Quantum Copy Cafe
A soulful business podcast for wellness brands, coaches and creatives who are ready to unveil their authentic brand story and embody their highest potential.
In this space Lira provides a beautiful balance between the tangible marketing, messaging and sales guidance that is needed to run a profitable business, and the embodiment, activation and soul pieces that are needed to build a sustainable business that nourishes the soul.
These are the codes and guidance that you need to unlock your true purpose and prosperity.
This is the space for the Grand Emergence of your Sacred Service and Sacred Story.
Quantum Copy Cafe
34: July Energy update + which of the two energies you are in
Drop us a message & let us know what's unfolding within your business
The art of selling digital products online and innovative business marketing starts with knowing what's going on around you...
... and this month there are a LOT of exciting things unfolding.
There are currently two very powerful energies settling into the planet this month and in this episode, we dive into both of them and how they affect your brand messaging and business marketing. Chances are, you are in one of these two energies (if not fluctuating between them both) and knowing how to navigate them will serve as a powerful tool as you continue to grow your business, market your services and book out.
Take a listen and let me know which one is coming up for you and how you are navigating it.
Just feel like hanging out?
Come say hi to me on Instagram @merakimessaging or take a peek at my website for more information on our website copywriting, sales funnels, business energetics coaching programs (and so much more): https://merakimessaging.com/
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There are two really powerful energies that are circulating and settling into the planet at the moment. And chances are you are in one of these two energies. So today I thought why not celebrate because I love diving into the energetics of what's happening around us. By looking into how these energies are showing up within your business and how they are affecting your messaging and your marketing. Welcome to Quantum Copy Cafe, the messaging and marketing podcast with a bit of energetic flair. If you are ready to ramp up your messaging and start telling a story that feels raw, organic and embodied, then you are in the right place. Hey, I'm Lyra, also known as Kerry. Five years ago, I walked out of a traumatic separation to start my own business. I desired the freedom and independence to manage my time. And since then I've risen from strength to strength, from wife to mother, to profitable business owner. I've seen firsthand what it takes to scale your business to seven figures, even as a solopreneur. It is my passion and purpose to help you create a brand that feels natural and in line with your life and your dreams. I'm I'm here to help you make more money with your story, without compromising on sole. Because your business has its own energetic blueprint, and its own way of showing up in the world. It is encoded to be different, and I'm here to show you how. Hello, welcome back to quantum copy cafe. Today we are diving into something that is a bit more current. Um, it's something that is unfolding on the planet at the moment, and that is two very different and very sacred and beautiful energies that are. Settling into our collective consciousness and chances are, you are probably going to be in one of these two energies. These energies are, I'm going to say present most of the time, but at the moment they are very, very strong. A couple of weeks ago, there was, um, the gene keys pulse was all about the energy and the essence of stillness, which is actually one of the pulses. And then you're going to get. The other one, which is going to be a lot more like energized, a lot more of that creative energy. So to start with, because we're going to take a look at the two energies, which one you're in and how this affects your messaging and your marketing. So, to be clear, these are the two, the first one. Is the energy of stillness, the energy of cocooning, the energy of metamorphosis, transformation, and just that pulling into yourself and being present with yourself. Okay. So that's the first one. Then you have the second one, which is a lot more intense. It's fiery. It's energetic. It is that creative energy. That's Well, you just feel inspired, right? To create new things, you're building things you are, there's a lot more coming through you that you are expressing into the world. And we're going to take a look at the first one, which is the cocoon energy and take a look at how this is affecting messaging, marketing, and your practice in business. And then we're going to look at the other one and yet dive deeper into comparing the two and just how to settle into the one that you are currently in without feeling. The urgency or the guilt or the sense to try and push yourself into the other. Okay. So the first energy is she of cocooning, right? And that is very much that feeling of you're in a little bubble, right? You know, that there are big, big changes for you on the horizon in some way or another. It might be an identity shift. It might be a change within your brand message. It might be a change within your marketing. It might be a complete tearing things down to the roots and building them up again. It might be slight tweaks that you feel are coming, but you know, There is a sense that there is a big change that is coming and it's approaching, but in order to step into this change and into this transformation fully, it's so important to be with whatever is coming up for you to be with the process, to be with the silence and the stillness and not feel the need to go, go, go and bold, bold, bold, and do more. And I know that sometimes when we're in a business and we're running a business and that business is on social media, we might feel that very intense guilt. Right at settling into stillness and not doing more. We see day in and day out how people are building stuff on social media. They're doing the next best thing. They're launching another course. They're doing another program, another membership. They're doing all the things. And when. We suddenly enter into the energy of a cocoon or the energy of stillness. It can bring about that sense of, I don't want to say FOMO, but it kind of feels like FOMO and guilt, like, Oh my gosh, if I'm not doing this and if I'm not, you know, doing more and building more and being more, then I'm going to miss out, I'm going to miss out on clients. I'm going to miss out on customers. I'm going to miss out on profits. And the truth of the matter is sometimes they can be a lot more Speed in your business, a lot more unfolding, a lot more miracles and blessings and things that are coming to you out of the space of quiet, right? Because then we're not forcing it. We're not running around like a hamster on a wheel, trying to make things work. We're coming from a really embodied space. And in order to honor a transformation process that is approaching, you need to be able to settle into. The stone is, and to be with whatever's coming up for you. And sometimes that feels a little bit icky. Sometimes it feels like a resurfacing of pain. Sometimes there's an old wound that comes to the surface. Sometimes it's an old trauma or an old memory or a thought limitation or a blockage or something that you thought that you'd worked through and it just rears its head a little bit to say, Hey, I'm here, you know, hi. And. There's nothing to do. There's nothing to change. There's just this, this feeling and knowing that you need to just be with and watch and witness and observe whatever is coming up for you. Right? And so when you are in this mode within life and within business, do not feel like you need to be doing the most right. You don't need to go into, I'm going to send out five emails this week and I'm going to have, you know, Five social media posts, and I'm going to launch five, two podcasts and, you know, a YouTube issue episode and all the things this is when your business really goes into maintenance mode, right? You don't need to feel guilty. If you don't have ideas for content creation, you don't need to feel guilty. If you don't have ideas for blog posts, or, you know, if you don't have any thoughts or any energy inside of you to actually put together a marketing strategy. This is the time where if you can, and if you can afford it, and I know not everyone is in this place, but this is a time when it's really great to outsource as much as you can. So to outsource your social media management, maybe blog writing, um, maybe any marketing content, anything that you can do to clear your plate. Just so you can be with whatever is coming up for you while still remaining present with your clients or your customers or whatever you need to do on a daily basis to be of service. Okay. Because that is the part of the business that is still nourishing. Right. But all the other things like you don't want to feel like you're bombarded with having to do it all. So this is a time when it's really important to lean on support as much as you can, and just be with. The process and just see how it unfolds. You know, the cocoon can happen. It can unfold within a month. It can unfold within a few weeks. It can unfold within a day. It can be a few months. It's up to you, but if you're not with it and you keep ignoring it and you keep trying to force and pressure yourself to do more within your business, especially comes to your marketing and your messaging, everything that you put out there is just going to feel. Unaligned, right? Because when you're in the cocoon, it's kind of like you're in this no man's land. You aren't you were, but you aren't who you're going to be. So you're in this in between channel where if you put content out there just for the sake of putting content out there, it might feel a little bit like more inauthentic than usual might feel like it's not quite you or it's, you know, it's just doesn't feel right. It's like a shoe that doesn't fit and chances are, this is going to reflect in your conversions because. When you put something out there that is a hundred percent you, it's your energy, it's your soul infused into your work. People feel that there is a vibration in that there is an energetic in that, you know, they can feel words that are totally in alignment with you and your energy and your pulse of being and words that are just there for the sake of being. All right. So if you are in the cocoon and you don't have like, you know, thought leadership content that is coming to you or, you know, content that just feels like really authentic, try and repurpose some of the content that you aligned with and that you felt was completely you that you maybe put out there months ago, years ago. Doesn't matter repurpose content, maybe put, put together a few more posts that are more how to based. So, um, you know, if you're a brand designer, it could be something of like, you know, how to create really high compelling or high converting, um, the Instagram designs using Canva, right. It's something that you don't have to put your soul into. But it's something that your customers and your clients can use. It's really helpful. And I know that that content is not always like the most exciting and the most inspiring, but it's content that is going to keep on serving while you are in your process of figuring out what is coming up for you. Okay. So that's the first thing is like no pressure. Just let it be. Then we have the second energy at the moment, which is the high energy creator energy that is surging through. And some of you might be experiencing this where you just feel so energized to be able to create. And this creation could come through and like a new course or a new membership or really inspiring marketing content, or you could be tweaking your message, or you could be playing with your message and one minute, you know, you're saying things in one way, and then you're testing and you're saying things in a different way, measuring the data to see, you know, which one gets a better response, you could be shifting things, you could be changing things. It's a very fast paced energy and the great thing about having this energy on the planet and being within this energy at the moment is that you don't have to do as much because that energy is near it's not naturally shifting through you, right? So, It's not like you're forcing the doing it's just happening organically. So if you are in this energy, be with it and see what you desire to create, see what desires you to create it. What wants, what, like what wants to flow through you. All right. So this is really a space about just allowing yourself to be a channel and seeing where things land. It's a space to play and experiments and try new things in your business and just take a risk and see how things land with potential clients, how they feel within your body. Do they feel natural? Do they feel organic? Do they feel in aligned? This is really a space for you to get to know yourself. But in a, I'm going to say like a, just a more fiery kind of way. Like you're not cocooning. You are out there. You're experimenting, you're doing right. So these two energies, the one is very much about being no one is very much about doing, and I want to emphasize that neither of these energies. All right, and neither is wrong. And what I've often seen time and time again, where we trip ourselves up is that those of us who are meant to be cocooning, look at those that are energized and we feel guilty because we're not carrying the same energy. And then those of us that are energized and creating, we look at those that are cocooning and we feel a sense of guilt because maybe we should be resting. Maybe we shouldn't be doing too much. Maybe we should have some white space around us. And before we know it, we're so busy comparing. And feeling that sense of guilt and that sense of, you know, what we're doing is actually not right for us that we discard our process completely and try and force the other. And that is just not healthy in so, so, so many ways. So no matter which energy you are in, I would really love to encourage you to just be with it, whether you're in the summer, whether you're in the winter, know that we are going to continuously move through these cycles of summer and winter. And once again, neither is wrong, neither is right. But Hold space for whichever one you are in, give thanks to it, give gratitude and allow that energy to take space within your business and within your messaging and your marketing and learn how to dance with your business and allow for these fluctuations to happen. Because, like I mentioned, these energies are very strong at the moment, but they are always there. They are always present. And it doesn't mean that just because you are in one energy, that is like your energy, right? You could be cocooning during one day or one week, and then the next week you suddenly spin out into an energetic energy because you've been through the cocoon and you've been through the metamorphosis and you suddenly know what you want to create and how you want to create it. And vice versa, you could be busy creating and putting things out there. And then you realize, Oh my gosh, this is like, this is not me. I don't know what this is or whatever the case is, but I feel like I need to cocoon. I need to dive deeper and feel into who is me. You know, it can unfold in so many different ways. And this is a sacred dance of being aware of energy in business. And I'd really love to inspire you to just pay attention. To what you're going through over the next few weeks, right? What is coming up for you? What are you feeling? How are you feeling it? How is it moving through your body, through your field, through your business and know that. It's such a beautiful gift to be able to take a look at these things to dive deeper and to really allow the process to unfold. Because when you are putting a message, whether it's a brand story, whether you have your brand voice, um, and even your marketing content, when it is all aligned with who you are as a person, and remember you, who you are as a person is going to be shifting on a daily basis. That is when. You can quantum leap your business. That is when you can magnetize the most incredible clients. That is when your business starts to prosper because it's just you unfolding into the world. You are in service in some way or another, and it's a vibration that you're putting out there. And it's a vibration that people feel very deeply. So. Be with whatever is coming up for you and allow the truth of your message and who you are and how you want to say things and how you want to move in the world. Allow that to present itself and to take presence and residence within your business and your brand. And ultimately I can promise you this is one of the best gifts. You could ever give yourself and your business. So until next week, have fun playing. Let me know which one of these energies you are in, how it's showing up for you. I would love to have these conversations. They light me up to no end. So please do connect on Instagram, send me an email. Let me know how this podcast resounded with you. And I cannot wait to hear what is unfolding in your world. I love you. Whispers in my head What you gonna do?