Quantum Copy Cafe

20: Building Your Business Merkaba

Lira Shavira Jade Season 1 Episode 20

Drop us a message & let us know what's unfolding within your business

In this episode I am taking you behind the scenes into the signature framework that I teach my clients in my 1:1 coaching containers.

We are going to be taking a deeper look into a simple 6-step process towards aligned prosperity. We call it the business Merkaba and it includes everything we love teaching about - business strategy, copywriting, branding, sales funnels, magnetic marketing, and customer connection.

The Merakba focuses on 6 processes - The Pearl,  Anchoring your Roots, The Grand Emergence, The Blossoming, The Connection, The Prosperity, and CEO embodiment. 

Quantum Copy Cafe with Lira Shavira Jade

As a conversion copywriter and launch strategist who specializes in energetics, I have found a way tangible way to infuse your brand message, website copy, and Marekting material with your unique purpose and soul. I am here to help you get visible, connect with your people, and sell your creation, but in a way that feels aligned with your natural flow.

Links: Instagram @merakimessaging | Facebook @merakimessaging | Website: www.merakimessaging.com

Ways in which I can support you ~ 

  • SEO-rich, soulful conversion copy for websites, sales funnels, and email marketing. 
  • Copywriting and energetic coaching for holistic business owners and creatives. 
  • Business energetic blueprints to help you create an aligned growth path. 
  • Messaging strategies and brand voice development. 
  • Cleanses and retreats. 

If you are a visionary who is ready to bring her wildest dreams to life, then you are home. This is where you belong.


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If you would like to learn more about what it takes to create an energetically aligned brand story and open your heart to the world of quantum selling, then you are invited to read our blog by clicking here.

You can book a 20-minute strategy session with me ANYTIME (absolutely no strings attached). Let’s dive into your marketing and messaging strategy and map out your next steps in building a radiant and magnetic business!

Click here to book your call anytime!

In this podcast you'll find episodes relating to: brand development; brand strategy; brand energetics; human design; business growth; digital marketing; astrology; blog post ideas; social media captions; email marketing templates; branding and design; website design trends; marketing & Sales Strategies; SEO tips and tricks; social media marketing strategies; sales funnels and automation; personal Branding & Growth.

Just feel like hanging out?

Come say hi to me on Instagram @merakimessaging or take a peek at my website for more information on our website copywriting, sales funnels, business energetics coaching programs (and so much more): https://merakimessaging.com/

Click here to book your free clarity call anytime!

Um, Welcome back to another episode of Quants and Copy Cafe. And in this week's episode, we are doing something a little bit different. I am going to be taking you behind the scenes of my one on one coaching container and in my group coaching container. And I'm going to be sharing a little bit more about a simple six step process that you can use to create a path and a journey towards aligned prosperity for you and your business. Right. And we have called this the business Merkabah because the entire process is very much holistic. It starts at the beginning. It works all the way to the point of prosperity and. The way that I have visualized this entire process is that your business is there as a vessel to pave the way for your dreams, your life, your, the way that you wish to exist in this world, right? As the business owner. And your internal world as the business owner feeds into the health and the wellbeing of your business. So it's a really symbiotic and holistic experience between you and your business. Right. And I just wanted to walk you through this process a little bit today, firstly, because it excites me so much to talk about it. I mean, I've built as an entire portal with all of these resources and it's, it's the one thing that. As I was building it out, I felt so energized and so excited and just so lit up by this incredible journey. It's something that is so different and so sacred, brings the sacred back into the business. And that in 2024 is just so, so valuable. There is so much noise out there at the moment. We all know that there is such an increase in the rise of businesses that are doing similar things to what we are doing, and it can feel a little bit like you're shouting in the crowd. Trying to be heard and just not quite landing it right. And this creates so much pressure for the nervous system to have to deal with. It sends us into a fight or flight and makes us wonder if we're going to get another client, what happens when the contract that we're working on runs out, you know, all these fearful thoughts start to pop up into the head and the brain and in the mind, and I don't want that for you. No one wants that for you, right? I mean, I didn't want that for myself. I don't want that for my clients. I sure as hell do not want that for my community. And that's really where this idea came from. As I started to ask a lot of questions, like, how can I take my 12 years of experience and bring it all into one simple framework that makes sense and gives you the results that you're looking for? And that's another reason why I love this, because, yes, we're talking about Merkabahs and energetics and all these beautiful things, but it's so strategic and it's so grounded and it's so rooted in tangible strategies that actually work. Right, so I'm going to walk you through this concept a little bit today. And if you have any further questions about it, you can just pop me an email, but I'm going to get through as much as I can in the short time that we have together. So the business Merkabah starts off and the whole process is initiated with the pearl. And the pearl is really the idea that presents itself to you if you've read elizabeth gilbert's book big magic, you'll be very familiar with the concept of the realm of ideas right Ideas exist in this realm beyond what we can see and they come to us because they long to be created So ideas choose the creator that they let, so ideas choose the creator that they wish to bring them. So an idea will choose a creator that it wishes to bring itself to life. And oftentimes, if an idea comes to you, it means that idea has chosen you. So that is the start of the process. It's to acknowledge that something has come to you because it longs to be birthed through you. Right. And that in itself is a sacred exchange. It's a honor. To have something come to you and to know that, I mean, I'm just going to talk about it as an idea, but there's an idea trusted you, right? It chose you because of who you are and because of where you are in your journey at that very moment, it didn't choose you for who you're going to be. Once you've taken another course or done another program or, you know, spends another couple of years qualifying yourself until you feel like you're good enough. It chose you because of your vibration in that moment. You were a match. So the first start of that Merkabah is to acknowledge that process and to sit with the idea, get to know it a little bit more, and then if you choose to say yes to it, right? Because that is a responsibility. You are saying yes to something and saying, I, Trust that you have chosen me for a reason. I'm going to do my damnedest and my hardest to bring you to life in the best way possible and because something has come to you, it doesn't mean that you have to know all the answers. It means that you have to bring your expertise to the table and your skills and your creativity and all the things that are sacred and special and unique to you, but part of that process means surrendering. To the wisdom of the ethereal realms where these ideas are held, right? So that is the first step. It's the pearl. It's that idea that unveils itself and calls you in as the creator and the birther. Then the second step is going to be the routing, right? So we are going to be looking at the research side of things. Market research is something that most business owners often shy away from. Right, and I can see why because when you have this most beautiful idea and then you do the research and suddenly you find that the industry is not ready for it, it can feel so disheartening, but the idea here of doing the research is not to say, okay, whether or not you're going to go ahead with this idea or not, it's to fine tune all the details and to see, okay, Based on this idea that's come to me, how does it want to be presented? And what is the industry ready for? And oftentimes when you have an idea that is so new and so innovative and so different, people aren't ready for it because. They don't know what it is. They can't comprehend what it is, right? So then it's your job as the researcher to prime them and to explain what it's like on the other side and what this idea can do for them and the transformation that it can bring about, right? Give them context to work for instead of Give them context to work with instead of just giving them a sheet of yes or no answers. That is the best way to enhance your research, right? And there's so many ways to do the market research, and we dive into this in a lot more detail in the container. But it's one step that just it cannot, cannot, cannot be overlooked, right? So get a sample size together, at least 30 people find out if they are receptive to this, what the price point will be, how to position this idea. And then we can move into the next stage. And that next stage is where we're really focusing on rooting this idea into reality. And it's where all these beautiful concepts and beautiful ideas come together in the form of branding, in the form of copywriting, in the form of website design and development in the form of brand photos, right? It's where everything becomes pretty, right? It's, it starts to manifest itself into reality. It gets its visual identity. It gets its voice. It starts to feel like its own energy. This is the point of the journey where you are molding that idea so that it can be seen by others. Right. And the research obviously speaks very clearly to this point of the journey, because it tells you a lot about the strategy, a lot about how that idea is going to be formatted about how, you know, the coloring will maybe come together, you know, what the graphics will look like, what is the look and feel of the overall brand. This is the point where we start to get really, really, really creative. Then we move into the next phase, which is the visibility phase. So you've got your branding, you've got your copy, you've got your website, you've got all the things that you need, all those beautiful foundations. But now what is the strategy for getting visible? Like what is your marketing plan? Right. And there is such an incredible way to create a magnetic marketing plan that works for you. A lot of the time my clients tell me they don't want to be on social media, right? They don't want to be on instagram posting stories every day or having to do like post up to post for post and they don't want to be replying to DMs and It feels exhausting to them. So then it comes down to creating a strategy that works for them. Is it like a simple visibility strategy where they can not have to show their face anymore, but still be present? Is it something like YouTube or a podcast where they can dive deep, deep, deep into a topic without having to do short snippets of something, you know, it's really getting clear on what works for them as their strategy. You know, even if you look at the basics of human design, what works as a marketing strategy for a projector or a reflector or a manifesting generator, that is going to look completely different, completely, you know, myself as a projector, I cannot do. The same things that a manifesting generator or a generator can do. I don't have that energy. I get tired. I want to go sit in the garden with my feet barefoot and just sink them into the soil. Right. But I do what works for me. And that is where I find myself lit up. So it's really getting clear on what your visibility piece looks like. And in this section of the Merkabah, we dive really deep and get really clear on funnels, sales funnels. Sales funnels are a incredible way to create a marketing plan that. Make sense for you, right? It's trackable. It's based on numbers. It has the end goal in mind. And to create a sales funnel, we always work backwards, backwards, right? We always look at, okay, what is the overall goal on this? How are we going to achieve these goals? How are we going to break it down into manageable chunks? And we work through it quarter by quarter by quarter. And in the coaching containers, we dive into this in so much depth because building funnels, sales funnels takes a lot of muscle. It's such an incredible practice to move through as a business owner because yes, it takes muscle and yes, it's a lot of energy and it's a big process, but once you've built a funnel, it'll just keep working for you day in and day out. There's that really, it cringes when I hear it, but there's that saying of some business owners say, Oh no, their business is making money for them while they're lying on the beach in France, drinking wine or whatever, and good for them if that's what they want to do, you know, but I, I'm a mother, I. When I be spending my time with my daughter and hanging out and writing books, I don't want to be working on my business 24 seven. So having a funnel in place is so important because then yes, your business is, it's continuously growing. It's bringing in leads, it's serving your community. Right. It's such a valuable piece to add to the business. That's a whole podcast episode in itself. Instead, we're going to chat about the next phase of the Merkabah, which is really the trust piece. So now that you're visible, it's time to start building that credibility and that trust. And the simplest way to do this is through reviews and having other people speak up more about your work. What was it like working with you? You know, what was the experience like? What was the transformation? Like, would they recommend you to others? This is the trust piece because a lot of the time business owners don't want, or any, any client really, because a lot of the time clients don't want to go first. Customers don't want to be first. There are not a lot of people in the world that are innovators and path. Makers. I'm going to say, right. A lot of people want to know that something has been tried and tested and someone has gone before them and they've seen results and it's worked. So that is a credibility piece that I'm talking about. And finally, the last piece of the business Merkabah is the prosperity piece. So this is when you've done all the heavy lifting, you've done the pushups, you've done the burpees, and you are now in the state where you are just going to be, this is less about doing and more about being and receiving. And this is the phase where you're measuring the data. You're seeing what worked, what didn't work, you know, what can you tweak, what can you not tweak and really getting clear on how you would do things differently moving forward. And it's also the stage of the journey where you are receiving, right. But it's also, I'm going to say this, and this is one very important thing. Prosperity is not only about receiving finances, prosperity can be about receiving fulfillment and feeling lit up and feeling like you've served some, some sort of purpose in the world, right? There are different ways in which the prosperity piece presents itself to you, but the entire Merkaba. Comes together to fuel and to create a beautiful, beautiful life for the CEO or the founder who stands at the center. And once the end part of the Merkabah is complete, it spirals back to the beginning with the idea. The idea could be an idea for a project or a new offer, service offer or a new product suite or anything that you want to create. Any idea, any business, any offer, if it moves through this entire holistic process and everything feels aligned and every step is done with integrity. The path to prosperity is there, it is set, it is yours, call it in, right? Business doesn't need to be hard. It doesn't need to feel difficult and it doesn't need to feel like you waiting through mud and having to try all the things and throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping it'll stick and hoping that, you know, you can follow every trend or every recommendation on Instagram. Think that that's going to work for you. That is not a solid strategy. It's about really tuning in and figuring out what works for you and your unique energetic type. So if you would like to find out more about this process and how this process is ultimately what leads to a brand that is just simply iridescent in every way, please drop me a mail. And even if you just want to say hi, and you want to say, Hey. This is what I think of the podcast. I would love to hear from you. It would be so amazing. I love meeting new people and I get so many emails through this podcast and it's just, yeah, really just lights up my soul to meet with all the different business owners that are at different stages of their journey. So come say hi or visit me on Instagram. It would be really great to connect. And if I don't chat to you before then I will see you next week and just have a beautiful, iridescent, sparkly, vibrant week. Whispers in my head What you gonna do?