serves as a point of inspiration for those around us those that we are here to inspire and serve Right. So I do believe that at some point your experiences in life Do become a part of your brand story,? You start something you create a business because you feel inspired to make a difference in the world And this can be from you know, so many different angles I've shared a little bit more about my divorce in life And not from a sense of trying to monetize it. I don't want anyone to feel anything or feel sorry for me It's not at all about Any of it's not trying to step into victim mode or any of that. It's really to say, you know what? I've been through some of the hardships that we go through in life and I know how exhausting I felt. I know how triggered my nervous system was. I know how I went into fight or flight, how my whole body froze. I know that I, that fear that came from losing everything. But I've also seen what it's like to arise on the other side, you know, fully settled in with a beautiful family, beautiful husband, beautiful daughter, and to feel what that transformation looks like and to know that it is possible for anyone who's moving through anything, right? If you're sitting in a difficult situation in life at the moment, for you to know that this is not the end, this is just part of the journey. And these are the reasons why we share those beautiful nuances that make up our story in life, it's not to make money from it, it's not to, you know, Make, like, draw attention to ourselves or any of that, it's to inspire, it's to serve, it's, it's that, that experience that creates this deep fire within your belly that creates that movement, you know, I've got so many clients that want to serve women, you know, because they have been in really terrible situations in work or in their relationships and they have felt like they just wanted to build themselves up and get out of it. And because of that, they are now really intentful about serving women, right? That is a part of their story. So for them to share that. That is going to be building up and calling in the ideal client who is moving through that situation, right? And it doesn't matter what you've gone through. If you've gone through like divorce is one of them, separation, abuse, loss. First of all, and once again, this is a very sensitive situation and a sensitive topic, to just first realize and draw attention to your body. Right? What is my body feeling with regards to this experience? How is it responding to the emotions around it? You know, do I feel like there's a sense of safety and peace in my body when I think back to this situation? If you can wholeheartedly say yes to that, then it is safe for you to share your story, but from an angle and from a point of wanting to serve and wanting to inspire and wanting to help others. sO that's the first point of this podcast. The second point is a question that I keep getting asked is what happens when my story starts to trigger others, right? This is a big one. Oftentimes when you are moving in alignment with. How you are authentically meant to show up in the world, right? You're in alignment with your flow. You're bringing in the most beautiful people into your space that you are serving. You are speaking your truth. You are honoring your truth. You are speaking from the wisdom of your body. This may trigger people. Not everyone is able to do this, right? People might have something to say about your past. They might have something to say about what you're sharing. The biggest thing I can say with regards to this is it's okay,? Do not take anything that anyone says personally. There's a reason why they call them trolls on Instagram. Beautiful way to deal with this would be to, first of all, to deal with it with love, with kindness, to just let it go. Let that person just say what they want to say. Block them out of your life with love and start affirming to the universe what you want into your space, right? Because there's that saying that no statue was ever elected or created for a critic and it's true There is always going to be a critic There's always gonna be someone that feels inspired and motivated by what you do and then there's gonna find be someone that finds a complete and utter fault and You're always going to get that nuance in the world But what I always say to my clients always, always, always, and I've said it to myself too, because I've also been through this experience. Don't ever allow yourself to change or allow yourself to water down your story and gatekeep what you want to say. Just because of what someone else thinks about you, what someone else thinks about you is none of your business, right? Your business is ensuring that you are speaking from your heart, that you are feeling aligned with what comes up for you. And that if you feel inspired and called to share something that you do it, this is the most important thing you can do for yourself and do for your business. All right, the critics, the gremlins, the goblins, the trolls, all of them, they will come, they will go. You will stay rooted in yourself and your business will continue to blossom and continue to thrive. Keep affirming to the universe, to yourself. What you stand for, what you welcome into your space and what you don't and the mere act of blocking someone, whether it's on social media, whether it's on Instagram, whether it's removing them from your email list, however you physically do that, it shows that you are energetically blocking this energy from your space. You do not want it into your space. I absolutely love the book Women Who Run With Wolves because it explains this so beautifully, like, a woman is like a wolf, right? She knows her territory. She knows how to defend her family. She knows how to defend herself. She's strong, she's resilient. She doesn't cower just because someone says cower,? She stands in her truth, and she follows who she's meant to be. And that's what I want for you, and your story, and the way that you show up in the world. So, if you're feeling like this is one of those things that is holding you back from stepping into that vulnerability and sharing what you feel called to share, I would like to inspire you and Just ask you to soften into yourself, to cultivate a sense of safety in the body. Breathe in deeply, in through the nose, out through the mouth. Settle your nervous system. And know that your authentic story, that is where your true success lies, right? It doesn't lie in copying everyone else's story or everything else that's happening in the market and, you know, trying to twist your words and your copy and your images into what you think people want. All you can do is rock up, be yourself. And the right people will be magnetized into your space, right? That is the true law of attraction and there is only one you we want to see you all of you all of your experiences the beautiful the messy all those nuanced contrasted parts that make you human So if that can be one thing that I share with you today and one thing that I would love to call you to do Is just do it Show yourself. Do not be afraid Right, we are all waiting, we want to see all of you, we want to love all of you, and we are here for you. Whispers in my head What you gonna do?